It's clear Kenneth Cole doesn't give a crap about what pundits, the media or his customers think about his attempts to leverage major news events to his brand's advantage. Just today, after having been lambasted for a tweet about Cairo (and plenty of other similarly stupid tweets), Cole, who runs his own Twitter account, tweeted, "Boots on the ground" or not. Let's not forget sandals, pumps and loafers. #Footwear"
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Oh it had to come to this, didn't it? Santa Monica-based RPA has created The Listening Cloud, an actual cloud of sorts that lives in its lobby, monitors social media around the agency's clients and reflects it through changing colors and weather patterns.
It's like an old-school lava lamp except it's powered by the internet instead of, well, instead of the LSD-addled minds of its 1960's-era developers.
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Haven't we all seen enough movies, TV shows and other forms of entertainment that take steps, often extreme and comical ones (think stuffed animals standing in for real ones), to insure we never, ever, under any circumstances whatsoever, have to bear witness to animal cruelty -- even the most innocuous -- in any of the content we consume?
Whether or not one feels this is a bit of overkill is really irrelevant, the cause groups and their public have spoken. No harm -- even of the fake variety -- shall come to animals.
So it's really no surprise running shoe brand Pearl Izumi is catching heat for an ad if created which shows a dog that has just suffered a heart attack while on a run with its owner being given CPR.
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When President Barack Obama arrived in Stockholm on Wednesday, he was greeted with large, red boards offering a cheap last-minute trip to Moscow. It was the Swedish travel agency Ticket giving Obama a chance to change his mind. For just $196, Ticket offered Obama the chance to fly to Russia to speak with President Vladimir Putin and have the bilateral talk the Americans cancelled a few weeks ago.
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As beer ads go, they usually fall into one of two camps; guys acting stupid/drooling over hot women or guys getting all macho with one another. This BBDO New York-created commercial falls into the latter category but ups the anti with a twist ending that cements what true friendship really is. It's wonderful work.
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Now that everything's online and it's like the offline world doesn't exist any longer, marketers spend an enormous amount of time thinking about how to promote their goods and services online. Websites are designed and created, blogs are authored, Facebook pages are crafted and tweets are sent. However, marketers can't site behind a screen forever (well, maybe they can but we hope it doesn't come to that) and there comes a time when they need to meet their potential customers and investors face-to-face.
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With a video that would appear to be announcing the coming of a new age God, Yahoo! unveiled their new logo today at 12AM. The new logo keeps the signature purple along with the exclamation point. The biggest difference, aside from the creation of a proprietary new font, is the increasing size of the "O" letters leading up to the large exclamation point which visually aligns with the brand's yodel.
Of the new logo, Yahoo! CMO Kathy Savitt said last night,"We're excited to share the new Yahoo logo with you. It will begin appearing across Yahoo properties globally tonight. We wanted a logo that stayed true to our roots yet embraced the evolution of our products."
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In a series of five new Red Urban-created ads for Volkswagen Canada, we are shown just how awesome the Golf GTD's acceleration is and how that acceleration can have sometimes good and sometimes bad effects on its passengers.
So, you have been warned. Be very, very careful the next time you get into your Golf GTD.
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Thankfully not every country has laws like we do in America that make it near impossible for marketers to carry out stellar stunts like LG just did in Chile. The electronics brand placed a TV behind an interviewers desk so that it appeared to be a window. Applicants entered. The interview began. And then all hell breaks loose!
Pretty awesome if you ask us. The video, uploaded September 2, is nearing 500,000 views on YouTube.
This is not the first time LG has scared the crap out of people to sell a few flat screen TVs. Last October, they freaked out elevator riders by digitally dropping the floor out from under them. That video has garnered close to 20 million views. Will this latest video top that?
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OMG! Seriously? Already? Yes, it's true. Summer is over and the holidays are on the way. Though the holidays may seem far away, many of you have already started your holiday marketing plans. Whether your planning has kicked off or you haven't even started, there are several things you should do to make sure this season is stellar. Making significant changes to your program during the holidays can be difficult and chaotic.
But this Bronto whitepaper entitled Top 12 Marketing Tips for the Holidays, part of the Adrants whitepaper series, will give you the motivation and the wherewithall to bid the beach adieu and get to the task of kicking your marketing into gear for the holidays.
Download the whitepaper now to insure yor brand is ready for the Holiday rush.