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People Who Wear Wranglers Have Serious Issues


We already know that Wrangler wearers are a bunch of crazed, animalistic lunatics who like to hunt their fellow humans. Now, we're being informed they're also a bunch of deranged pyromaniacs who enjoy lighting themselves on fire and jumping out of windows.

Does the brand seriously think "normal people" are going to identify with this crazed approach to positioning the brand? We think not.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-25-11    
Topic: Strange

Citroen Does Inception


While the agency, Agence H in Paris, would have us believe this concept is based on the domino effect - and it is - we can't help but read a whole lot of Inception into this Citroen commercial. The ad takes a twist on the tried and true (i.e. boring) winding mountain road car commercial concept and injects some dominoes-style special effects.

As the car traverses the winding mountain road, the landscape unfolds in front of it as if the land were a collection of interchangeable dominoes. It's not a bad effect. After all, anything is better that the winding mountain road snooze-fest.

Psyop handled the direction and special effects.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-25-11    
Topic: Commercials

I Am Epic Win


DirecTV is out with another commercial featuring the opulent life of Gregor, the Russian who loves the easy life and the easy life DirecTV provides him. In this new ad, we see Gregor, who, in the midst of a grueling workout, dubs himself, "I am epic win."

And the secret to Gregor's awesome epic winningness? "No pain, no pain."

Gotta love the pet giraffe.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-24-11    
Topic: Commercials

Jeep Made in Toledo, Nightclub Offers Free Boob Job


- A group of Toledo Jeep dealers liked Chrysler's Imported from Detroit ad, they made one of their own. Chrysler was not pleased.

- Those hotties from the sky keep falling. This time, the Axe Angels are falling to the floor of London's Victoria Station courtesy of some interesting virtual reality.

- Sixty things your husband could do if he wasn't watching TV.

- Nightclub promotion offers free boob job as prize.

- All the QR code/barcode drama reduced to a simple infographic.

- The shortlist for the Affiliate Marketing Awards is out today.

by Steve Hall    Mar-24-11    
Topic: Guerilla, Racy, Spoofs, Strange

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PETA Clubbed by Canadian Club Over Seal Hunt Parody


PETA is catching some heat for a New Yorker-style cartoon ad it ran recently which shows a seal at a bar asking the bartender for "anything but a Canadian Club." The ad, which aims to protest Canada's annual seal hunt, has raised the ire of whiskey maker Canadian Club which sent the cause group a cease and desist letter.

In the letter, Canadian Club VP and General Counsel Kenton Rose wrote, "PETA's malicious publication has caused degradation of Canadian Club's corporate image and the advertisement has and will damage the 'Canadian Club' brand and trademark,"

While PETA General Counsel Jeffrey Kerr claimed the ad was an obvious parody, the cause group agreed to pull the ad and destroy all post card versions of the ad.

In response to Canadian Club's complaint, PETA General Counsel Jeffrey Kerr wrote, "Jim Beam could stand head and shoulders above the rest by saying, 'Let's drink to the end of seal slaughter!'"

by Steve Hall    Mar-24-11    
Topic: Cause

Road Safety PSA Urges Us to Slow Down, Appreciate Life


Alright so we were all ready to whip up something snarky about this latest feel-good road safety PSA (it's a trend, you know) until we realized the message within the three minute video is a very important one. We need to slow down. Not just on the road but it life. In every aspect of our lives. We move too fast. Eat too quickly and drive too fast. And this makes us tense and uneasy and takes a toll on out bodies.

We need to breathe. To breath slowly as this PSA encourages. And to appreciate that slow breath and its importance. And to understand that getting there a few minutes earlier really isn't worth the harm life's constant race places upon us.

Some nice work from the Road Safety Council of Western Australia

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by Steve Hall    Mar-24-11    
Topic: Cause

Tehmeena Afzal Wants to Meet You in the New York Mets Dugout


Pretty soon, New York's hottest sports fan is going to run out of teams to support with her bootylicious antics. Tehmeena Afzal, who has already lent her giants to the New York Giants and inflated passion for the New York Knicks, can currently be seen in an ode to the New York Mets that gives us a peek at what baseball might look like if it had a Lingerie Bowl.

And you just might not look at a bat the same way after viewing this video.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-24-11    
Topic: Racy, Video

Hardee's Puts Miss Turkey in Charbroiled Turkey Burger Bikini


We like the logic of this new Hardee's commercial from David & Goliath (who, we wish, would email us instead of slapping a YouTube copyright violation on our ass if they'd like us to remove a spot) that continues the brand's tradition of using hot women in bikinis to sell their sandwiches.

To help everyone remember how great their new charbroiled turkey burger is, the brand hired Miss Turkey and placed her in a bikini with tiny pictures of its charbroiled turkey burger. Explaining this approach, the voiceover concludes with, "And that's just the way it is."

Never before have we heard such truism in a commercial and the complete, unapologetic acknowledgement that sex will, and forever, be used to sell. Nice work, David & Goliath. But please stop tarnishing our image on YouTube by complaining to them about videos YOU sent to us. OK? Are we cool now?

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by Steve Hall    Mar-24-11    
Topic: Brands, Racy

Aflac Seeks New Voice for Duck


Aflac today announced plans for a nationwide casting call to find a new voice for the Aflac Duck. The company plans to hold auditions in six cities across the US during the first week of April.

Live auditions will be held in New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Las Vegas, Austin and Atlanta. The online casting call is open today and will remain open until April 1, 2011 at midnight Pacific time.

Since 2000, the Aflac Duck has appeared in 52 television ads and numerous radio ads and is said to have increased brand recognition from slightly more than 10 percent to 93 percent. The Aflac Duck is also a symbol of the company's philanthropic cause which has raised more than $62 million for the treatment and research of childhood cancer.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-24-11    
Topic: Brands, Strange

Silverman Does Denny's, Deschanel Doctored, Bundchen Censored


- Here's the second episode of Denny's Always Open from Gotham and DumbDumb. This one stars Sarah Silverman.

- New $7 million campaign says there's much more to do in Vegas than just gamble.

- Zoe Deschanel looks nothing like herself in a new Rimmel London campaign.

- H&M censors Gisele Bundchen for Middle East ad campaign.

by Steve Hall    Mar-23-11    
Topic: Celebrity, Video

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