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Adrants Teams With Yahoo! For Internet Week, Cannes Coverage


Working with New York-based Cake Group, Yahoo! has launched Yahoo! Scene, an online site that will cover the advertising industry's most high-profile events. Featuring news, photos, video and interactive elements, the content hub will cover all the news, gossip, announcements and trends from each industry event. Yahoo! Scene will also feature lifestyle pieces from style to nightlife to influencer profiles. Additionally, the site will aggregate all the social content generated during the events so readers can see real time social check-ins and status updates.

Adrants has teamed with Cake Group and Yahoo! to oversee the editorial side of things for the site. Yahoo! Scene's first event will be Internet Week followed by Cannes. Future events are yet to be determined.

Writers for the site will include practitioners from various corners of the industry including several from iCrossing. Former Adrants Editor and current AdVerve Co-Host Angela Natividad will join the team for Cannes coverage as will Ask Wappling, publisher of the famed Adland. We absolutely can't wait to see that trio of awesomeness in action.

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by Steve Hall    Jun- 4-11    
Topic: Announcements, Industry Events

Shaq Shares Milk and Cookies With Mom


- In celebration of National Dairy Month this June, OREO will share the spotlight in an ad by bringing Shaquille O'Neal and his mother together over the classic combination of OREO cookies and milk.

- And Heidi Klum is doing the whole Got Milk thing too.

- If you haven't already heard, Naomi Campbell is considering legal action against Cadbury after the brand used her name in an ad. Of the ad, Campbell said, "I am shocked. It's upsetting to be described as chocolate, not just for me, but for all black women and black people. I do not find any humor in this. It is insulting and hurtful."

- Ever walk into a public bathroom worried you'll walkl out with some freakish disease? This campaign for Safe4u toilet seat covers attempts to address that concern.

- Yawn.

- So you think you can build a website?

- Strap this on when you play sports and you will always win!

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by Steve Hall    Jun- 3-11    
Topic: Celebrity

Mitchum Advanced Control Lets You Dance Longer


Do we really need a deodorant that lasts 48 hours? This might have been a nifty feature back in the day when showers consisted of a bucket of cold water controlled by a rope but taking a daily shower is pretty common these days. Anyway, minor quibble but Mitchum definitely wants you to know it's new Advance Control will keep you stench free even if you miss that daily shower.

And it's doing so with a new Mother New York-created commercial, called Dance Machine, in which dance takes center stage...in a strange sort of way.

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by Steve Hall    Jun- 3-11    
Topic: Commercials

This Beer Commercial is Awesome!


Thanks to Copyranter for spotting this. It is, indeed, the manliest beer commercial ever produced. In the ad, for Australia's Hahn Super Dry beer, we see just how manly the brewing process is for this particular brew. Imbued with everything from manly television programming to hotrod mixology to drum-infused processing to trophy washing and other manly oddities...all set to the tune of Knight Rider, this beer gets "manned" like no other brew ever has. Publicis Mojo Sydney created.

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by Steve Hall    Jun- 3-11    
Topic: Commercials

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Obama Girl is Back!


Our super hot friend Amber Lee Ettinger, otherwise known as the infamous Obama Girl, has a new gig. She's hosting a new web show called Gadget Girl from Digital Driver. On the show, Ettinger will make viewers aware of the latest technology as well as offer up tips and tricks.

As far as we can tell, she won't be hosting in a bikini but that's probably a good thing because when Amber's in a bikini, the last thing people are concentrating on is what she's saying. And, to be clear, we don't mean that to be rude. It's just a fact. When you're hot, you're hot. And people are gonna look.

Anyway, if you're a gadget geek who loves to watch hot chicks talk about tech, you're gonna love Gadget Girl. And just as a public service of sorts...if you really, really want to see Amber in a bikini, here she is in all her glory.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 3-11    
Topic: Brands, Racy, Video

Adrants Parties With eBay


And for some lighter reading as we near the end of the week... We had a party last week at Blogworld in New York. Our gracious sponsors Trancos and eBay were on hand to provide an open bar and food for the 100+ guests who showed up at Stitch. We'd like to thank Murray Newlands of Trancos and Ivka Adams from eBay for making the event possible.

You can check out the pictures here. And stay tuned. We'll likely have a couple more parties in the near future during Affiliate Summit and LeadsCon in New York in August. Perhaps something sooner. You never know.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 2-11    
Topic: Industry Events

Bottle Tossing Stunt Aims to Reduce Waste, Donate Water


Some people juggle. Others touch their tongue to their nose. Katie throws empty plastic bottles into trash cans...without looking. Using what is being referred to as her "clown college skills," Katie, while sitting in a chair in a gymnasium, tosses plastic bottles over her head and into trash cans behind her. And with each toss, it gets more tricky and elaborate.

It's all to promote the use of a reusable water bottle. And because this effort is also a charity, FaucetFace, for every bottle purchased, 100 liters of clean water will be donated to a family in rural India.

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by Steve Hall    Jun- 2-11    
Topic: Cause

Strange Video Promotes Place No One Has Ever Heard Of


Ever heard of Outaouais? Neither have we. And we still don't know where it is after watching this odd tourism ad for the place. Apparently it's in Canada somewhere. Where trains are invisible, roads go to Barcelona, waterfalls aren't famous, video games were inspired and the three largest conifer trees grow. or something like that.

The ad was created by Bleublancrouge. Yea. We'll leave the pronunciation of that one up to you.

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by Steve Hall    Jun- 2-11    
Topic: Strange

Jennifer Aniston Goes 'Topless' For SmartWater


Recently, Jennifer Aniston appeared in a new print campaign for SmartWater. In one ad, she lounges in white shorts in a chair, In another, she is seen getting out of a car in a black cocktail dress. Now, a third ad has been released and, much like every other celebrity who has something to pimp, Aniston appears nude. Of course, that would be quotation-mark nude as her hand covers her breast as she rests on one elbow and looks longingly into the camera.

We have to wonder. Is this just business as usual? Should we assume that at one point or another every celebrity is going to get "nude" and sell us something? Or is this an "I'm still hot!" cry from Aniston? Who knows what Aniston looks like when she rolls over in the morning but she sure still looks hot all dolled up in these ads. You decide.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 2-11    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity

Nokia Decapitates Barbie to Sell Phone


Looks like Nokia is doing whatever it can to stay alive and the brand has enlisted Barbie to help. In a new ad, called Freedom, for the very girly Nokia N8 Pink phone, director Dave Wilson tells us he wanted to "celebrate the world of hot pink and the glamor that goes with it." You can check out both the making-of video and the actual ad below.

Of the music in the commercial, Wison said, "Being able to work with the Sugarbabes' Freedom as a soundtrack for the piece lent itself to the empowered personas that we'd created for the dolls." Good God what a load of ad blather! But, hey, the ad is kind of fun. Except for the fact Wilson gleefully twists Barbie's head all the way around as if she were Linda Blair in The Exorcist.

All to sell a phone. From a company that isn't doing so well financially and is rumored to be in talks with Microsoft over selling itself to the software giant. But hey, pink is the new success. Or success is the new pink. Or whatever...

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by Steve Hall    Jun- 2-11    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Creative Commentary, Racy, Strange

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