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Nudity Eyeballed With Drunken Socks, Ill-Fitting Bras and Burnt Marshmallows


- Now this is the way to sell a waterproof camera!

- The best commentary we've ever read on eyeball tracking. In our entire lives. Seriously.

- Lindsay Lohan's dad begs the rest of us not to drink and drive. (Click Playlist)

- Article ponders the notion booze makes for better creative.

- Another entry in the humorous sock loss campaign from GE.

- What do burnt marshmallows and bras have to do with each other? We have no idea but they are front and center in a new Hanes campaign.

by Steve Hall    Apr-15-11    
Topic: Campaigns, Racy, Video

Sometimes Sucking is a Very Good Thing


You've got to love a company that acknowledges the fact it sucks. Especially in the case of ZipVac when sucking is a very good thing. In a video which illustrates the waterproof protective qualities of its zip lock bags, not to mention takes a riff on Will it Blend, a guy seals up his iPhone and jumps off a cliff into a river.

Of course, they could have simply dunked the bagged iPhone in a sink to make the point but that just wouldn't have been as much fun. Now the only problem with a product like this is that you actually have to have the forethought to use it. Trouble is, most of us don't. Well, at least we don't. Or didn't when we decided to go for a swim in a pool on the coast of Maine last summer only to realize, upon exiting the pool, there was a now useless iPhone in the pocket of out swim shorts.

But hey, if you're smarter than we are - and we're quite certain you are - you might want to run out and grab a few ZipVacs so you don't end up with a waterlogged iPhone like we did. Call this a public service announcement from your friends here at Adrants.

by Steve Hall    Apr-15-11    
Topic: Video

BIC Robo Razor Pokes Fun at Razor Blade Obsession


Eschewing the "more is better" approach to razor blade marketing, BIC is out with a commercial that calls bullshit on Gillette's and Schick's apparent fixation with the ever increasing number of blades a razor seemingly must have.

In the ad, we have what can only be described as a Roomba for the Face. A device, which BIC affectionately calls Robo Razor, magically attaches itself to your face, has rotating micro blades and is guaranteed to put an end to the tedium of shaving.

Created by Crispin Porter + Bogusky, the campaign will air through May in Canada

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by Steve Hall    Apr-15-11    
Topic: Commercials

Consumer Reports Ad Opposes AT&T T-Mobile Deal


Consumer Reports is out with an ad on Politico that states its opposition to the AT&T T-Mobile merger and why it would be bad for consumers. The copy reads, "To put it lightly, this wireless merger is tipped against you. Higher prices. Fewer choices. Say no to the AT&T T-Mobile merger."

In addition to the ad, Consumer Reports has sent a letter to all the members of congress urging them not to approve the deal.

Focusing on Consumer Reports, findings that T-Mobile has traditionally been a lower cost option than AT&T Consumers Union Policy Counsel Parul P. Desai said, "We are concerned that T-Mobile's departure from the wireless market would eliminate a relatively low-cost carrier as an option that many consumers need access to in order to afford quality wireless service."

The organization has also posted a petition opposing the merger and is asking for signatures.

by Steve Hall    Apr-15-11    
Topic: Cause

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Festival of Media Agenda to Cover Film, Content, Music, Gaming, Mobile


The Festival of Media Global 2011 is out with its conference agenda and speaker line up. The Festival of Media gathers creative media strategists, new media developers and business leaders in the advertising industry. In a shift from past years, the conference will also bring in visionaries from outside the industry to offer an alternative perspective on the business.

Experts in global film, gaming and music will present thoughts on how to "Harness The Cultural Zeitgeist" while a review of the Japanese mobile market and presentations from early stage businesses will offer attendees insight into "Emerging Opportunities and Future Game-Changers." A panel entitled "New Directions for Marketing" will feature the VP of Global Media Services at Kraft Foods.

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by Steve Hall    Apr-15-11    
Topic: Industry Events

iPad Just A Baby Compared to Fujitsu's Full Grown Hottie


We love to praise great advertising but, admittedly, we find far more glee in trashing the crap this industry so often vomits up. Take this ad for Fujitsu which attempts to inform its been the king of the tablet PC since 1989. With bad dialog, poor dubbing and a concept that likens the purchase of a tablet PC to black market human trafficking, this commercial is so bad (good?) it inspired one commenter to write, "I don't just like the Fujitsu tablet... I love it, I want to marry it, to felch it, to reach around it from behind and tug gently on it"

Probably not the fetishistic freak show Fujitsu was going for.

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by Steve Hall    Apr-15-11    
Topic: Strange, Worst

Katy Perry Glams Up for Hair Styler Brand


This is just an easy way for us to get back into action here at Adrants after having returned from a whirlwind of merriment, frivolity and, oh, a little work too in San Francisco for ad:tech. If you want to know what all that was about, read this and this and then check out the ad:tech blog for the stuff that actually matters.

Anyway, we're back. And so is Katy Perry. Well, she was never gone but now she's in a new ad campaign for hair product brand ghd. In a set of glam shots, Katy is super stylized and, of course, exponentially Photoshopped. The woman is beautiful enough. Does she really need digital manipulation?

See the other two ads here and here.

by Steve Hall    Apr-15-11    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity

Six Party Marathon Completed by 1AM


Let's just get this out right up front. We make every effort to help you vicariously party your way through the night at ad:tech by attending all the parties so you don't have to. However, even for this nighttime wanderer, there were far too many parties on Wednesday night at ad:tech for any single human to attend them all. But we did make it to six and we think that's a pretty good effort for one night.

Ready? We kicked the night off with a walk over to Roe Nightclub for the Criteo party. Turns out, Yahoo was having a party there as well but it was starting later. Anyway, Criteo had their party upstairs. We met a few folks from Criteo including the PR folks and the marketing director. All wonderful people. Drinks were free and the snacks were great.

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by Steve Hall    Apr-15-11    
Topic: Industry Events

Firebreathers, Dancers, Acrobats Highlight First Night of ad:tech Parties


ad:tech San Francisco kicked off nicely Monday night. Oh wait. ad:tech kicked off Monday afternoon. Sorry, on this beat, we keep forgetting the conference is really about the content and not the parties but you'll have to forgive us because party coverage is, well, just more fun sometimes.

Anyway, the first night of ad:tech kicked off with a cocktail party over at Pereira & O'Dell in their Barrel House bar space around the corner from their offices. It was a nice event with about 200 people showing up. Pereira & O'Dell PR exec Molly Parsley spoke with us for a while and told us the agency's offices used to be in the Barrel House space but they outgrew it and had to move around the corner. But they decided to keep the space to host parties of their clients and for the industry. The agency now has about 80 employees.

Next stop was Temple Nightclub where Blumberg Capital and Pillsbury held a three hour event which included all kinds of snacks and delicious passed Hors D'Ovres. At the rate the food went, one could safely conclude the 400 or so attendees considered that their dinner. I know I did. Is it just us or is the ration of men to women in the financial services industry about 90/10? If the male female ratio of the party is any indicator, it certainly seems to hold true.

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by Steve Hall    Apr-13-11    
Topic: Industry Events

Chase Does Inception's Landscape Roll Up


This is at least the second homage to Inception we've seen. Citroen did it here. Is the technique the new Matrix camera swing move? Who knows but the landscape roll up maneuver has been spotted quite a bit lately. Here's another rendition of it courtesy of mcgarrybowen and Psyop for JPMorgan Chase.

The works touts the fact the financial institution lent more than $10 billion to small businesses last year along with funding and donations to hospotals and schools. Points for technique. No points for originality.

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by Steve Hall    Apr-12-11    
Topic: Commercials

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