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iJustine Teams With Charity Water For 'Fluidity' Design Contest


Justine Ezarik, otherwise known as iJustine, has partnered with MASScanvas, an organization that brings together celebrities, designers and charities, to launch the Fluidity Challenge. And the challenge is simple: Create a T-shirt design, in any style, that best address the theme of fluidity.

Five winners will be awarded $1,000 in cash following a public vote and final selection by Justine. And, after a 30-day period of the 5 winning designs being available for sale in the MASScanvas online store, the top-selling T-shirt designer will win an additional $1,500.

Who is Justine and why should you care about her? For those who have been living under a rock, Justine is an American viral video comedienne, actress, life-caster, vlogger, freelance graphic/web designer and video editor and, of course, famous on YouTube. She is the most subscribed to female comedienne/personality on YouTube with almost 1.9 million subscribers and over a million twitter followers.

And if you haven't already noticed, she's hot. Really hot. In the same month she was named one of the Hollywood Reporters 50 most powerful digital players, she was also named one of Maxim Magazine's Hot 100. She has worked with brands from Mattell, Ford, GE, and Carls Jr. and been featured in The Chicago Tribune, Fast Company and many others as well as made numerous guest appearances on shows including Law and Order and Criminal Minds.

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by Steve Hall    May-13-11    
Topic: Cause, Celebrity

16.7 Million US Mobile Subscribers Used Check In Services in March


comScore, today, released the results from its MobiLens service. The study found 16.7 million U.S. mobile subscribers used location-based "check-in" services on their phones in March 2011, representing 7.1 percent of the entire mobile population. 12.7 million check-in users did so on a smartphone, representing 17.6 percent of the smartphone population.

The study also found check-in service users to have a high propensity for mobile media usage, including accessing retail sites and shopping guides, and displayed other characteristics of early adopters, including a stronger likelihood of owning a tablet device and accessing tech news, when compared to the average smartphone user.

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by Steve Hall    May-13-11    
Topic: Research

Tiny Tila Tequila Says No to Tequila and Driving


In a new video for DrinkingandDriving.org, MySpace queen and reality TV star Tila Tequila says, "My name may be Tila Tequila but that doesn't mean I drink and drive." The tiniy hottie goes on to say, "If you need a ride home, it's simple. Just call a cab or have one of your sober friends take you home.

Tila joins Violet Kowal, the Salahis, January Ryan, Michael Lohan and others for the cause group's efforst against drunk driving. On May 31, the organization will host a "Celebrity Charity Tabloid Roast" to raise money for the organization.

by Steve Hall    May-13-11    
Topic: Cause, Celebrity

Winslet Fashions, Mazda Inspires, Nintendo Boobs Bounce


- Kate Winslet is the new face of fashion brand St. John.

- Mazda UK is organizing the Challenge & Inspire 2011 Competition and is calling out to all art lovers to share their most inspiring, innovative or creative ideas. By doing this they can win a number of great prizes including a car for a year and a trip to New York.

- Dead or Alive gets boobalicious Nintendo 3DS Ad.

- In a recent survey of 2,480 female bloggers, 90% of the respondents like partnering with brands, as long as they are compensated. Of the 42% of bloggers approached by brands, the most commonly accepted sponsorship types are online reviews, (26%), affiliate program promotions (15%), and direct advertising (13%).

- For you young creatives out there interested in going to Cannes, there are three Young Lions packages for you to check out priced from €560 to €1,025.

- Coke is celebrating its 125th birthday with the world's largest building projection.

by Steve Hall    May-13-11    
Topic: Celebrity, Industry Events, Promotions, Research

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Jennifer Anniston Still Hot After All These Years


Jennifer Aniston is lending her beauty once again to SmartWater for a new print campaign the brand just launched. One ad shows Aniston lounging in her undies. Another shows her stepping out of a car wearing a black dress.

Aniston's previous work includes a hilarious video in which she explains how a make something "go viral."

by Steve Hall    May-13-11    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity

Porn Makes A Lousy Babysitter


If there's on thing about the internet it's that everything's on it and nothing is hard to find. And in the case of this campaign from anti-porn organization XXXChurch.com, porn is just a typo away. And that's exactly what two young boys find out when they misspell a few things on their laptop.

And when they do misspell a few things, they are quite surprised and who shows up at their door. To each their own in terms of what gives them a rise online but what might give adults a rise is nothing any child should see no matter how tame it is. And that's what this campaign is all about. Making sure content of a sexual nature isn't accessed by children.

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by Steve Hall    May-13-11    
Topic: Cause

Facebook Hired PR Firm to Plant Negative Stories About Google


On the heels of Google's IO event, The Daily Beast reports Facebook hired PR firm Burson-Marstellar "to pitch anti-Google stories to newspapers, urging them to investigate claims that Google was invading people's privacy." It is also reported Burson offered to help an influential blogger write a negative op-ed article about the search giant.

Everything blew up in Facebook's...um...face when said influential blogger outed Burson publicly and USA Today picked up the story.

For its part, Facebook confirms it hired Burson but claims it did so because it feels Google is doing nefarious things when it comes to privacy and because it isn't happy with Google's use of Facebook's data for its own social networking service.

Approaching bloggers, Burson wrote Google's Social Circle is "designed to scrape private data and build deeply personal dossiers on millions of users--in a direct and flagrant violation of agreement with the FTC."

Check out the rest of the saga here but it really boils down to this; grown adults acting like fickle, vindictive children with no self-esteem who will stoop to playground antics to get their way. And that's not business. That's childish.

by Steve Hall    May-12-11    
Topic: Social

KFC Colonel Delivers Lunch to Chicago Window Washers


Yesterday, KFC delivered lunch to window washers 40 stories above the Chicago River. Strapped to a harness a climber dressed in the Colonel's white suit hand delivered lunch to window washers at Chicago's River Bend building. Obviously the whole thing was a choreographed stunt but still, pretty cool.

by Steve Hall    May-12-11    
Topic: Guerilla

Bombardier Bangs For Beer


This is just funny. Bang on funny. And you'll see what we mean after you view this video for Bedford brewery Wells & Young's Bombardier Ale featuring a character named The Bombardier. There's lots of banging. And bombing. And general frivolity.

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by Steve Hall    May-12-11    
Topic: Video

Buddy Media Acquires Spinback, Will Measure Effect of Social on Sales


Facebook management system Buddy Media has acquired Spinback, a social commerce and analytics company. The acquisition gives Buddy Media the capability to bring its social media management and metrics outside the world of Facebook to the greater web.

Of the acquisition, Buddy Media Founder and CEO Michael Lazerow said, "Tens of millions of websites have added sharing buttons. Very few of them, however, can actually tell you how many sales were driven by these buttons. With this acquisition, Buddy Media can now answer the question 'what is the ROI of social media?' better than anyone else in the market in a holistic way, both on Facebook and off, and on Twitter and email."

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by Steve Hall    May-12-11    
Topic: Social

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