Keystone Skank Defended


A skank? A skank? How dare you skankify the lovely Kiki whose only crime was to be born hot. We think it's fine to trash the idiotic behavior that finds its way into commercials but to pick on a sweet, innocent young lady just to score some points with the God of Snark? For shame! For Shame!

What the hell she was doing up in a tree we have no idea but that doesn't give you the right to pummel the poor child with vitriolic barbs! And why Keystone's Keith Stone thinks it's OK to actually say, "What's the dealio?" is beyond us but to even mention him in the same sentence as the far more suave Most Interesting Man is a travesty. It's like comparing Busch beer to Oban scotch!

Good God, AdFreak. It's almost as if you drank some AgencySpy for breakfast!

by Steve Hall    Apr-15-10   Click to Comment   
Topic: Opinion   
