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Holmes Hawks, Perry Visits Facebook, Internships Tweeted


- Katie Holmes is the new face of Ann Taylor.

- Katy Perry is heading to Palo Alto to visit Facebook. Who knows why and who really cares. But if you do, tune in to Facebook Live January 19 at 2:30PM PST to see what it's all about.

- Need interns? Well, that's what Twitter is for according to Campbell Mithun.

- The backstory on why Carmax bought two spots in the Super Bowl.

- An ARG. For a feature film. Coming out in early 2011. Check it out. If you care.

- GoDaddy plans to unveil a new GoDaddy girl in one of their Super Bowl commercials. CEO Bob Parsons claims it will be a big surprise to all. We wait with baited breath.

by Steve Hall    Jan-14-11    
Topic: Celebrity, Social

Audi 8 Says 'Goodnight Moon' to Excess


This beautiful new commercial from Venables Bell & Partners for the Audi 8 follows the classic, 1947 children's book, Goodnight Moon. In the ad, old luxury is eschewed for new luxury in the form on an Audi 8.

The commercial pokes fun at excess...as well as Mercedes Benz and introduces us to the Audi 8's "unequaled inspiration."As car commercials go, we like it. The analogy works and makes good use of a classic everyone can identify with.

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by Steve Hall    Jan-14-11    
Topic: Commercials

Was Hiring Ted Williams a Smart Choice For Kraft?


Branding consultant Rob Frankel isn't a fan of Crispin Porter + Bogusky's use of Ted Williams for its client Kraft. If you recall, Ted Williams was the homeless man who found fame when, earlier this month, it was discovered he had the perfect announcer voice in a Columbia Dispatch video.

While the new Kraft Macaroni & Cheese commercial has received 933,000 views since it hit YouTube January 7, Frankel thinks the whole thing is just another opportunistic agency ploy, telling Mashable, "It's clearly another one of those opportunistic stunts by creatively bankrupt agencies who jump on any trend they think can take them to the top of a Twitter trend."

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by Steve Hall    Jan-14-11    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity, Commercials, Opinion

Lingerie Sells Car Insurance. Wait, What?


There are many ways to sell car insurance. But in Romania, the strategy requires lingerie. We're quite sure we'll never see a Progressive Insurance commercial with Stephanie Courtney prancing around in her underwear but America isn't Romania and using sex to sell here in America walks the very fine line between harmless folly and the degradation of women.

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by Steve Hall    Jan-14-11    
Topic: Strange

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If You Eat Snickers Peanut Butter Squared A Shark Will Eat You


When it comes to selling candy bars, the first thing that comes to mind isn't necessarily a focus group populated by sharks who've just sampled some human cuisine and are commenting upon which human tasted better and why.

But, that's the direction in which BBDO went for a new Snickers Peanut Butter Squared commercial. Which, of course, begs the question, why sharks? We're pretty sure sharks aren't able to leave the ocean, hobble over to a convenience store and buy a box of Snickers Peanut Butter Squared.

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by Steve Hall    Jan-14-11    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

Kardashian Sisters Hook up With Sears For Kardashian Kollection


Sears? Sears? Either Sears is desperate or the Kardashians will do anything for a buck. Oh wait. On both counts. Which, we suppose, is why we're not surprised the retailer has signed a deal with the sisters to carry a new fashion line dubbed the Kardashian Kollection.

Of the sister's choice of getting into bed with Sears, Khloe Kardashian said, "Not only do they have locations nationwide but we recognize that Sears will allow us to reach multigenerations of fans and people who are interested in fabulous clothing at affordable prices."

Affordable prices, yes. But fabulous clothing? At Sears? Really?

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by Steve Hall    Jan-13-11    
Topic: Celebrity

Yet Another Study Claims Celebrity Endorsements Are A Waste of Money


In the Things We Already Knew But Will Never Change department, another study has concluded that - shocker! - celebrity endorsements don't help sell product and are a waste of money. Alloy Media + Marketing said this back in 2006 and AdWeek concluded the same in a poll conducted just last Fall.

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by Steve Hall    Jan-13-11    
Topic: Research

Caribou Coffee Bus Shelter Oven Warms Commuters


This is just what we need after all that snow and cold. For Caribou Coffee, Colle+McVoy created transit shelters in Minneapolis that look like ovens, complete with real heaters, to highlight the "Hot 'n Wholesome" goodness of Caribou Coffee's new menu items.

We think the work does a wonderful job conveying that warm feeling one gets when they have their favorite breakfast food and a cup of steaming coffee. Especially when it's as cold as it is outside.

by Steve Hall    Jan-13-11    
Topic: Outdoor

T-Mobile Babe Mocks Verizon and AT&T


Underdog T-Mobile is having a field day with Verizon and AT&T in a commercial that mocks the pair over the fact T-Mobile has 4G and Verizon and AT&T don't (yet). Pity the poor iPhone - also a character in the commercial - who has to choose between the lesser of two have nots.

Forgetting for a moment Sprint also has 4G, the spot pays homage to "I'm A Mac" Apple commercials and paints Verizon and AT&T as frumpy John Hodgman-like characters with receding hairlines while the iPhone and the T-Mobile babe herself are portrayed as a nit more fashion forward.

Now if only the iPhone worked on T-Mobile and the network, itself, was available in more than two places.

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by Steve Hall    Jan-13-11    
Topic: Brands, Commercials

Advertising Gets I Can Haz Cheesburger'd


A site called Things Real People Don't Say About Advertising include such gems as "Of course I'll spend 8 minutes of my life watching your branded content," "Cool! A banner ad!", "You know what I could go for? A mini-site that requires all of my computer's processing power" and "Fuck Yeah I'll Join the Conversation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

When you step back and take a look at the advertising industry and it's propensity to toss around buzz words and create things only those in the industry could love, it's not surprising these reactions are exactly the sort off things people, despite the industry's best efforts, would never say.

by Steve Hall    Jan-13-11    
Topic: Strange

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