Pinder's Pulchritude Pulled From Lynx Campaign


A series of online videos and offline poster featuring the pulchritudinous Lucy Pinder have been banned by the UK's Advertising Standards Authority because they are thought to be sexually suggestive, indecent, provocative, glamorize casual sex and objectify women. In addition, the campaign was said to be irresponsible since it was placed in locations where it could be seen by children.

In the videos, which are still all over YouTube, Pinder can be seen washing a car, jogging, playing with a light sabre, cheering and generally prancing about while scantily clad. The videos and poster campaign are accompanied by such taglines as, "Play with Lucy," What will she do to make you lose control" and "Put premature perspiration to the test."

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by Steve Hall    Nov-23-11    
Topic: Racy

Gordon Ramsey, Bette Midler Go Overboard For Acura


Continuing its three year long Season of Reason campaign, Acura, with help from RPA's rp&, has enlisted Gordon Ramsey ("It's raw!!!") and Bette Midler to illustrate just how easy (well, at least in ads that attempt to parenthetically represent the real world) it is to go overboard during the holiday season. In each of two ads, Ramsey and Midler do their signature over-the-top routines which are contrasted with Acura's sensible approach to saving money...and your sanity...during the holiday season

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by Steve Hall    Nov-22-11    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity

Be Very Careful Who You Friend (And Pick Up) on Facebook


Admit you've done it. Met someone on Facebook and transformed that digital relationship to a physical one. Come on. Admit it. But how well did you know that person? Did you trust everything they told you? Do you have a true understanding of who they are? Or, if you're a guy, did you just let your little head do the thinking.

That's the scenario that plays out in this video in which we see what happens when a guy friends a girl and then ends up taking her home after a night of fun and frivolity. Be careful, people. Be very, very careful.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-22-11    
Topic: Social, Video

Old Spice Transforms Fat Dude Into Buff Biker


Continuing its Smell Better Than Yourself campaign, Wieden + Kennedy is out with its second commercial. In the ad we see the true power and transformative qualities of Old Spice Swagger. After a pudgy fellow in a locker room takes a wiff of some Swagger, his porcelain-like exterior cracks away revealing a buff biker.

But he's not alone. His fellow locker roommates, an even fatter dude and some old guy also loose their not so attractive exterior yielding...a bear...and, of course...a babe.All of which is to prove that while Axe/Lynx may attract every single hottie on the planet, Old Spice will actually make you, yourself hot.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-22-11    
Topic: Commercials

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CP+B Copywriter Goes After Demi Moore


Crispin Porter + Bogusky copywriter James is angling for the love and affection of Demi Moore following her breakup with Ashton Kutcher. Yes, it's yet another trivial attempt at goofy publicity but can you blame a guy for going after Demi?

James, 29, is 20 years Moore's junior but that seems to be the way she likes her men. But can James truly appreciate all that Demi has to offer? After all, he was likely still in diapers when she made her splash on General Hospital (yes, youngin's, she was on a soap) or her brilliant depiction of the coked up Jules in St. Elmos Fire?

No. It's time Demi chose a more seasoned man for her life partner. A man with whom she has more in common. Stop playing with the children, Demi and get yourself a real man!

And, James, go easy with those close ups, man.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-22-11    
Topic: Agencies, Celebrity

BOA Gets OWS'd, Student Ads Get Found, Grown Men Scream


- Be sure to take a look at some Bank of America signage that got spoofed with Occupy Wall Street messaging.

- Check out Student Ad Finds, a site on which student work is highlighted and celebrated.

- Really? As if grown men would give a shit about Justin Bieber, let alone know who he is.

- Check out DraftFCB's Movember work.

Catch a glimpse of raccoon eyes...uh Taylor Momsen in this Japanese hand bag ad.

by Steve Hall    Nov-21-11    
Topic: Agencies, Celebrity

How About Some Synchronized Golf?


You've all probably seen synchronized swimming, right? How about synchronized golfing? Check out this Japanese commercial for Bridgestone golf clubs. Kind of cool.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-21-11    
Topic: Commercials

Beancast Examines Scott Montgomery, Benetton, Face Recognition, Infographics


You may have heard of the Beancast. Created and produced by Bob Knorp, it's a weekly podcast about marketing and advertising. Last night, I joined the show along with Womenkind's Kristi Faulkner, Hopkinson Report's Jim Hopkinson and AdPulp and TalentZoo blogger Dan Goldgeiger. We discussed the Scott Montgomery's Advertising Age article in which he claimed agencies take far too much time to develop creative, facial recognition and its application to marketing, infographics and why they have suddenly made a reappearance, the Benetton kissing controversy and the implications of the apparent domination of mobile usage by minority groups.

It was a lively discussion and you can check out the show notes here, link directly to the podcast here or grab it off iTunes here.

by Steve Hall    Nov-21-11    
Topic: Podcast

Kohl's Enlists Rebecca Black For Black Friday Commercial


In what will be dubbed either a coup or the dumbest thing a brand has ever done, Kohl's just launched a Black Friday commercial that features...wait for it...Rebecca Black's much maligned song, Friday. You can argue Kohl's is doing irreparable damaged to it's brand by associating itself with Black's Friday. You can be concerned several YouTube commenters who claim to be Kohl's employees are ashamed to work at the retailer and, in some cases, have decided to quit.

Or you can laud the brand for latching on to something that's guaranteed to garner a significant amount of conversation, discussion and publicity. Which is it for you?

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by Steve Hall    Nov-20-11    
Topic: Brands, Strange