Twitter, Sex, Books, TED, JWT, MySpace in the News
- An infographic of Twitter's history.
- Check out this PSA for sexual harassment. It will make you think.
- New book offers three secrets to "going guerrilla" with marketing.
- The parents of Morgan Dana Harrington, the girl who was killed at a Metallica concert in 2009, are out with an ad campaign that hopes to find the killer and urge young women to be cautious.
- TED has opened its call for this year's Ads Worth Spreading.
- Last night, JWT's Jam With Toast won the Say Media Battle of the Bands at the Highline Ballroom. Boy do we miss More Fucking Cowbell.
- Funny. MySpace is trying to resurrect itself but, sadly, all it could muster during Advertising Week was a screen that fell during its Amp's Up party Monday night.