Laundered and Orphaned Sock Society Solves Lost Sock Mystery


The spin cycle of sadness. All we are saying is give socks a chance. I'm the Johnny Appleseed of missing socks. They're like sweaters on your feet. Kumbaya, my socks. If we're not careful, there's going to be a sockpocalypse.

As a follow up to its clever debut video, LBi has launched its second Sock Loss video for GE. The new PSA is for L.O.S.S. (Laundered and Orphaned Sock Society), continue to explore the mystery behind loss socks and why there always seems to be one missing.

The new video directs people to the L.O.S.S. website where they can learn how to save their socks from experts at the GE Center for Advanced Laundry Studies and create a missing socks flyer to enter a sweepstakes for a new GE washer and dryer. The campaign also includes a news feed, social media efforts via GE Appliances' channels on Facebook and Twitter as well as a 1-855-SOCK-MIA hotline.

Obviously the whole effort is aimed at getting people to buy a new washer and dryer but the path to that decision has been made entertaining and amusing by focusing on something we are all agonizingly familiar with: the loss of socks during the laundry process. We like.

by Steve Hall    Mar-23-11   Click to Comment   
Topic: Good, Online, Social, Strange, Video   
