This contributed article is authored by Kirk Davis, EVP and Co-Founder of Liquidus, a solution which connects with a marketers database and places relevant information in online banners in real time.
For consumers who use smartphones or tablets to manage more and more of their daily lives, they expect a certain level of interaction. Images and content are expected to be dynamic and can be expanded or manipulated at will. This desire contrasts sharply to the model of online advertising that remains a flat and static image combined with text. Interactive online ads are a dynamic alternative that are improving in quality at a rapid pace, moving towards custom-produced commercials that give consumers access to the right product in less time.
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No one likes their stuff mistreated. Not their produce. Not their luggage. Not their construction materials. And certainly not their print work. Which is the message of this print campaign for Brazilian printing company MAIS. Created by Sao Paulo agency Mohallem/Artplan, the campaign envisions print work being tossed around as if it were carelessly handled produce, luggage and construction materials.
The produce and construction material version are here and here.
A new MossWarner-created print campaign from digital security firm Beyond Trust features a cast of evil-doers and aims to call attention to one of the biggest and often overlooked security threats; your fellow employees.
The strategy places a face on the seemingly trustworthy employee who, often times have access to a company's most valuable data, could in fact wreak digital havoc. Three types of internal threat are portrayed: the disgruntled employee, intent on doing harm; the well-intentioned, accidental security breach; and the hacker whose stolen employee identity lets her appear to the system as an insider.
The campaign targets IT administrators, compliance auditors and CIO/CSOs at Global 2000 companies with compliance and security requirements. It breaks in August issues of digital security trade publications such as CSO and SC. Online and direct will support print.
We particularly like some of the campaign's headlines which include, "Network Manager. Server Czar. Duke of Disaster" and "Office Administrator. Desktop Diva. Oops Opportunist" which, likely, unwittingly portrays the office manager as a blithering idiot.
See the other two ads in the campaign here and here.
Last summer during Affiliate Summit in New York during a session given by Jeremy Shoemaker we learned Facebook ads that feature boobs and cleavage improve response rates by 61 percent. While we weren't at all surprised at that finding, we are very surprised at this latest Facebook ad response finding from Red Square Agency.
The agency ran several ads on Facebook touting the usual stuff agencies do. Then, as an experiment, they ran an ad that featured a cat named Cous Cous. The ad read, "This ad features a cat. It has nothing to do with Red Square Agency, but we hope you'll click on it anyway." People did. 78 percent more than they did the "regular"ads.
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U.S. Department of Energy and the Ad Council have launched a new education campaign to educate consumers on how to save money on utility bills. The pro bono campaign, created by GSD&M are designed to help consumers save money on their energy bills by doing things such as sealing leaks in their homes and using energy efficient products.
One spot informs viewers wasting energy is like throwing away everything you could have bought with the money you spent on that wasted energy. Another spot points out how traditional light bulbs generate nine times more heat than light - enough, apparently, to cook a chicken.
The campaign directs people to where information can be found on how to cut energy use.
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