How Mobile, Tablets Will Fuel Super Bowl Social Media Activity


An infographic from mobile ad network Mojiva details the planned behaviors of mobile and tablet users during the Super Bowl. Overall, smartphones will remain a primary mechanism of social activities during this year's game,Here are some key findings from the research:

- 9% of tablet owners plan to use their device during the game, while 56% of smartphone users intend to engage on theirs.

- 45% say they use their smartphone during the game to post updates to their social networks, while 58% say they discuss the game through text, IM or email.

- Texting (26%), Posting to social networks (21%) and Talking (20%) are the leading smartphone activities during the Super Bowl.

- More then half (54%) of respondents say the Super Bowl has impact on how they feel about a brand.

- At 59%, entertaining mobile ads takes the lead over more relevant (13%) or sponsorship (15%) ads that are displayed.

by Steve Hall    Dec-13-12   Click to Comment   
Topic: Mobile/Wireless, Research, Social, Super Bowl 2013   
