Oh boobs. The amount of attention and debate paid to this female body part probably fills up half the internet. And now we're going to contribute even further to to the database of boobs.
A mobile billboard created by Sarafan Advertising designed to promote the effectiveness of, um, mobile billboards featured a pair of naked breasts cupped by a woman's hands with a transparent band of green over the nipple area. A headline read, "They Attract."
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You've gotta love press releases that scream "first ever!" But they are a nice kick in the butt to get off one's ass and do a little journalistic research. So who's screaming "first ever"? Erwin Penland is in relationship to new work it's doing for Denny's.
Billed as the "first-ever web series," the animated/claymation work features -- in its first outing called Breakfast Clubbin' -- breakfast characters debating the merits of a pancake who is trying to gain entrance to an exclusive nightclub. He's being denied by Bacon and Sausage who say to Pancake, "As soon as you slathered yourself with whipped cream and chocolate, you became a desert. There's no desert with breakfast"
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Who knew? Apparently travel agencies do still exist. If you aren't one of the almost 1 million people who have viewed this so-bad-it's-so-good long form ad from Thorne Travel Agency then you need to stop what you are doing this very moment and watch. No, seriously. Drop everything you are doing right now and give this video a watch.
It's cringe-worthy awesomeness is beyond reproach. You can just see that it was done without the least bit of irony which, of course, is why it's so horrifically good! And it's one of those things that upon first view you're reaction is, "Oh this is totally a joke!" But, no. It's a real thing.
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