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You Don't Have to Take Your Clothes Off to Have A Good Time


OK. This is just fun. Or really annoying. Because who can't get this song out of their head once they hear it? Go on. Give it a listen. See how long it sticks with you. If you can't get rid of it for a few hours, you can blame A Glass and a Half Full Productions which used it in a new Cadbury commercial. Love the dancing clothes.

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by Steve Hall    May- 6-11    
Topic: Commercials

Redhook Gets Its Package Shortened


Red Hook is out with a new billboard, print and online campaign to tout its new shortneck bottles and give the bottle some 'tude. Created by Frank Unlimited, campaign headlines include, "Redhook is ok with you staring at his new package," "Redhook likes his new label, but he'd rather go commando," "Redhook looks forward to the whole spanking thing on his birthday" and "Redhook isn't the type to use 'party' as a verb. This year he'll make an exception."

The bi-coastal campaign includes thirteen different headlines. In the Pacific Northwest, they will appear in alternative papers including The Stranger, Seattle Gay News, Seattle Weekly; on urban and highway 14' x 48' and 20' x 60' billboards, and wallscapes; and on websites (eight banners only) including ESPN, Yelp, SeattleTimes, SeattlePI, Pandora. In New England, print placements are still to be determined, as are planned radio spots and P-O-P and event marketing.

by Steve Hall    May- 6-11    
Topic: Newspaper, Online, Outdoor

CityCents Launches Daily Deal Service For Morons


The best part of this CityCents commercial which lets us know the eighth commandment has been repealed and stealing is now perfectly OK is the disclaimer which reads, "Stealing is illegal. Don't actually steal anything, Thanks." You know. Just in case some moron thinks the eighth commandment actually was repealed and it's now OK to go rob your local convenience store.

The commercial was created by MGH for the Baltimore-based daily deal site which claims it's nothing like Groupon because it allows people to claim deals without putting any money down.

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by Steve Hall    May- 6-11    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

Billboard With 'Naked' Woman Gets Censored


A billboard in Jerome, Illinois for BJ Grand Salon & Spa which has a naked women (with all her unmentionables covered) has cause some complaints resulting in the application of a "censored" sticker over the woman.

An initial complaint came from a woman who drove by the billboard with her children. The complaint made its way to Jerome Vilage President Harry Stirmell who said, "The way I got it was that she was driving down the street and had her kids in the car. One of the kids said something like 'that girl in the picture is nude.' "

Several complaints followed and were passed on to WC Media Owner Nick Giacomini who, in turn, presented them to HIP Advertising's Myra Hoffman and BJ Grand's John and Gail Lorenzini.

Of course, no one at the agency or the brand intended to offend feeling he image was "beautiful, not provocative." But they agreed to have the censor label applied to the billboard.

Working to extend the "controversy," as any good agency should, HIP Advertising put up a website where people can go and vote as to whether or not the feel the board is too hot, just right or not worth worrying about. Currently, most people feel the board id just right.

by Steve Hall    May- 6-11    
Topic: Outdoor, Policy

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Campaign Predicts End of the World


We're confused. We thought the world was going to end in 2012. Now we're being told we have one less year to live. A preacher, Harold Camping, who once predicted the world would end in 1994 but is convinced he's right this time, is predicting the world will end May 21, 2011.

Camping and his believers have raised millions to spend on an advertising campaign warning people the end is coming. The organization has purchased billboards all around the world.

How will the world end? We are told it will come via an earthquake which will begin at the international date line and work its way around the globe.

Well, there you have it. You have exactly 16 days to get your life in order before it's over. Well...what are you still doing here reading Adrants? Get moving!

by Steve Hall    May- 5-11    
Topic: Outdoor

Dial Gets Men Dirty. Then Cleans Them Up


OK so it's not at all as witty and goofy as Old Spice but perhaps that's the point. After all, Dial is a pretty staid brand so we can't get too wild here. Oh but wait! We can. And that's just what Red Tettmer + Partners did for Dial for Men.

The agency crafted and event called Camp Dirt, a three day event where men can go and do what men...um, boys...do best: get dirty doing things like sliding down a mud pile, drag racing bulldozers, digging with dynamite and playing paintball.

Oh yes. Get these men seriously dirty and then give them some Dial to clean them up. The event will be held August 26-28 in Granby, Colorado.

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by Steve Hall    May- 5-11    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Promotions

Laundry Bags Promote Washing Machine


One might think a laundromat/dry cleaner would hope no one would ever buy a washing machine and dryer seeing it as competition. One might also think a laundromat/dry cleaner would never let a washer/dryer manufacturer advertise on the bags they use to cover freshly cleaned clothing either.

One, of course, should never assume anything. Especially in advertising. Created by Y&R Dubai for LG Electronics, the laundry bag takeover was developed to promote LG's new Steam Direct Drive Washing Machine.

by Steve Hall    May- 5-11    
Topic: Specialty

Dos Equis Challenges New Yorkers to Eat Strange Tacos


- If you're into tongue, cricket and veal brain tacos, you need to hunt down the Dos Equis Feats of the Brave taco truck currently touring the streets of New York.

- A new trade association made up of media-auditing firms has formed to establish ethics and best practices for this niche of the advertising world.

- "Talk to the Bird" is a campaign for Gigaset, a German phone manufacturer, which shows the bird talking to callers from around the world. Why? We have no idea.

- DeVito/Verdi has created a caption contest for Duane Reade called New York's Least Pretentious Caption Contest. Each week New Yorkers will have the chance to enter and vote for their favorite captions. Then on June 1st, 2011, a final vote will determine the best caption among all finalists.

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by Steve Hall    May- 4-11    
Topic: Agencies, Cause, Celebrity, Commercials, Guerilla, Promotions, Social, Tools

Progressive's Flo Get Really Annoying For Mother's Day


This is painful to watch. Very, very painful in a cringe-worthy way. It stars Stephanie Courtney, the woman with two first names who's best know for playing Flo in the Progressive Insurance ad campaign. In this Clay Weiner directed send up to moms and stepmoms everywhere, Stephanie plays an annoying stepmon who foists her way into a family. And it is painful to watch. It's also very, very funny.

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by Steve Hall    May- 4-11    
Topic: Video

Fans Follow Celebrities on Twitter No Matter What They Say


This guest article is written by David Murton who has been helping companies build and maintain their online relationships with customers since 2006. He is also a professional writer and blogger, with a particular interest in the open source Drupal platform. On a more personal note, David is an avid piano and accordion player, drawn especially to music of the classical and romantic periods.

Lo, it is written: the first shall be last, and the last shall be first. And, with celebrities now increasingly following their own followers on social media - the world's hippest new hit series - Matthew 20:16 has come to pass.

But Twitter 'twasn't always such. Back in the medium's early days - say, back when your current vehicle had about twenty thousand fewer miles - it was common for celebrities simply to treat social media merely as an extension of traditional media. That is, as just another billboard to plug their next film, book, or show, or to announce their latest political cause or adoption of a developing country's child.

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by Steve Hall    May- 4-11    
Topic: Opinion, Social

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