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Live Streamed Goldfish Tanks Calls Attention to Ocean Garbage


Cohn & Wolfe and non-profit group Project Kaisei partnered to create an Eco-reality show campaign on Facebook starring a goldfish named Kai. The efforts aims to call attention to the impact of plastic pollution in the world's oceans. A live streaming video shows Kai in a habitat full of plastic - a representation of dirty areas of the Pacific ocean..

Every donation made to Project Kaisei removes a piece of plastic from Kai's home and helps fund the organization's third cleanup expedition in the North Pacific Gyre.

by Steve Hall    May-20-11    
Topic: Cause

A Look at A Few Cannes 48 Hour Film Festival Entries


Here's a few entries to the Cannes Young Lions Save the Children contest. The rules called for creators to keep it between 30 seconds and 1 minute, do not use any music, and incorporate the provided final art card.

Of his project, Chris Leising said, "I was so busy shooting, there was barely ANY time to edit! That being said, there was no time to do any color correcting or perfecting the audio. Murphy's Law was in full swing, of course. I had 2 computers crash on me...and I couldn't get internet on the computer I was editing on, so my friend was seriously grabbing audio off freesound.org, throwing it on a flash drive and tossing it to me from across the room...that I'd then have to bring through compressor to change into an .aiff!! It was hectic!"

The first video is from Chris. The second two come from Andre Castilho. The fourth comes from Rodolfo Torres.

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by Steve Hall    May-20-11    
Topic: Industry Events

Ad Community Comes to the Aid of Japan


Following Japan's earthquake and tsunami, The One Club and the Art Directors Club, in along with with AKQA teamed to get the creative community to help Japan rebuild. The program, Creatives Unite for Japan, urges the creative community to band together to raise funds for Japan.

All collected contributions will fund The Ashinaga Foundation, a non-profit Foundation established in 1963 to provide aid to children who have lost their parents due to hardship, economic or natural disasters.

Of the effort, The One Club CEO Mary Warlick said, "The creative community has always had a strong connection to the design community in Japan. This is our way of helping to rebuild the future."

by Steve Hall    May-20-11    
Topic: Cause

Google Chrome Spellchecker Idea Would Raise Money for UNICEF


Well if we actually used Chome - we can't because of a nagging cursor jumping problem - we'd probably end up donating millions to UNICEF. Why? Well if two Miami Ad School students, Lisa Zeitlhuber and Katharina Schmitt, have their way, their Donate a Word program would incorporate a "donate this word to UNICEF" option into Chrome's drop down spell check menu. All to raise money to educate children how to spell. Nice idea.

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by Steve Hall    May-20-11    
Topic: Cause

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Life Sized Hot Wheels Attempt Record Breaking Stunts at Indy 500


Right up there with Lego, playing with Hot Wheels was the coolest thing as a kid. But, as we grow up, we usually leave the toys behind. Well, thanks to Mistress Los Angeles and Bandito Brothers, the Hot Wheels experience has traveled through time to adulthood.

The brand is erecting a full-sized, real word ramp that a real truck with a real driver will travel down at the Indy 500 May 29 in an attempt to break the record of 301 feet for the longest truck jump. The stunt can be seen on ESPN right after the Indy 500 broadcast. It's like Evil Knievel all over again.

Of the project, Bandito Brothers Executive Producer said, "It's been fun working on the biggest branded content project in America. Between the web films, the global brand television campaign, and the thirty minute television show that's going to air after the Indy 500, it's been one of the most exciting projects I've worked on."

We'll definitely be watching!

by Steve Hall    May-20-11    
Topic: Promotions

ConocoPhillips Tagline A Good Fart Joke


Like a fart joke told at a church dinner, ConocoPhillips 66's decision to go with the new tagline, "Experts in gas since 1927," is questionable at best. It's like a fifth grade boy asking a classmate to pull his finger. Which is probably why the brand's agency, Venables Bell & Partners, decided to cast Pee Wee football players in one of the campaign's ads.

Awkward connotations aside, the brand would like us to understand the new approach is supposed to celebrate the company's "unique heritage and long standing history of striving to bring consumers the best in performance gasoline." Way to bring eloquence to gas.

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by Steve Hall    May-19-11    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Creative Commentary

Bigger is Not Always Better


Following the logic of this BBDO Berlin-created, Shilo-shot commercial for the smart fortwo vehicle, bigger is definitely not always better. But from the dawn of time, man wanted more. Bigger. Better. More comforting. Which probably explains the obsession with big breasts but we're getting off topic here.

The point this commercial makes is that sometimes progress in a certain direction is not always progress at all. Sometimes it's time to think differently and more simply. SO go buy yourself a toy car that will probably flip over the nice time you drive it on a windy day.

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by Steve Hall    May-19-11    
Topic: Commercials

Adrants, eBay, Trancos Host Party During Blogworld


Here at Adrants we're always going to parties, writing about parties and taking pictures at parties. Rarely, if ever, do we host our own party. Next week, that's about to change. Adrants, along with eBay and Trancos will host a cocktail gathering Wednesday, May 25 from 6PM to 8PM at Stitch in New York. Stitch is located at 247 West 37th Street.

The bar will be open (thanks to eBay and Trancos) and there will be some food as well. So stop by, grab a drink, have a bite, meet Ivka Adam from eBay, Murray Newlands from Trancos and myself, Steve Hall from Adrants. You know it will be fun and you know you'll need something to do Wednesday night while at Blogworld.

You can register to attend here.

by Steve Hall    May-19-11    
Topic: Industry Events

Robots Audition For Hotel Bellhop Position


New York hotel, Yotel, is on the hunt for an efficient luggage handler. And with help from Cunning, the hotel held interviews to find the perfect bellhop. All manner of robots, from RoboCop to the Terminator to R2D2 to Number 5 to that Japanese robot to Data to AI boy to Roomba to Hal and many others were interviewed. Hilarious stuff.

Turns out the whole thing is a riff on the fact Yotel has an actual robot that stores baggage for guests. Pretty cool.

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by Steve Hall    May-19-11    
Topic: Strange, Video

Virtual Bartender App Far Less Sexy Than Original


Not anywhere near as hot as the original Virtual Bartender from Beer.com that made the rounds six years ago but far more practical and useful comes this virtual bartender iPhone app for the East Atlanta Beer Festival. Created by LBi and called Re:Brew, the application will provide real-time ranking of the 150 beers that will be poured at the festival.

Come on, LBi! This is beer we're talking about. Where are the beer babes? Did you set your geeks lose on this project and forget to have them overseen by that oversexed, thirty-something art director who hits on all the hot, young interns every year? For shame!

by Steve Hall    May-19-11    
Topic: Mobile/Wireless

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