DirecTV Takes Priority Over Machinations of Alien Royalty


On a mission to benignly molest any and all Sci-Fi classics we may have placed on the altars of our souls, DirecTV tears into the scene in Aliens where Ripley fights the alien queen.

In this appropriation she's really peeved because the queen won't leave her in peace to watch her DirecTV.

Nice touch with Sigourney Weaver who, according to Adfreak, joins William Shatner, Pamela Anderson and Charlie Sheen in the annals of DirecTV's illustrious ad history.

Post Kill Bill, Daryl Hannah doesn't seem to be doing much, so who wants to bet a cookie that the next ad is a Bladerunner nab?

Written by Angela Natividad    Comments (1)     File: Celebrity, Commercials, Online, Television     Jul-24-07  
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Please make them stop. Use of excessive force is approved.

Posted by: Step Schwarz on July 24, 2007 09:44 AM

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