Brands Attending Internet Week: Tells Us Your Party Plans


Dear Brand Attending Internet Week,

Hello. Perhaps you've heard of us. We're Adrants. We like advertising. We like the advertising business. We love brands that advertise. And we really, really love brands that host parties during advertising conferences. Especialy really, really big conferences like Internet Week.

Why do we like parties so much? Well, aside from the obvious, we love to see who shows up and what they have to say. We love to take pictures. And most of all, we love writing about parties and publishing pictures from the parties. So...why are we telling you this? Because we want to know if you're having a party. Why?

Well, connect the dots. Hosted party + lots of pictures + article written in publication read by everyone in advertising = TONS of publicity for a brand. So do yourselves a favor. Tell us about your party plans during Internet Week. And we promise to show up and complete the above equation for you.

by Steve Hall    May-28-11    
Topic: Industry Events

Blogworld Small But Filled With Valuable Content


This year, Blogworld and New Media Expo has moved from one show per year in Las Vegas to two shows, one in New York and one in Los Angeles. This week, Blog World East is taking place in New York at the Javits Center. It's a much smaller show than the Vegas version but there is still great content and the same great wonderful people with whom to network.

The jist of the show, of course, is social media and the various panels have explored just what that means to the various participants in the space; brands, agencies, merchants, bloggers, publishers and...even Century 21 which was the lone real estate exhibitor on the floor.And speaking of the exhibit hall floor, is was much smaller than previous years but we're glad we took a stroll through it. Had we not, we would have missed Webdoc's booth.

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by Steve Hall    May-26-11    
Topic: Industry Events

Blogworld Opens in New York


We're at Blogworld today through Thursday. It's the conference's first time in New York having relocated from Las Vegas where it was held once each year in October. Now, the conference will occur twice a year with the second conference in Los Angeles in November.

Blogworld, as the name may indicate, has to do with blogging but that's just a tiny slice of what the conference covers. It's full name is Blogworld and New Media Expo and content includes a broad array of topics in social media, marketing, advertising, publishing, mobile, SEO, gaming and more.

Since New York isn't Las Vegas, the tone of the conference is going to be quite different. That's not to say this is a bad thing but, well, Vegas is Vegas and the things you do in Vegas you might bot to in New York. Too close to home and all. But none of that should take away from the primary focus of the conference; the speakers and the panels.

Speakers include Wine Library's Gary Vaynerchuk, Author and former Kodak exec Jeffrey Hayzlett, novelist H.P. Mallory, Allen & Gerritsen SVP Mike Schneider, Chis Brogan, Chris Pirillo and many others.

If anything good happens, we'll be sure to let you know.

by Steve Hall    May-24-11    
Topic: Industry Events

Reynolds Touts Smokeless Cigs, Country Tricked, Tweets Power Mercedes Benz


- With the recent expansion of anti-smoking laws in New York City, Reynolds is out with a new print campaign touting the smokeless Camel Snus.

- Prague agency Loosers tricked an entire country with a fake campaign just to call attention to the prevalence of website hijacking.

- Oakland A's make the argument peripheral vision is key to playing great baseball

- Mercedes Benz...powered by Tweets.

- T-Mobile seeks social media shop.

by Steve Hall    May-23-11    
Topic: Commercials, Guerilla, Policy, Social

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Hot Wheels Come to Life at Secret Test Facility


In conjunction with the upcoming Hot Wheels Indy 500 promotion, here's the first of several global brand commercials from Mistress Creative and the Bandito Brothers which will tell the story of a secret Hot Wheels test facility where supposedly life sized representations of the childhood toy will be built.

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by Steve Hall    May-23-11    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials

Canon, Ron Howard Partner to Inspire Imagination


Canon just launched a new campaign, Long Live Imagination, in collaboration with Ron Howard. On May 22nd, Ron Howard and Canon invited photographers to submit their "most imaginative" photographs based on movie themes for Project Imagin8ion, a user-generated photo contest aimed at inspiring a Hollywood short film. The Long Live Imagination site hopes to foster dialogue within the community and with Canon.

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by Steve Hall    May-23-11    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity

Once Again, Sense of Humor Takes a Blow


We're getting sick of writing headlines like this one. With increasing frequency, the ability of the human race to appreciate humor is dwindling and will soon be very much like the planet Vulcan crossed with some kind of politically correct self-esteem club; emotionless. overly logical and devoid of the ability to rib or poke fun at one another.

The Postal Service has reached a settlement with Burger King over an ad that depicted a mail carrier becoming distracted by Burger King breakfast food. The Post Office didn't take kindly to the ad and, in particular, copy with read, "With pancakes and eggs on my plate, the mail has to wait."

The Postal Service claimed Burger King used the brand's logo and uniform without permission and portrayed the mail carries in a less than positive light. while Burger King admits no wrong doing, it has agreed to revise the ad so that the uniform is generic and does not use the Postal Service logo.

It's amazing comedians are still employed.

by Steve Hall    May-23-11    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Opinion, Policy

Man Emaciated to Sell Insurance


As with any significant purchase, it always pays to shop around a bit before committing. That's the key message in this French commercial for JeChange insurance. However, the way they go about making the shop around analogy is, shall we say, a bit out of the norm for an insurance agency. But, this is France we're talking about and if stereotypical legends are to be believed, they are keenly attuned to the importance of sex...even if it doesn't end up being a deciding factor.

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by Steve Hall    May-23-11    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

Zahia Dehar Shifts from Underage Call Girl to Lingerie Model


We're not sure this new video featuring Zahia Dehar qualifies as a commercial but last year, Dehar became well known as a then underage call girl who slept with French footballer Frank Ribery who, at the time, was fronting a Nike campaign. Nike stood by their man and Dehar went on to become a lingerie model. Seems sex with a minor isn't always such a bad thing in some people's minds.

And if you just can't get enough of Dehar after watching the video, feel free to stare at this animated gif all day long or her image galleries on Google. And don't worry. She's over 18 now.

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by Steve Hall    May-23-11    
Topic: Racy

Blogworld Offers 20 Percent Discount to Adrants Readers


If you haven't yet attended the Blogworld conference and you live in new York, now's your chance. In the past, the event has always been held in Las Vegas. Now it's moved to two locations; New York and Los Angeles. Next week, May 24-26, Blogworld hits New York's Javits Center.

BlogWorld focuses on blogging and social media and offers up internet luminaries, popular and knowledgeable bloggers, podcasters and social media thought leaders. Here's an overview of what you can expect at the conference. And here's an argument as to why you should attend.

The kind folks at Blogworld have offered up a "Thanks for joining us" discount to Adrants readers. There's a discount code for 20 percent off any pass. The discount code is Adrants 20. Register online at

That Discount Code is good for 20 percent off any pass all the way up through the event. We'll be there. Will you?

by Steve Hall    May-22-11    
Topic: Industry Events