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Well Here's A Fairy Tale You Don't Hear Everyday


In an effort to call attention to child trafficking, an epidemic that's not just occurring overseas in strange lands but right here in America, this PSA from JWT New York for End Child Prostitution and Trafficking takes on an eerie tone after the first 20 seconds or so. What starts out as an innocent, comfortable fairy tale slowly turns into a nightmare. And it's made even more nightmarish because it's read by the same little girl who, seconds before, was enjoying the bliss of what set out to be an innocent tale.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-16-11    
Topic: Cause

Yawn...Zzzz...Kelly Brook Gets Naked For PETA


Before the decade is out, it seems every celebrity will have shed their clothes to appear in a PETA ad campaign. The latest addition to the naked celebrity parade is British actress and model Kelly Brook. In the ad, Brook is naked but she's painted to resemble a snake. The ad's headline is "Whose Skin Are You In?" Body copy reads, "Animals belong in the wild, not in your wardrobe."

Of her participation in the campaign, Brook said, "It makes my skin crawl to think about the violent ways snakes, lizards, alligators and other exotic creatures are raised and killed for boots, bags and belts."

The 32E Brook was last seen writhing in a perpetual state of hyper sexualized ecstasy as she awaited rescue as the last Axe Angel who hadn't yet fallen from the sky into the arms of her perfect lover.

by Steve Hall    Sep-16-11    
Topic: Cause, Celebrity

Unortunately Placed Ads Always Good For A Laugh


The Chive has collected 23 images of poorly placed ads. Typically, we see this sort of thing with contextual advertising online but this set includes some unfortunately placed offline ads that are pretty funny.

by Steve Hall    Sep-16-11    
Topic: Strange

Kayak Is Not For Dummies


Here's some amusing work from Barton F. Graf 9000 or kayak which illustrates just how easy Kayak makes searching multiple travel sites at the same time. It's definitely better than asking four of your closets friends...or Herby Hancock-like dummies...to help you do the search. search one and done as they say. Nice work.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-15-11    
Topic: Commercials

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eBay Saves You From Your Mom's Mom Jeans


Venables Bell & Partners is out with its first work for eBay. The campaign offers up amusing, embarrassing and awkward scenarios which are ultimately saved by using eBay mobile. The campaign aims to reach those "who prefers to shop anywhere, anytime with a mobile device."

The campaign, entitled "When it's on your mind, it's on eBay," carries the tagline, "Buy it new. Buy it now." In one ad, a daughter is saved from her mother's supply of mom jeans. In another, a man mocked for using a pen when everyone else is using a digital device uses eBay to bring himself into the 21st century. And in another, a woman who obsesses over a pair of shoes in a salon nabs a pair for herself.

Of the campaign, Venebles Bell & Partners Founder and ECD Paul Venebles said, "When the company that revolutionized how people shop asks you to do something big and new, you get excited. For this campaign, we tapped into the psyche of passionate shoppers and then demonstrated why eBay is the answer."

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by Steve Hall    Sep-15-11    
Topic: Agencies, Campaigns

Motor Oil Fragrance, Bathroom Skidmarks Get Pro Golfers in New BMW


We like this one. A new campaign for BMW aims to encourage PGA Tour golfers behind the wheel of a race-ready M model used "aroma advertising" and in-hotel floor graphics. The campaign comes from Baldwin&, Raleigh, for BMW Golf, the sports marketing arm of BMW of North America, Inc.

One hundred bottles of "15w-50" motor oil-scented men's cologne were given to PGA players finishing the Deutsche Bank Championship in Norton, Massachusetts over Labor Day weekend. The fragrance was selected to suggest the auto racing experience. Hang tags read: "Do you know what driving 195mph feels like? Well, this is how it smells. Get to the BMW Championship a little bit early to take one of our M cars out for a spin at the Autobahn Country Club."

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by Steve Hall    Sep-15-11    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity, Guerilla, Point of Purchase, Promotions

Animated Animals Shill Spring Water


In these new Poland Springs commercials from McCann New York and Elastic, wildlife work hard to get humans hooked on something that's much better for them than soda and hunting if we're interpreting the fairly ethereal, slightly hallucinatory work properly.

The campaign is touting the brand's six sparkling water flavors and the three natural ingredients it's made from; spring water, fruit essence and bubbles.

The television campaign will be supported with an online presence on Facebook and banner ads on Yahoo, MSN, The Knot and Monster.com with search efforts on Google, Yahoo and Bing.

Remember the good 'ol days when Poland Springs all about "what it means to be from Maine?"

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by Steve Hall    Sep-15-11    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials

Audi Thinks Technology Makes Better Drivers


Highlighting the fact over 100,000 miles of bridges and roadways are in disrepair, roadside and driver distractions increasingly challenge drivers, millions of "ill-equipped vehicles pose danger, half a million cubic yards of debris are scattered all over the country's roads and the fact 38 million drivers are said to be unable to pass a drivers exam, Audi is out with new work for the A6.

The ad touts the new A6's ability to analyze real-time information, read a driver's handwriting and makes 2,000 decisions every second, all of which is to say...nothing at all. A safe driver in a shitbox is far more desirable than a driver who has to rely on a car's technology to make it from point A to point B without crashing. Just saying.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-15-11    
Topic: Commercials

Andes Beer Gives Guys Sensitivity Training


Girls (and guys) you'll be able to relate to the scenario in this Andes beer commercial. No doubt at one point or another you've returned home with very devastating personal news about yourself that you want to share with your boyfriend or husband. You are hurt, You are sad. You need love, understanding and want to be consoled.

You do not want your boyfriend to open a beer and ask, "want one?"

This twisted concept which aligns the inability of a man to understand when it's appropriate to open a beer with the brand's bottle-mounted temperature sensor is a bit of a stretch. But it is funny. And relate-able. Because you all know you've been in a similar position and acted like an insensitive idiot when you should have offered all the love and support you could have mustered.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-15-11    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

Cloud Computing Isn't Bad, It's A Fad


Here's some Deutsch New York-created, Biscuit Filmworks-produced work for Microsoft (yea, yea, we know) that IT managers the world over will appreciate. When seeking IT solutions for their companies, there's always one memorable solution presented that's not really a solution at all. But it makes for all kinds of great jokes and story telling. This one come courtesy of Tad, head salesman for VMlimited,

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by Steve Hall    Sep-14-11    
Topic: Campaigns, Strange

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