We conducted an informal survey with our native advertising clients at MGID and found that 100% of our advertisers say that "publisher's quality" is the most important component for effective native advertising.
Another study by Hexagram conducted about the state of native advertising among publishers, advertisers, brands & agencies, found that 84% of publishers thought that native advertising adds value for consumers. Results of the same research state that 62% of publishers are currently offering native advertising opportunities for advertisers.
So, how to get the ripe fruit of native advertising, which is not always "low hanging?" In our experience with thousands of successful campaigns for publishers worldwide we recommend the top seven hardest working strategies for publishers that will yield effective native advertising.
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This is awesome. If you've ever tried to cook while accessing a recipe on your smartphone, you know how messy things can get. Well the makers of Olivari Olive Oil have developed a brilliant solution to that problem.
The brand is out with a new app, the Olivari Oil Audio Cookbook, which allows you to proceeds through a recipe with voice commands and hear the next step with audio playback.
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In a new Under Armor ad, despite being told she should stick to modeling or she's too skinny or she's nothing special or she's fake, Gisele Bundchen, in boxer training gear, defies all odds and kicks the crap out of a punching bag while detractors' (and supporters') tweets are projected on the walls around her.
The ad, which follows a similar one created with Misty Copeland, breaks today and was created by Droga5.
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A few weeks ago, a friend of mine received an email from HSBC Bank informing him that as a platinum cardholder, he was entitled to "fabulous wedding offers." From the banquet, gown and jewelry to photo packages and honeymoon travel, his wedding bases were covered. It might have been nice if he weren't married with two young kids - details that were stated clearly on his HSBC profile.
This is one of many innocent but avoidable blunders we encounter in the digital age. As marketers try to conquer every 'touch point', many risk diluting the personal, human touch of commerce. Despite covering QR codes, email, mobile, social, web, events, webinars, etc. all at once, marketers continue to provide a unichannel experience in a multichannel world.
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Publicis Canada, working for Toronto's Livegreen Initiative, created a quite brilliant transit campaign which delivered litterbug shamming messages using product packaging. For example, a bag of Lays potato chips was combined with Crazy Glue packaging to form "Lazy." A package of Reeces Pieces was combined with a bottle of Gatorage to form "Pig." Sweet and Low packaging was combined with Lifesavers to form "Lowlife." All the messages were signed off with "Littering says a lot about you.
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