Hey, wait a minute Ad Age. We did our survey first and it was a split decision. Oh wait. You have all those old, conservative readers and we have all the cool new kids. Now we get why the survey results differed. It seems Adrants readers enjoy working with Julie Roehm-ish drama more than Advertising Age readers. Eighty one percent of Advertising Age readers feel Wal-mart made the right move in firing Julie Roehm. What's that they say about research? Oh wait, we don't want to nullify out own survey results now do we?
For Zvue, makers of handheld whatever-the-fucks, indy SF-based agency BuderEngel and Friends throw together a hopeful viral called Feet for Hands. They warned us first that there wasn't much cash in the deal but no amount of money can compensate us for the embarrassment we suffered having to sit through this story of a man with boots for hands dancing to "Look Out Weekend."
Of course the agency says it's doing well so what do we know? - Contributed by Angela Natividad
In case the U.K. serial killer who strips prostitutes of their clothing but leaves their jewelery behind was ever in need of some jewelery, John Christian Jewelers is right there to help. In fact, they're right there in the middle of a Guardian article about the murders so if he's reading his own press, John Christian Jewelers has made a great ad placement. Oh wait. They didn't have anything to do with it. It's just a bunch of pre-programed, contextually-motivated ad servers which are incapable of rendering any semblance of common sense. Click here to see the full story with the ad
In Sydney, to celebrate Christmas, MTV got a crowd of restless people to litter...oh wait...tag the side of a building with 2,000 magnetic LED lights. They turned the whole thing into a video as only MTV can. Looks like it was fun. Not sure though. Though we do wonder what is was like for the people, if any, living in the building to be pelted by 2,000 magnets.
Agency T3 wishes us a "happy doggone New Year" on pup-friendly holiday cards with corny wordplay along the lines of "click here for more, dawg." Upon selecting a dog you see a little video and are invited, among other things, to see its balls.
All in all the cards are all right, no more pointless than dog judo or dogs licking their balls to holiday music. You know, people get really fucking weird about dogs around this time of year. No, they don't even get weird; they get creepy. What's that about? - Contributed by Angela Natividad
COG1 takes a pause from bloodying kittens to deliver What's in Santa's Pants, a confusing, slow-loading site for Fuse TV. Guess what's in the pants of a pervy Santa perched between a contentious elf and a Russian ... hooker? Muse? Cookie-baker? We don't know why she's there aside from making eye candy and strained comic relief. - Contributed by Angela Natividad
Who needs chimes or bells to create Christmas carols when you have beer bottles instead? Yes, Amstel has come up with an inventive promotion that fits perfectly with the holiday season. In New York's Union Square today, a group of carolers delivered holiday tunes by blowing on beer bottles filled to various levels to make the right sounds. Giving something back while selling. Nice.
Givenchy once said something about how elegance can always be found in the simplicity of a straight line. We totally slaughtered that. In any case, we think the philosophy is well-demonstrated in this ad for Pinar by agency Tempus.
The headline reads "Investment for flavour"; the body says, "Pınar, Turkey's 31 yeared flavour brand, is continuing to grow with your investments and add flavour in your meals."
We're not sure what they sell considering the first image we saw on their site was this one, which intensely perplexed us, but we'd probably buy forks from them. - Contributed by Angela Natividad
Hurty Elbow nudges us over to an odd ad for a Mia Hamm interview about the twins in her tummy. The image gave us a somewhat disturbing mental picture of twin knee-sock-wearing socker players kicking like crazy in the leathery interior of their soccer ball mum. "These babies can kick!" says the cheery-as-hell 34-year-old legend.
Weird. But we're fond of Mia because she did those cute "anything you can do I can do better" ads with MJ before he got lame. So congrats on the pair! - Contributed by Angela Natividad
Because actual Amazon-braving, dysentery-getting, foxhole-hovering journalists don't have enough to bitch about already what with crappy pay and self-entitled bloggers, Yahoo! fuels the fire with You Witness News, a beta service that magically converts any kid on the street with a camera phone into a paid member of the photojournalist elite.
The idea has potential considering a guy with a camera phone fully recorded the unfuckingbelievable horrors of that UCLA student tasing incident awhile back. We'll see where it goes. In any event, it'll be fun to watch the sparks fly among the watchdogs of the profession. - Contributed by Angela Natividad