Handy Tips to Get Traffic to Your Website


When it comes to developing your online business, rising your website's traffic can help to boost its popularity and thus increase the number of visits speeding up the site's move to the top of the search ranks.

However, the major stumbling point here is how to get that so badly needed traffic to your website. And since there are tons of different options existing these days, it is somewhat complicated to not get lost and pick up the ones that work best. Fortunately, we have highlighted ten strategies that will surely attract traffic to your site better than others.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-31-21    
Topic: Online

Perfect Headline Formula: How To Write Clickable Title?


Writing clickable headlines is not an easy feat. Sure, you could be writing good titles that work to an extent, but to create the best headlines for your content, you will need to use a variety of different techniques in meaningful and powerful ways. Hence, here's how to write clickable titles that work.

#1 Educate Through Headlines

First and foremost, you need to educate your audience through your headlines. Of course, most of the educational process will take place already within the article or blog post itself, but you can still start the process with the headline. Include some kind of fact or a short snippet of relevant and valuable information into your title to do this.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-31-21    
Topic: Publishing

Marketing Tips to Grow your Instagram Account


Over the past few years, the marketing landscape has changed dramatically. We have gone from advertising on the radio, television and billboards; to banner advertisements on websites; to now using social media platforms as the most effective way of marketing business. The determining factor of a successful business today, is the amount of followers they have on their social media accounts. If you want your business to grow and thrive today, you need to increase your follower count. Here are a few steps for you to follow if you are in need of some help to grow your Instagram account and get started with your social media marketing.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-29-21    
Topic: Social