This Camel ad sort of screams, "Killing People Since 1913." That's something to be proud of as an advertiser.
UPDATE: While the photo appears to have been removed from the link, you can view it by clicking on the image in this post.
By now you know that, with our overly jaded viewpoint on advertising, we don't usually get very excited about much because we've seen it all before. Well, we're gonna shove that pompous, egoistic nonsense aside for a bit and get REALLY excited about this new holographic ad for Lexus in Times Square. The holograph, at sidewalk level, shows the car zooming back and forth and allows passerby to interact with the vehicle. Apparently, according to this video, it did the trick of grabbing attention. Selling cars is an entirely different matter but for the sake of this effort, it was certainly an attention getter.
The holographic images were all produced by Imaginary Forces in Los Angeles.
Like muffins falling out off a billboard and crushing a car, large red balls are popping up - on crushed cars - to promote Powerball. Flicker user Andy explains, "I took it in the Twin Cities. These two cars (and Powerballs) were on the back of a flatbed truck, being driven somewhere, possibly the MN State Fair, that was going on at the time." Yes, this happened back in September so don't get all pissy on us complaining the story isn't two seconds old.
From Flickr user Sangsara, who shot the image of a cow atop a bus for a flavored milk company, comes this interesting in-bus ad concept. Along the hand rail, small promotional packages for drug company Pfizer are hung. The ads seek clinical research volunteers. While Pfizer surely hopes people grab these hanging ad handles, we sure hope commuters grab the real handles when the bus comes to a stop lest there be a pile of injured, ad-carrying people at the front of the bus. View close up shots here and here.
To attract attention to it line of flavored milk products, Malaysian-based Marigold placed a cow - not a real one - atop a bus in Singapore. Flickr user Sangsara was there to catch the action.
In a less-than-smart effort to offer time shifted video on demand shifted viewing of particular shows, ER, The West Wing, The Tonight Show, NBC, in a deal with Time Warner will offer customers a sort of video on demand service called Start Over. The service, currently testing in South Carolina, allows viewers to begin watching one of the shows at anytime during the regularly broadcast hour as long as they do so before the show ends. Viewing the show after it has ended is not an option. Viewing on a different night is not an option. Skipping the ads is not an option. Why would anyone want this when there's TiVo and DVR cable set top boxes that allow all of the above? Wasted effort.
As they were before, out hot friends in Miami, Crispin Porter + Bogusky have been given a little spoof treatment again, this time riffing on the agency's work for Captain Morgan and that campaign's Wake Up With The King" ad. Funny enough.
Major League Baseball isn't taking too kindly to a new 'Got Milk' commercial which riffs on the leagues recent steroid scandal. The spot shows a player getting pulled from the game "after testing positive for a performance-enhancing substance" only to have a carton of milk found in his locker. MLB Executive VP is not amused, "There is nothing humorous about steroid abuse. I would think that the California Milk Processor Board and their advertising agency would know better regarding an issue that threatens America's youth."
Goodby, Silverstein & Partners Co-Founder Jeff Goodby whose agency created the campaign says Brosnan needs to get a sense of humor, "It's just milk. Believe me, we know parody is based on a serious topic. So we wanted to make sure that it was goofy enough so that people didn't get upset." Touche. See the ads here.
We'd like to make it known that what you read here on Adrants would only be half as good if it weren't for its readers. Over half the stories you see here on Adrants come in the form of tips from those of you that work in or have an avid interest in advertising. We offer a long overdue thanks to each and every one of you. Keeps the tips coming. It makes for a great read.
When we're big and famous and rich, we'll host a huge party and invite you all to celebrate with us this fabulously fun, freakishly fickle, decidedly dynamic, piously pompous, fruitfully fulfilling, edifyingly entertaining, paradoxically perplexing, simplistically simple, delightfully divine industry in which we work.
Latching on the the ad industry latest scandal dujour, ad comic strip site, Words & Pictures, adds their two cents to the crap-storm Neil French stirred up in a recent speech because of comments he made about women, working and giving 100 percent to the job. French was right when he told Ad Age he's suffering "death by blog."