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Rich Media Awarded, Dance Floor Ripped Up


Last night in New York city at The Providence, Mediamind held its ninth annual Rich Media Awards. Formerly known as the Eyeblaster Awards, the event honors the best rich media campaigns of the year.

Closing out ad:tech, held the Wednesday and Thursday, the party capped a near week-long extravaganza of learning, networking and partying. Taking home the North American Judges Award this year was the work Future US did for the GamesRadar Rabbids Go Home video game which sent the entire website down the toilet.

The International Judges Award went to Digitas and OMD for their work on Nissan's Qashgai 3D page takeover. The North American People's Choice Award went to ThinkJam UK and Moxie Interactive for the work it did on the Avatar DVD release. And Feref UK and MediacomUK nabbed the International People's Choice Award for their Despicable Me YouTube takeover unit.

Awards aside, it's good to know the ad industry still knows how to party. There was non-stop dancing all night long. More so than at any party during ad:tech this week. Must be something about playing with rich media that does it. That or everyone trying to keep up with Rebecca Jenny on the dance floor.

Check out all the pictures from the event here.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 6-10    
Topic: Industry Events

The Ad Industry Still Knows How to Party


Wednesday night during ad:tech in new York was a busy one. We made it to five parties and that was roughly half of all the parties occurring that night. Kicking the night, well, afternoon, off was Affiliate Summit which held a gathering at the Old Castle pub, a favorite haunt for affiliate marketers during their conference in August. Conference organizers Missy Ward and Shawn Collins were in attendance along with 50-70 others for drinks and buffet goodies.

Following the Affiliate Summit gathering, it was over to The Kimberly where the industry group The Oldtimers held their annual adtech New york party. The Oldtimers is a group of 500 or so people who have worked in online marketing for ten or more year. Believe me when we tell you most of the industry's brain trust was all together in one room that night.

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by Steve Hall    Nov- 6-10    
Topic: Industry Events

Moss Networks Rocks La Pomme During ad:tech


On Tuesday night before ad:tech New York kicked off, Moss Networks held its Mix + Mingle party at La Pomme. We suppose saying the party was the bomb would make us sound like some sort of pretentious hipster wannabe but the party was, in fact, a really good time. Many familiar faces. Lots of energy since the conference hadn't yet taken its toll on people. There was great music and entertaining dancers.

Moss Networks, which has held Mix + Mingle events at past ad:techs, had had these dancers before at their San Francisco party. The party organizers loved them so much they flew them to New York for their party and an appearance at the AdKnowledge party as well the next night.

Also enlivening things at the party were the "sponsor girls." Four women, one from each company sponsoring the party, LoudMo, InText, DankCash and WebAir, donned tight branded tops and little black miniskirts and graciously shared their hotness with everyone at the party.

Check out off the pictures from the event on flickr or on Facebook if you want to tag.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 6-10    
Topic: Industry Events

Choking Child Illustrates Importance of First Aid Training


If you think pre-movie ads in the theater are annoying, you won't like this one from St. John Ambulance. While the ad is for a good cause - having knowledge of first aid - there's just something wrong with dragging lighthearted theater-goers into the drama of a joking child.

The scenario is typical. We see an ad play out on the screen. Then a person in the audience becomes part of the ad. It's not a bad execution if a bit longer than it needs to be. Still, we're just not a fan of this sort of advertising.

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by Steve Hall    Nov- 2-10    
Topic: Commercials

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Morgan Freeman Angered Over Claim He Voiced Political Ad


In the fourth district North Carolina congressional race, Republican candidate B.J. Lawson ran an ad his opponent, Democrat David Price, claims was voiced by Morgan Freeman. Freeman denies ever having voiced the spot telling the Huffington Post, "These people are lying. I have never recorded any campaign ads for B.J. Lawson and I do not support his candidacy. And, no one who represents me ever has ever authorized the use of my name, voice or any other likeness in support of Lawson or his candidacy."

If you listen to the spot, it does, indeed, sound like the Freeman we have all come to be familiar with. But if you listen closely, you'll soon realize it's not him. It's a very good impersonation but it's not Freeman.

But...stranger things have happened.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 2-10    
Topic: Celebrity, Political

Charlie Chaplin Time Traveler Device Perfect For Branded Apps


If you're not one of the almost 5 million people who haven't seen the George Clarke video in which he shares his discovery of what he claims to be a woman talking on a cell phone in some 1928 Charlie Chaplin archive footage, then watch it now.

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by Steve Hall    Nov- 2-10    
Topic: Mobile/Wireless, Strange

Happy Hunters Digital Flashmob Brings Happiness to Internet


Bloggers are a lonely bunch. People don't comment enough. The internet isn't happy enough. Well, at least that's how Desigual sees it. And they've set out to make a change. A new campaign called Happy Hunters asks people to leave "happy" comments on selected blogs which are then picked up by the campaign and turned into...wait for it...a digital flashmob.

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by Steve Hall    Nov- 2-10    
Topic: Online

Angry Woman Punches Hole in Glass Wall For Cervical Cancer


Um...wow? We really don't know how to react after viewing this Michael Maxxis-directed spot for GlaxoSmithKline's Cervarix entitled tatoo Punch which calls attention to a cervical cancer vaccine. Let's break it down.

Up to four to five women...every six hours a woman is diagnosed...everyday one off us dies...

All in slow motion

Cut to really pissed off woman.

Cue Apple's 1984 commercial

Show tough ass broad punch a hole through a glass wall.

Breathe sigh of relief you didn't create this commercial.

For his part, Maxxis comments, "We are dealing with a product that will save lives. Nothing is more important, therefore we must deliver the message with fire, poignancy, and impact. I want the viewer to get goose-bumps and tingles this spot must overwhelm everyone in the audience with hard emotion. The overall tone is both serious and heavy, but also inspiring and uplifting. We want to empower women and motivate them to live healthy, productive, and meaningful lives. As much as this spot will make a woman want to get the vaccine, it will empower her to be strong and optimistic."

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by Steve Hall    Nov- 2-10    
Topic: Commercials

Dell Streak Assists Meet Cute


So here's Mother's new work for Dell. Basically, it's a Meet Cute all played out with help from Dell's new Streak pocket tablet. It's the first part of a global rebranding campaign. We could nitpick but it's nice to see anything at all from Dell these days. Now out from under the Enfaticao disaster, the brand just might have a chance at repositioning itself.

What are your thoughts? Is this a viable direction or Dell?

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by Steve Hall    Nov- 2-10    
Topic: Commercials

Nike is Launching...Something...On Black Friday


Apparently, Nike is launching some new golf product. Apparently, it's going to be really scary. Apparently, it's coming on Black Friday, November 26.

Sadly, we have no other information to share with you because the teaser video is so dark and mysterious and quick cut, it's like Nike, itself, doesn't even know what it's about to launch

by Steve Hall    Nov- 1-10    
Topic: Brands

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