« Last week 9-Oct-11 | This archive, pg:  1  |  2  |  3  | Next week 23-Oct-11 »

Scarlett Spews, Siri Sells, Bank Gives Orgasm, Condoms Automated


- Scarlett Johansson spews ridiculous platitudes in new Dolce & Gabbana commercial.

- Siri stars in the newest Apple iPhone commercial.

- Woman loves her bank so much she has an orgasm.

- When it comes to condoms, it's not size that matters, it's technique.

- Like fire? Like skateboarding? Then you love the new film Never Extinguish. See the trailer here.

- Dude gets bored at work. Doodles. Launches Doodle cards via Kickstarter.

- Yet another building projection. This one, for Bacardi, is actually pretty cool.

- Interactive store window display helps launch My Starbucks Rewards program.

by Steve Hall    Oct-21-11    
Topic: Celebrity, Commercials, Outdoor, Racy, Video

Tomorrow Awards Wants Your Creativity


The Tomorrow Awards, an "international award show dedicated to discovering, showcasing and awarding advertising creativity that pushes new technological boundaries," will close its call or entry next Friday, October 28. So if you fancy yourself another award for your case you had best get your entry in soon.

What's unique about this award show is that there are no categories/ Anything goes and only the best win. Here's a video explaining how the judging works.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-21-11    
Topic: Industry Events

Edison Memorial Tower Built in Minecraft


If you're a fan of the game Minecraft (a low-fi, 3D building block game) then you might like this new work from The Barbarian Group. the agency created a video it bills as the first ever branded Minecraft game. The work was done for GE and it's a re-creation of the Edison Memorial Tower. For those really into Mincraft, you can build the tower yourself by downloading the blueprints. Check it out.

by Steve Hall    Oct-21-11    
Topic: Games

Blood Front And Center in Transfusion Campaign


Bloodlines is the new campaign from Doremus New York aimed at building awareness for J&J's Ortho Clinical Diagnostics' Transfusion Medicine franchise. Designed to reach blood bank and hospital management, Bloodlines highlights the caretakers of the world's blood supply.

The ads, shot by Christopher Griffith, capture subject subjects of varying ethnicities and ages. Each black and white portrait shows a patient who has benefited from a transfusion next to a bright red unit of blood.

The campaign, which launches at the Advancing Transfusion and Cellular Therapies Worldwide conference will feature a booth, fully designed in campaign graphics, vertical banners, double column wraps, and a 2-minute film playing on the digital wall boards.

by Steve Hall    Oct-21-11    
Topic: Campaigns

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Ants Help Predict Weather in Switzerland


Damn. I wonder what kind of shower this guy took after shooting this commercial. To help promote tourism in Switzerland - though using ants to do so is questionable at best - Swiss "weather prophet" Martin Horat climbs atop an ant hill to have a conversation with them about what the weather will be like this winter. Apparently, these ants can help predict what the weather will be like. Personally, if there are ant hils like this in Switzerland, we are staying far, far away!

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by Steve Hall    Oct-21-11    
Topic: Strange

Kenneth Cole Reaction Launches Fragrance For Idiots


A new campaign from fashion brand Kenneth Cole has wise words for men who are completely disconnected from all manner of reality when it comes to interacting with the opposite sex. And it's got a new fragrance for these idiots too. Way to portray your customer as a buffoon. And, by association, make everyone realize the only people who will purchase your brand are blithering idiots.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-21-11    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials

OccupyWallStreet's Crowdsourced Commercial Spews Same Old Rhetoric


Occupy Wall Street has been getting a lot of press. Now it's trying to get its message out to more people with a commercial it's purchasing through Google TV with crowdsourced funds through LoudSauce. There's zero said in this commercial that hasn't already been said a million times before in a million other cause-related political commercials. Basically, the message is the same. Everyone wants more for less. Tax the the rich. Free health care for all. No wars. Blah, blah, blah.

Hey, it's a noble cause and maybe the work will result in actual change. But call us jaded. We aren't buying it. As long as there's money to be made, those making it will bend every last rule to make more no matter who it hurts. It's really that simple.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-21-11    
Topic: Cause

Flipkart Gets Kooky With Kids


Here's a quirky campaign from Happy Creative Services in India for Flipkart.com, an online shopping site. The campaign which includes four spots that use children as adults. And that alone is what makes this campaign kooky enough to highlight.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-20-11    
Topic: Strange

Sony Encapsulates 3D With Poetic Beauty


Here is some very impressive work from Grey London and Spy Films for Sony's 3D World. The commercial, which is backed by Leonard Cohen's reading of his poem "Thats What I heard You Say" is infused with the music of Clint Mansell who did the soundtrack to Black Swan and Requiem For A Dream. It's all very intense and entrancing. Give it a watch.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-20-11    
Topic: Commercials

Social Media Tips And Tactics From Old Spice Campaign Creator


The team at Viralheat recently sat down with Wieden + Kennedy Senior Digital Strategist and Senior Community Manager Dean McBeth to discuss the development and strategies behind the Old Spice Man Your Man Could Smell Like marketing campaign. In an eleven question interview, McBeth reviews how W+K approached the campaign, how they managed to keep it running for such a long time, the tactics they employed and the results the campaign generated. Check out the full interview here.

by Steve Hall    Oct-20-11    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Social

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