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Did You Know? America is the Last Great Hope For Mankind


Who knew political campaigns would ever escalate to the epicness of most movie trailers? And like most movie trailers, these new ad make you want to immediately rush out and vote for whomever is behind the ad whether or not you even know the candidate... or have read the reviews.

The latest entrant into the Epic Presidential Commercial category is Rick Perry, who like Tim Pawlenty, has gone epic with his new television commercial. The first half trashes Obama. The second half pumps up Perry as the savior of "the last great hope for mankind."

For pure epicness, we prefer the Pawlenty spot. But Perry's is more grounded.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-22-11    
Topic: Political

Ain't No Pictures in This Travel Campaign


Oyster.com, a travel site no one's ever heard of, has just launched its first TV campaign. And it's done it one a budget which two commercial that are all words and no pictures. Which, as they'd like to point out, is quite different from your traditional destination glamor shot approach to travel advertising.

Hey, we're a big fan of getting to the point in advertising, There's far too much distracting crap shoveled into commercial that's, as the experts claim, supposed to entertain. Well last we knew, advertising was supposed to get people off their asses to buy shit. Not sit on the couch and laugh at talking animals or sock puppets.

The spots were created by Allen Kay the man behind the 1976 Xerox Super Bowl ad and the MTA's "See Something Say Something" campaign.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-22-11    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials

Miami to Host Latin America-Focused Marketing Conference, Awards


The Festival of Media LatAm 2011 held in Miami, October 12-14 has announced its full conference agenda for this year's event. The 2011 Festival agenda will offer senior level advertising, media and marketing professionals to explore issues affecting the industry. The agenda coversof both global and local issues, from economics to sport, television to social media, and luxury brands to branded content.

The first session will look at Global Integration with a focus on Latin America and the world economy with keynote speeches from economist Hernando de Soto and Philippe Krakowsky, Chief Strategy and Talent Officer from Interpublic Group. They will discuss Latin America's position on the global stage, including its influence on advertising and media thinking. This will be followed by David Zaslav, Chief Executive and President of Discovery Communications, who will take a look at future of media and broadcasting in Latin America.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-22-11    
Topic: Industry Events

How to Drink A Glass of Sicily


Rather than instruct people how to drink a glass of its wine, Sicilian winery Tasca D'almerita decided, instead, to instruct people how to drink a glass of Sicily. The work, from agency Mosaicoon, really does make make you want to drink in all that is Sicily. It's one of those commercials that truly immerses you in the beauty of it all. Enjoy.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-20-11    
Topic: Commercials

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George Constanza Could Use Google Wallet


This has been out for a month but we just caught it on AdWeek. Calling all Seinfeld fans. You're gonna love this commercial which features the classic wallet scene with George Costanza. Google has given the scene a bit of a twist in a way that doesn't force things too much. You get original Costanza humor along with a little sell message from Google Wallet. A perfect pairing.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-20-11    

More Coke Happiness, Ad Industry Gets It's Own Pandora Station


- More Coke Happiness Factory from Wieden + Kennedy Amsterdam.

- Buddy Media is out with ConversionBuddy, a tool brands can use to determine which audience segments share social content most frequently and which audiences generate the most traffic and revenue.

- This is kind of stupid.

- A whole lot of people have watched this FreddW Samsung Mobile video created by Digitas.

- Advertising has its own Pandora station! JWT and Pandora got together and asked ad industry pros to help create a playlist.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-19-11    
Topic: Agencies, Industry Events, Social, Tools, Video

'John Wren' Explains Omnicom's Netflix-Like Changes


Let's be clear right up front. This letter was not written by the real John Wren. If it were, it would be career suicide and a giant middle finger lodged in the behind of shareholders. But let's not let that stop us from enjoying the humor within.

Whomever wrote this letter created in the style of the letter everyone on the internet received from Netflix today explaining the company's recent price change and the launch of Qwikster. The 'John Wren' letter is far more amusing and will give you something to chuckle over on a Monday afternoon. Click the image to read.

by Steve Hall    Sep-19-11    
Topic: Agencies, Spoofs

Social Snap Shot Creates Personalized Facebook Update Video


Tired of social media overload? Sick of reading updates from all those "friends" that really aren't your friends at all? Toyota Yaris has the answer to your woes with Social Snap Shot. To use Social Snap Shot, created by glueisobar, you simply select up to ten off your Facebook friends, decide how often you'd like updates and then sit back and get a summary video of what your friends are up to on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

Sadly, we were never able to see the finished product. The site got stuck loading at 99%. We won't fault anyone though. The site is still in beta and our laptop is a piece of shit but it does sound like an interesting idea and a great way to save time. Oh and not a bad way to get the Toyota Yaris brand in front of a whole lot of people.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-19-11    
Topic: Social

'Camry Effect' Collects Toyota Camry Owners' Stories


Toyota wants us to know that its Camry has effected more lives than any other car in America. With help from Saatchi & Saatchi LA, Resn and Qube Konstrukt Toyota has launched Camry Effect, a site which aims to collect personal stories from Camry owners by asking a few simple questions.

The result is a chronicle of each owner's experience with his or her car with added information taken from the collective Camry experiences. Each story changes the site with real-time dynamic data visualization pulled straight from visitors' shared experiences.

Properly executed, it could be a goldmine of information for the brand in terms of insightful, behavioral and demographic information that can then be used to further fine tune the brand's marketing efforts moving forward.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-19-11    
Topic: Online

Not Every Woman is Excited About Marrying George Clooney


This Norwegian DnB NOR bank ad is strange. Really, really strange. It's like one of those Las Vegas nightmares when you wake up and can't remember a thing about the night before. The only hint you have of what went down is the giant rock on your finger and a canoodling George Clooney who emerges from the bathroom. Oh, and then there's the picture of you with Clooney wearing the head of a horse. You don't see bank ads like this in America.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-19-11    
Topic: Celebrity, Commercials, Strange

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