Microsoft Sends Girl Across Globe to Meet All Her 'Friends'


Microsoft's out with a new campaign to tout two new phones, Kin One and Kin Two. And it's doing it by sending a girl named Rosa on a trip across the globe to meet her social network in person. All 824 of them. From an old boyfriend to a flirt that's really not a friend at all to celebu-friends, Rosa will find out who her true friends are and perhaps once and for all end the silliness of collecting "friends" online just to have more than everyone else. Like it was some sort of currency.

Follow it all on Facebook.

Beginning today, the campaign will release two new episodes a week for the next 8 weeks until May 3, at which point TV and cinema ads will debut...and the Kin will be released.

by Steve Hall    Apr-13-10   Click to Comment   
Topic: Brands, Promotions, Social   
