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USA Today Teams With Facebook For Super Bowl Ad Meter


Attempting, perhaps, to bring some reality to its Ad Meter, USA Today has teamed with Facebook to launch the USA Today-Facebook Super Bowl Ad Meter, an application which will reside on both Facebook and USA Today and allow people to rate Super Bowl commercials, the first time USA Today has tapped online consumers to rate commercials

Facebook Director of Global Business Marketing Mike Hoefflinger said, "The USA Today-Facebook Super Bowl Ad Meter is going to give millions of people the ability to not only interact with the various Super Bowl commercials, but to rate the ads and share with their friends on Facebook. Making the Ad Meter social brings it to an entirely new level and we're proud to be a part of it."

Of course it's all still just a popularity contest with no basis what-so-ever for measuring the actual success (or creativity) of the commercials.

by Steve Hall    Sep-30-11    
Topic: Super Bowl 2012

Brazil Boots Bundchen, Lynx Effect Nets 'Blowjob'


- Yawn. Gisele Bundchen's campaign for Brazilian fashion label Hope has been labeled sexist and pulled from TV. Seriously? In Brazil? The land of booty?

- The 2011 Silicon Valley Film Festival & Awards has announced its 2011 lineup featuring nearly 100 film makers who "celebrate the spirit of Silicon Valley."

- The Swedish Post (post office) has launched a competition to see if Swedes can carry packages as safely as the post office...using an iPhone app.

-Yawn. Hot reporter gives "blowjob" to local politician. It's for Lynx, of course.

- Yo! Send in your Toe Tappy video so you can be featured in the next Coke Zero campaign. What a joke. Easiest dance step ever.

by Steve Hall    Sep-30-11    
Topic: Celebrity, Policy, Racy, Strange

Zeus Returns in New Scion Campaign


San Francisco-based ATTIK is out with more work for Scion. Following its work in June which debuted the character Zeus to tout the limited edition Scion tC Release Series 7.0 garnering 13.5 million online impressions, ATTIk is back with more Zeus.

Now Zeus is touting the new limited production Blizzard Pearl xD Release Series 4.0 and the Hot Lava xB Release Series 9.0. The campaign includes television, print, radio, online and outdoor. The newest spot, Zeus's Cradle will make its television debut on Monday.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-30-11    
Topic: Campaigns

Why Facebook Privacy Concerns Will Not Hinder Growth


Facebook, pure and simple, is a means for people to stay in touch with people. And these people, as we have historically seen, don't care all that much about privacy issues. Some have said Facebook will lose members over these and other privacy issues. I would disagree. Facebook is not going to lose any members. That is, perhaps, until the next best thing makes its debut. But it won't be privacy concerns that kill Facebook. Not in my opinion.

Some have been miffed by the recent changes Facebook made regarding the automatic sharing of what you read and it's a valid concern. But it won't be long before Facebook plugs that hole. Or at least offers a setting to control it. But even if they don't, I still stand by my opinion - and it is just that, an opinion - that Facebook will continue to grow.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-30-11    
Topic: Opinion, Social

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Business Buzzword Babble Gets Own App


Here's a bit of hilarity for your day. Everyone who's ever worked in any sort of business has heard the bullshit bingo that gets spewed forth like verbal diarrhea from the mouths of wannabe important types. Everything from "hard stop" to circle back" to "analysis paralysis" to "ideation" to "peel the onion" to "take that offline" and everything in between is getting the "there's an app for that" treatment from Organic.

The agency has created an app called BizWords for its client Hilton Garden Inn. It's designed to "help business travelers decode and navigate the business speak that has become so common in the workplace." App users can peruse buzz words and add their own once they've created a profile.

This ought to be a fun time-waster while your trying to endure your co-worker's or client's endless babblings about what they did last weekend or how they want to "whiteboard" a few new ideas.

by Steve Hall    Sep-30-11    
Topic: Mobile/Wireless

'Parents' Launch Site to Highlight Sons' Creative


Ever wonder what your parents think about your advertising profession? Well, the parents of Maximilian Hoch and Manuel Urbanke care so much they created a website, My Son Does Advertising, on which they offer commentary about the work their sons have done.

Of course it's rather obvious Maximilian and Manuel have created this site themselves in an effort to get work since, according to their work experience listed on the site, both appear to be unemployed.

We won't hold that against these two fine gentlemen. After all, a guy's gotta work to eat, right? So if you need a copywriter or an art director, check the site out and the work they have done together. You might like it.

by Steve Hall    Sep-30-11    
Topic: Agencies, Online

Virgin Mobile Music Festival Attendees Become Musicians


Mother New York and MPC partnered to create the Kyocera Echo Temple for the Virgin Mobile FreeFest music festival. The Echo Temple was an installation which allowed the movements of people to become music.

The Echo Temple consisted of six large speaker towers with motion tracking cameras around a central tower with subwoofers. People who stood in front of the towers were able to manipulate an instrument's volume, pitch and audio effect by moving their body and waving fans branded with special symbols. The central tower produced the core of the mix: drums, bass, drones and the main harmonic progressions. The tower also had architectural bamboo that could be tapped to trigger percussive sounds within the mix.

Now that's fun, engaging marketing. Check out the video of the installation below.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-30-11    
Topic: Events

Japanese Toiletry Brand Has Fun With Family Photos


Well here's a fun way to promote a brand which lives within the mundane toiletry category. Lion Corporation, a large toiletry brand in Japan, gathered together families from all over Japan and had them recreate poses from their favorite photos taken years ago. The new photos were shot in the same location at the same angle with the subjects wearing the same clothes they wore in the original photo.

The ad, called Time Slip Family, is much more enjoyable to watch than most toiletry ads which focus on the clinical aspects of the product category. Which is refreshing because who really wants to hear any more "4 out of 5 dentists recommend" crap?

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by Steve Hall    Sep-30-11    
Topic: Commercials

Not One Boob Joke in This Lindsay Lohan Article


Lindsay Lohan has been out of the advertising spotlight for quite some time. It's not a secret why. She's been busy with legal and personal matters. Previously spotted in campaigns for Dooney and Bourke, Chanel, Visa, Proactiv, Got Milk and, more recently, Air New Zealand and Marc Ecko, Lohan can now be seen in a new campaign for German fashion label Phillip Plein.

The campaign was shot in Bellagio, Italy. Of Lohan's participation in the campaign, Plein said, "Lindsay is a beautiful, highly acclaimed actress and model. We will be able to create unique images. Refined and luxurious, but also full of sensuality."

by Steve Hall    Sep-30-11    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity

Cheech and Chong's Flaming Pole Hijacked


By now, you've all seen the Cheech and Chong Magic Brownie movie in which the two stoners embark upon a road trip to Flaming Pole. If not, watch it below. What you might not know is that General Mills may have let an interesting opportunity pass them by as this video gains traction.

The video promotes the brand's 90 calorie Fiber One bar. But a big part of the video is the quest to reach Flaming Pole. Sounds like the marketer could and should have done something with Flaming Pole. Well they didn't. But someone did. Head over to FlamingPole.com.

On the site it's pointed out Generals Mills did purchase their way to the top of "magic brownies" search results but they neglected to capitalize on Flaming Pole. Perhaps it's irrelevant but we think they could have had a lot of fun building out Flaming Pole to Burning Man-esque greatness.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-29-11    
Topic: Online

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