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La Senza's Cup Size Choir Celebrates Holiday Season


Remember music glass in elementary school? You had to learn the fundamentals of musical notes. From A to G. Octaves. And all that good stuff. Remember when you first laid eyes on a bra and realized they were sized using letters of the alphabet akin to musical notes being assigned to letters of the alphabet? Remember how you never made a correlation between the naming of musical notes and the cup size of a bra?

Yea, because no one had ever made that correlation before. But now - and it was only a matter of time - a brand has made that very correlation. That brand is La Senze and the correlation comes in the form of The Cup Size Choir.

A new video from La Senza rings in the holiday season with women ranging in cup size from A to G who, while dressed in lingerie, sing a holiday tune as they gyrate on beds. There's even an interactive version where you can click each girl to have her sing her note for you.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 2-10    
Topic: Racy, Video

How to Follow Adrants on Social Networks

Once upon a time there was a thing called a website. People used to navigate to it by clicking on a link or by typing a URL into the address bar of their browser. It seemed to work well. For a while. Then came the HTML newsletter. Then came RSS. Then came Digg. Then came Friendfeed. Then came Twitter, Facebook, Google Buzz, StumbleUpon, YouTube and the list goes on.

Perhaps you just like reading Adrants in the web. Maybe you prefer the newsletter. Maybe you're an RSS junkie or just want quick Twitter updates. No matter how you prefer to consume Adrants content, we have you covered. And just in case you want to explore alternative methods of consuming Adrants, here's all the ways you can do that:

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by Steve Hall    Nov-30-10    
Topic: Announcements

Win Leo Burnett's New Book, HumanKind


AgencySpy already had their competition to give away five copies of Leo Burnett's new book, HumanKind, written by agency Chairman and CEO Tom Bernardin and Creative Director Mark Tutssel. The book, which we haven't completely read yet, is "not about advertising or brand propositions or selling products, but a story of people, purpose and changing behavior. It's a look at marketing that serves true human needs and not the other way around."

A lofty goal, indeed. Highlighting some of the agency's best work, the book focuses on the agency's four principles of people, purpose, participation and populism, the book is one we know we'll be a fan of. It's got lots of pictures and not a lot of words. It's a picture book or sorts for those of us that just want to wallow in the world of advertising without being subjected to pointless pontification.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-30-10    
Topic: Agencies, Publishing

White House Gate Crashers Invite Industry to Agency Party


Remember the Salahi's? Michaele and Tareq? They were the famed gate crasher couple who managed to sneak into a White House party in the November 2009. Perhaps wanting to clean up their act or wash the filth of Real Housewives of D.C. off their skin, the couple agreed to appear in a video promoting the holiday party of Herndon, VA-based White + Partners.

In the promotion, Michaele and Tareq riff about the fact no one actually carries around an actual printed invitation when they go to a party and make it clear we won't need one either if we want to attend the White + partners holiday party.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-30-10    
Topic: Agencies, Video

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GM Falls Down, Gets Up, Thanks Us For Helping


The knock out. The flame out. The crash. We all fall down. That's the primary message from GM in this Goodby, Silverstein & Partners-created commercial which ran in select markets over the Thanksgiving holiday. In the ad we see failure, dejection and sadness. But, we also see rebirth, rejuvenation and success.

GM did, indeed, fall down. They fell hard. And they needed help to get back up. And they took it. But they aren't without appreciation for the help we all gave them (yes, it was our money the government gave them) and they show their gratitude for our help in this commercial.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-30-10    
Topic: Commercials

Gap Campaign Integrates 'Add to Foursquare' Button


First came Like. Then came Twitter. Then came Foursquare sitting in a Gap ad. OK, so that doesn't rhyme as well as the original but the point we're trying to make is that Foursquare has graduated to the level of relevancy that it can bnow be included as a call to action just like the URL and Twitter before it always were.

A new campaign for Gap features an Add to Foursquare button which, when clicked, adds a Gap To Do and offers a 30 percent discount. Mashable reports the online ads are also location aware allowing the To Do associated with a store to pop up when a person is nearby the location they choose.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-30-10    
Topic: Mobile/Wireless, Social

Freelancers: Get Paid On Time With the Crying Invoice


Well here's a problem we can all identify with: getting paid on time. These days, it seems the only reliable method of income is a directly deposited paycheck. But for those of us who rely on invoicing to get paid, well, reliable just isn't a word that comes to mind.

What does come to mind is your invoice buried in a pile two feet high on the desk of some accounting person who could care less who gets paid when as long as it fits withing their predetermined process of moving that stack from one side of their desk to the other.

And God Forbid if if the invoice doesn't match the estimate. Then you're in a kind of Hell that's far worse than your invoice getting lost in a stack of papers.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-30-10    
Topic: Campaigns, Tools

'Subservient Chicken' Tops One Club Digital Decade List


The One Club has announced its Digital Decade list, a collection of the best digital advertising from the last ten years. Topping the list is Crispin Porter + Bogusy and Barbarian Group's work for Burger King's Subservient Chicken. Here's the full list of winners:

- "Subservient Chicken," For Burger King. Agency: Crispin Porter & Bogusky
- "The Hire," For BMW. Agency: Fallon
- "Nike Plus," For Nike. Agency: R/GA
- "Uniqlock," For Uniqlo. Agency: Projector
- "Whopper Sacrifice," For Burger King. Agency: Crispin Porter & Bogusky
- "Chalkbot," For Nike Livestrong Foundation. Agency: Wieden & Kennedy
- "Ikea Dream Kitchens," For Ikea. Agency: Forsman & Bodenfors
- "Eco Drive," For Fiat. Agency: AKQA
- "HBO Voyeur," For HBO. Agency: BBDO
- "Dove Evolution," For Unilever/Dove. Agency: Ogilvy & Mather

The work can be viewed here.

Of the list's selections, The One Club President Kevin Swanepoel said, "The Digital Decade is an incredible look back at the work that truly changed the face of advertising. In the past 10 years we have experienced a shift in the way we consume media, and therefore, how professionals present advertising to the public. Interactive media gives creatives limitless possibilities to bring their messages to life - the Digital Decade celebrates the innovation, humor and creativity that we have had the pleasure to experience over the past decade."

All amazing work. We eagerly look forward to what the next decade has in store for us.

by Steve Hall    Nov-30-10    
Topic: Industry Events

Models Sought For Spec Lingerie Commercial


An ad on Craig's List seeks additional models for a commercial that's being shot for a Chicago area lingerie brand. The ad promises no nudity or provocative photography will be taken. Say what? This is a lingerie shoot isn't it? How do you shoot a lingerie commercial without being at least a tint bit provocative?

The only thing we can come up with is that Sears is coming out with a line of lingerie for women who don't want to feel sexy while wearing it. Maybe targeted towards the over 75 set?

And on top of all of this, the gig is unpaid. But no worries, ladies. The ad promises the "material will be seen by ad execs and is a great way to be seen." The question is, seen by ad execs for what purpose? We're not going to ponder the answer to that question because it can only go south from here.

by Steve Hall    Nov-30-10    
Topic: Online, Racy

Orangina Spoofs, Vegas Survives, Cameltoe Accentuated


- Oragina spoofs commercial after commercial after commercial.

- Las Vegas ad campaign targets recession survivors.

- If you follow fashion advertising you'll be interested to know Anna Dello Russo is out with a new campaign for her fragrance. If you're not, then just move right along.

- Interested in what online video can do for your marketing? Check out this webinar by video blogging expert Steve Garfield.

- And don't forget to submit your hotness to Advertising Hotties.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-29-10    
Topic: Commercials, Racy, Spoofs, Strange

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