Having worked through and contributed to the insanity of dot com era inspired brand naming, we're pleased to see an end to ridiculously idiotic sounding corporate names created though marathon, caffeine-induced brainstorming sessions supported by lengthy PowerPoint presentations so fluffy, not even the most verbally diarrhetic account manager, skilled in the art of brand puffery, could pass off as strategically sound. Writing in business 2.0, Alex Frankel walks us though how we got to that level of insanity, why naming trends change all the time and why we're back to a more common sense-based approach to naming.
If FlapMedia has its way, we won't be seeing the usual silver silhouetted busty babe, or other such low brow imagery, on mud flaps of passing trucks much longer. FlapMedia has introduced flapvertising and signed Wyoming State Tourism as its first client.
"We thought FlapMedia was a terrific idea and wanted to be the first to put our brand on the road," says Diane Shober, Wyoming state tourism director. "I knew we'd made a good choice when a friend from Chicago told me he'd seen a great ad for Wyoming on the mud flaps of a truck driving down I-55 near I-294." Friend-based media research. That's a new one on us. FlapMedia has, however, done its homework and claimed its medium effective by hiring Harris Interactive which found flapvertising to have the highest recall compared to other forms of out of home media. It's truck flaps are priced under one dollar per thousand.
Like the band geek who lost the girl to the quarterback, Boston Herald Publisher is crying over Boston Globe parent company The New York Times purchase of the METRO, of which Boston METRO is a part, claiming it gives the Boston Globe an illegal circulation advantage.
Not missing a chance to slap broadsheet Boston Globe, Purcell said, "We are intrigued that the Boston Globe has finally recognized the merits of tabloid newspapers, but the fact is this deal is aimed directly at the Herald."
While Purcell might be crying, he has good reason. The combined circulation of the Boston Globe (450,000 daily) and the Boston METRO (180,000) is 39 percent higher than allowed by Justice Department rules.
Globe Publisher Richard Gilman brushes off Purcell saying, "The Metro is a single free newspaper in the Boston media market, which has 18 paid daily newspapers. In addition, there are a considerable number of free weekly newspapers, including the many owned by Herald Media Co."
We love a good 'ol smack down among publishers.
Purely to offset the the roadblock of the female form here on Adrants, we are pleased to announce, as well as provide hunk imagery, People en Espanol has raised its rate base from 425,000 to 450,000 with its February issue making it the number one Hispanic magazine in America. Both its ad pages and newsstand sales are up dramatically. See. We're not completely one-sided.
The AdBumb Newsletter, loved by some, maligned by others, has relaunched with a new design and the hiring of Editor-in-Chief Elizabeth Hines.
Founded in 2001 and with a claimed circulation of 25,000, AdBumb covers new media for publishers and sales organizations. For those who fall into the "maligned by others" category, Hines has, admittedly, made a vast improvement to the quality of the editorial. Though, we're still not to happy about those massive 700 X 700 ads.
Dallas/Fort Worth talk radio station KLIF is manufacturing its own controversy having created a low-budget, terrorism-focused, self-promotional TV spot that area broadcasters then declined to accept. The station is promoting the spot on its website. Tom at The Media Drop suggest KLIF, knowing the spot would likely be banned, should have released the ad through viral channels rather than attempt to place it traditionally. Oddly, KLIF will achieve it's goals anyway as the banning receives media coverage.
Amid visuals of happy family life which quickly shift to images of explosions, a suicide bomber and Osama Bin Laden, the spot's voiceover says, "There are people in this world who want you dead. We need to talk." While being promoted as "banned," The Dallas Morning Herald is reporting Comcast cable will accept an edited version of the spot that removes a baby targeted by a gun sight. Drama in Dallas. More at 11.
Looking more like some kind of elaborate mobile bedpan for geriatrics, and perhaps the reason behind its strange name, IKEA has introduced a new work bench for kids called FartFull. It's either ingenious marketing to bathroom humor-fixated kids or some form of odd Swedish language barrier.
Either masochistically begging for torture or playing a sick joke on the public for its SNL lip synch debacle bashing, Ashlee Simpson, again, proved she's destined for a career that doesn't involve opening her mouth. During last night's Orange Bowl half time show, Simpson did, unfortunately, open her mouth, without the help of backing vocals, to a stunned Miami Pro Player Stadium audience and was handed a very loud chorus of boos as she painfully finished singing.
One viewer writes, "No lip-synching. This time she decided to sing. The performance was horrendous and the tens of thousands of people at the Orange Bowl in Florida consequently booed as loud as they could afterwards. I certainly hope this is the end of this no-talent fraud!" If Simpson isn't smart enough to realize it's time to give it up, perhaps her manager father might now have the balls or, at least, the sympathy to remove her from further public humiliation. Of course, we're sure to hear an endless litany of excuses as to why she couldn't sing properly or perhaps the Simpson clan will come clean and admit sister Jessica's been doing backing vocals for Ashlee all along. Either way, it's time for Joe Simpson to stop pimping Ashlee and go back to being her Dad.
View the painfully horrifying clip here here.
The Delmarva Group has launched CIO Podcast, a daily audio "broadcast" targeted to chief information officers and other information technology professionals. It's what CIO Magazine should have launched but with Podcasting still in nascent development, it's not surprising larger publishers haven't jumped aboard. Podcasts are mp3 audio files delivered via rss which makes it very easy for both publishers to offer content and for people to consume content. Setting up a podcast is very easy and similar to recording a radio program.
Most companies could benefit from having their content available in additional formats and we all know many people find it easier to listen to content as opposed to reading it. Advertisers can sponsor podcasts in a fashion similar to radio sponsorship and advertising. With increased reliance on digital devices such as cell phones, MP3 players and PDAs for content, people will rely less on traditional content channels such as television and radio. Podcasting is a method to stay with these people as they move from the old to the new.
BURST! Media, an ad network, has launched an weblog sub-channel which includes Gawker Media sites Gawker, Wonkette and Defamer as well as the blogs BlueLemur, CelebCourthouse and 2WallsWebzine. Kyocera Wireless is the first advertiser to to use the channel.