Guinness Brewmasters Open St. Patrick's Day Season


Continuing its "Brilliant" campaign, Guinness has launch a new commercial, called Dance, promoting the St. Patrick's Day season. Yes, it's a season, now, not just a day. In the ad, the famed Brewmaster's dance a rendition of an Irish step dance until it becomes too mch for the floor to withstand and they figure they're better off just drinking a Guinness. The spot kicks off this weekend on cable networks such as ESPN, USA and F/X and continues through St. Patrick's Day March 17.

The "Brilliant' campaign has 11 spots in it so far, each one featuring the goofy but enjoyable-to-watch Guinness Brewmasters. The campiagn and this Cance commercial were created by BBDO New York.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (0)     File: Cable, Campaigns, Commercials, Good     Feb-18-06  
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