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GoGranny Takes on GoDaddy


In what could have been a hilarious take on the GoDaddy commercials if only it were three and a half minutes shorter, this video from Network Solutions featuring Cloris Leachman is a yawner. Leachman can be funny but this dreck just goes on and on and on. And then at the end we are subjected to what seems like some kind of pro-women cause group rant from BlogHer Co-Founder Lida Stone.

Yawn. We'll take the GoDaddy Girls over this crap any day of the week. Even if they are a bunch of bimbos with fake boobs and absolutely no need for a domain registrar.

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by Steve Hall    Feb- 5-11    
Topic: Spoofs, Super Bowl 2011

Verizon Guy Returns. And He Can Hear Us Now


With an ad that's part 2001, part Jerry Bruckheimer movie trailer and part Michael Bay extravaganza, Verizon is gleefully celebrating the iPhone's availability on their network. After heaping accolades upon the device, the ad asks, "But does your deive work?"

That question is happily answered, "Yes. I can hear you know," by good 'ol Verizon Guy who we haven't seen in a while.

We love this spot. We have no idea how Verizon will fair once millions of iPhone users trample the network with their data hogging behavior but this ad is quite convincing. Quite convincing, indeed.

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by Steve Hall    Feb- 4-11    
Topic: Commercials

Super Bowl Predictions According to Ad Age...and Brokaw


According to Ad Age:

Almost two-thirds of Super Bowl viewers age 18-34 will be using a smartphone, while watching the game this Sunday.

- 59% will be sending emails or texts about the game.
- 18% will be checking out ads online from their phones.
- 18% will visit advertiser websites--including this infamous one.
- 32% will be posting comments about the game or the ads on a social network.

According to Cleveland-based ad agency Brokaw:

- 6% will make an inappropriate Ben Roethlisberger joke in front of mixed company.
- 45% will avoid that "mystery dip" by saying they're "stuffed," then secretly double-fist Cool Ranch in the corner.
- 21% will make small talk about the blizzard in Chicago to fill the uncomfortable silence following the new Go Daddy spot.
- 37% will be surprised and somewhat saddened to learn that another aging rock band isn't performing at this year's halftime show.

And there you have it.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 4-11    
Topic: Super Bowl 2011

OMG! PETA Debuts ANother Nude Ad! Call the Media!


And in the midst of all the Super Bowl hoopla, we have PETA screaming for attention with the announcement German hottie Hana Nitsche will pose nude for the cause group in a new ad. Who is Hana Nitsche? She was second runner up on Germany's Next Top Model Other than that, she's just hot, single and loves exotic looking men.

Why do we waste out time with this shit?

by Steve Hall    Feb- 4-11    
Topic: Racy

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Is $3 Million for a Super Bowl Spot Worth it?


This pre-Super Bowl guest post comes from John Follis, president of Follis Advertising LLC.

Last year, Pepsi did something it hadn't done in 23 years. It chose not to run a Super Bowl spot. Instead, it took the $20 million that it spent on the previous year's game and spent it on a social media driven contest. With a blend of philanthropy, guerrilla branding, and PR the Pepsi Refresh contest invited people to submit their ideas and compete for votes to win grants ranging from $5,000 to $250,000.

Was it successful? Did it help increase sales? "The Pepsi Refresh Project was not a sales driven program" said Shiv Singh, head of digital for PepsiCo beverages America, "It was designed to build brand awareness...cultivate a long term relationship with consumers...(and) build brand health. We look at brand equity, brand health and sales - and we have seen movement in all of them."

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by Steve Hall    Feb- 4-11    
Topic: Opinion, Super Bowl 2011

Kia Optima Super Bowl Commercial is Epic


Uh, oh. There's winding mountain roads in this car commercial. That doesn't bode well in our book but let's not get hung up on the details just yet. From David & Goliath comes this epic commercial for the Kia Optima. In the spot, we see people from across space and time - everyone from police to villains to aliens to ancient chiefs - who attempt to keep the Optima for themselves. It's actually quite the sweet looking ride. SO we guess we can see why people might go to great lengths to snag one for themselves.

Additionally, Kia will launch One Epic Contest, an online contest which incorporates elements of the TV spot, including the ad's ancient civilization environment in which the game is based.

The contest will give away five 2011 Optimas. Five questions pertaining to the content of the ad will be revealed along with a final question to be unveiled during the Super Bowl.

As car commercial go, we think this is a good one.

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by Steve Hall    Feb- 4-11    
Topic: Super Bowl 2011

Preview Chevrolet's Super Bowl Ads Here


So we've viewed all the ads Chevrolet is going to air this Sunday and, generally, we like them. Our favorite is Miss Evelyn. Touting the Camaro, the ad begins with two guys talking about how they have a great idea for the commercial. It begins in the desert and then moves to the city and then to the suburbs. As the two discuss the concept, the ad changes as they come up with new ideas. Of course, there's a hot chick. A hot chick who turns out to be a hot teacher.

Other ads highlight the various features of Chevrolet cars such as the cars mobile app that start, lock and unlock the car from a distance and the real time Facebook status update in the Chevrolet Cruze.

An ad for the Silverado highlights the vehicles apparent ability to drive itself and take care of an accident-prone child. A couple more center on the importance of innovation and its the brand's history. View them all below.

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by Steve Hall    Feb- 4-11    
Topic: Super Bowl 2011

Robert Downey Returns as Mr. Peanut, Alejandro Steals Limelight


Robert Downey Jr. is voicing Mr. Peanut again in a new mini-western commercial called Alejandro. Created by TBWA's Being NY, we see Downey introducing Alejandro, a character who is a lady killer, bull fighter and a general annoyance to Mr. Peanut. The spot was directed by Ringan Ledwidge of Smuggler and Mark Gustafson of Laika.

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by Steve Hall    Feb- 3-11    
Topic: Commercials

Alka-Seltzer Celebrates Embarrassing Moments With Facebook Contest


We all have one of those stories. You know, the one where a simple miscommunication turns into something strange, embarrassing or hilarious. Enter Alka-Seltzer, the familiar plop, plop/fizz, fizz brand that wants us to know that while it's all well and good to tell hilarious stories, those stories can lead to a certain degree of heartburn, upset stomach or headache.

Acknowledging both the joy is telling and hearing about these stories as well as the reactions they can cause, the brand, today, announced the launch of its Said/Heard Mishaps Contest on Facebook. The contest gives entrants the opportunity to share their miscommunication experiences for a chance to win big.

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by Steve Hall    Feb- 3-11    
Topic: Social

Military Get Their Own Private Super Bowl Ad


To remind overseas military of their right to vote, the Department of Defense Federal Voting Assistance Program, with help from Mullen, will air a commercial on the American Forces Network during the Super Bowl. As many as one million military will see the ad.

Traditionally, the military, while able to view the Super Bowl, are not able to view the ads the rest of us see during the game. Rather, they are subjected to a bunch of, shall we say, less creative PSAs.

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by Steve Hall    Feb- 3-11    
Topic: Super Bowl 2011

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