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Letter Writing Campaign Touts International Human Rights Day


December 10 is International Human Rights Day. Thousands of Amnesty International supporters in Canada and around the world are being asked to write letters to people held in captivity over their beliefs. This ad, created by Agency59, hopes to cal attention to the situation. Though we had to ask its meaning before we completely understood.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 9-11    
Topic: Cause

VW's 'The Force' Tops 2011 Global Social Video Ads Chart


Today, Unruly, in partnership with Mashable, has released its list of the top twenty social video ads of 2011. Topping the list is the famed Volkswagen The Force ad which debuted earlier this year during the Super Bowl. The commercial, created by LA agency Deutsch, is the most shared branded video with 4.71 million social media shares and 46.05 million views since its online release February 2. Other brands appearing in the top 20 include T-Mobile, Kia, Nissan, Nestle, Carlsberg and Pepsi.

Check out the full list below

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 9-11    
Topic: Commercials, Social, Video

VML Shares Joy With Toys For Tots Sharing Campaign


Some holiday cheer from Kansas City's VML. The agency put together a promotion called What's Worth Sharing that will donate $1 to Toys for Tots each time the promotional video is shared. Give it a watch. And get into the spirit of giving.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 9-11    
Topic: Agencies, Cause, Social

Dockers Packaged Like Whiskey


To introduce a new line of Dockers, Draftfcb San Francisco shipped 600 online customers three pairs of new khakis in containers resembling scotch or whiskey packaging. The new khakis come in three different finishes - one-year Scraped, five-year Dirty and 10-year Destroyed

"Dockers 'Wear The Pants' Campaign is all about masculinity and there's nothing more inherently masculine than a bottle of aged whiskey," said Julie Scelzo, SVP, group creative director of Draftfcb San Francisco. "The idea came to us from the different aged finishes, which we thought would serve as a great parallel to a fine whiskey."

by Steve Hall    Dec- 9-11    
Topic: Packaging

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Rape Prevention Ad Pulled For Blaming Victim


A recent rape prevention ad campaign from Pennsylvania's Liquor Control Board has been pulled because critics claim the ad puts the blame on the victim. The ad, which shows a woman's legs on a bathroom floor with her underwear around her angles, reads, "She Didn'y Want to Do It, But She Couldn't Say No."

The intended message, of course, is don't drink so much you can't make decisions for yourself. Nothing worn with that message, of course. One should never gets o drunk that one can't maintain control. But dovetail that messaging with rape and the scenario is a bit different.

It's easy to see why critics interpreted this ad as victim blaming. After all, the ad could be interpreted as saying she got drunk so she deserved it.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 9-11    
Topic: Cause, Policy

Agency to Give Away Twelve Days of Presents


Looking or the perfect to give your loved one, cube mate or that intern you've had your eye on? Well, we're not sure Toledo-based Hart can help but you will, at least, have a chance to win a present. Each morning for 12 days at 10AM the agency will post an image of a present. The first person to guess what's inside wins the present.

Too lazy to shop? Running low on cash? Head over to Hart and you just might end up with the perfect gift to woo that hot intern who's been distracting you from work for months. Or something for your creative partner. Or your boss? Or your spouse. Give it a try.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 8-11    
Topic: Agencies

Silly VW Passat Ad Dubbed Sexist


Well here's what we had to say about that. After viewing Volkswagen's new Red Urban-created Passat commercial over at AdFreak and the complaints it's generated, we simply could not hold our tongue and left this comment in answer to David Gianatasio's question, "Sexist or just sily?"

"Definitely just silly. Good God, people need to lighten up! Hysteria over such innocuous issue as a silly car commercial who's primary fault (if it even has one) is highlighting the sometimes distractive qualities of a new car is just stupid. There are far more important things to focus on in this world than stupid car ads."

OK? Can we all move on to more important issues now? There's more small towns to Occupy, right? Oh wait...

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 8-11    
Topic: Commercials, Opinion

Walmart's Yodeling Cat Horrifies


Good God! This is horrifying! OK, so it's not horrifying but it's definitely strange to see a cat yodel Jingle Bells with a human mouth digitally affixed to it face. Just. So. Wrong. Anyway, it's the second digital product from The Martin Agency since it began working on the Walmart account. We are told the video will ultimately make its way to TV in the form of a commercial in a week or so.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 8-11    
Topic: Strange

Figleaves Lingerie Poster Causes Commotion in London's Tube


Remember that Figleaves Lingerie poster that caused a stir in London? If you don't recall, see the image to the left. The campaign has brought the brand a 65 percent increase in sales. Furthering the delivery of its message that hot women do, indeed, look hot in lingerie...even if those women make up less than one percent of the population of hardly come close to representing the average woman...the brand has created a video.

The video highlights the poster's affect on those who pass by it. It's nothing to write Cannes about but it's a funny take on a brand poking fun at itself. Reportedly there have been various accidents in and around the Tube as men angle for a better glimpse of the very hot Martina Volkova.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 8-11    
Topic: Poster, Racy

Straight Girls Get Hired, Don't Get Married


So remember the two straight girls who promised to get married if they didn't get hired by October 9? If not, to summarize, Charli Hoffmann and Alex Otis, two students from the Miami Ad School in Brooklyn planned the stunbt to insure they get work and get to stay together. Charli is German and on October 9th her visa will expire unless she gets hired or married. Alex is and American and doesn't want her partner to leave.

Well, it seems the pair found work and won't be getting married. The girl's have put together a case study of sorts which summarizes the stunt and the results of their efforts.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 7-11    
Topic: Social

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