A Blow-By-Blow Account of the ad:tech Party Scene


You know the whole bell curve thing? That situation where most of what's in question occurs in the middle with minimal pre and post activity? That's a particularly apt analogy for the ad:tech New York party scene this year. There were a couple of parties Tuesday night. There are a couple scheduled for Thursday night. But on Wednesday night, there were...get ready...over 13 parties. That's a lot of free booze to give away.

On Tuesday night, the Unofficial AdTech User Generated Music Party gave anyone brave enough a chance to make a fool of themselves karaoke-style in front of their fellow industry mates. And the XY7Elite Affiliate After Party gave the rest of those a chance to co-mingle and munch on the amazing snacks over at Traffic Bar. It was a slow night with things pretty much wrapped up by midnight.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-10-11    
Topic: Industry Events

Opinion: Newspapers Should Become Digital Marketing Agencies


This guest post is written by Lloyd W. Armbrust, CEO of OwnLocal.

Newspapers need more money. Print subscriptions are in decline. Print ad revenues have fallen precipitously. Online advertising revenues are growing, but not nearly fast enough. There's an unmistakable sense of despair and hopelessness surrounding most print publications. Everywhere, newspaper publishers and ad directors ask the same question: "What do I do?"

Luckily, there's an answer.

The future of newspapers sits at the intersection between content and online services. In other words, it looks like a Newspaper plus a Digital Marketing Agency.

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by Steve Hall    Nov- 8-11    
Topic: Newspaper, Opinion

Bombardier Says Your...Um...Manhood is All You Need to Fish


This has to be the most overly long, weird, twisted, strange beer commercial we've seen in a while. But we're not surprised by it. After all, it comes to us from the folks who are obsessed with banging. Yea, that kind of banging. this time around the Bombardier tells us all about fishing and why catching fish is really all about the tackle in your pants.

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by Steve Hall    Nov- 8-11    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

Meth Project Gets Graphic With Darren Aronofsky


OK. So here we go again. Wasn't it determined that scare tactics don't work when it comes to getting kids to stop drinking, stop doing drugs and to not text while driving? If that's the case The Meth Project hasn't been informed. An tandem with Darren Aronofsky, Organic and Wild Plum, four new commercials continue down the "hard-hitting" road to getting people's brains off drugs.

We're not claiming the four scenarios we see in this campaign. Don't happen. They do. Far more often than anyone would like. But hasn't it been determined that all these scare tactics get is a "well that would never happen to me" response? As always, we could be wrong.

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by Steve Hall    Nov- 8-11    
Topic: Cause

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Animated Story Aims to Sell Some Tissues


Everyone's lovin' on this Publicis London/ilm Club Productions-created ad for Tempo tissue today. And rightfully so. It's a beautifully animated story about a boy, a girl and a box of tissues. And, sometimes, that's all it really takes to get a little noteriety for a tissue brand.

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by Steve Hall    Nov- 8-11    
Topic: Commercials