The Creativeness and Effectiveness of Rich Media Advertising


Rich media ads are among the most popular ad forms currently used to generate higher revenues and improve customer interaction. Their effectiveness can be widely seen in the fact that over 12.19 billion dollars have been spent on rich media advertising in recent years. Statistics from eMarketer have also shown how, when combined with HTML5 ads, rich media advertising increases CTR by over 267%.

You're probably wondering what rich media is and how you can bring it on board to improve your marketing efforts. Well, you're at the right place! Today, we will cover everything you need to know about rich media ads and how they improve the creativity and effectiveness of your digital marketing strategies.

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by Steve Hall    Jul-27-21    
Topic: Online

Top 5 Customer Experience Marketing Strategies to Boost Customer Loyalty


Are you struggling to improve customer loyalty?

If so then this article is going to discuss five strategies to increase customer loyalty and retention.

So without further ado, let's dive in.

Customer loyalty is more important for any kind and size of business. Loyal customers are more likely to recommend your business to other customers.

Besides, loyal customers spend up to 67% more than new ones. Plus gaining new customers is 10X more costly than retaining the existing ones.

If you're looking for ways to increase customer loyalty, then we're going to teach you some practical strategies that will help you achieve that.

But before that, let's understand a few things first.

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by Steve Hall    Jul-27-21    
Topic: Brands