Warren Buffet Does Axl Rose for Geico, SXSW High Fived


- Warren Buffet does Axl Rose in Geico annual meeting video.

- Chocolate pudding brand unleashes it's inner David Lynch.

- It's O'Dell vs. Hall on SXSW Suckage.

- YouTube and Viacom: like two nursery school kids fighting in the sandbox.

- More Vulva hotness.

- Purina Bark in the Park work angers Copyranter. And not because the work's not good.

- Near naked hot dudes cursing in their underwear. No, seriously. It's a new Calvin Klein campaign.

- Let's do the SXSW High Five!

by Steve Hall    Mar-19-10    
Topic: Celebrity, Opinion, Racy, Strange, Video

McDonald's Shamrock Shake Helps Chicago River Turn Green


If you've been to Chicago, you've seen the Chicago River which winds through the city. There's bridges, tour boats and lots of scenic views. And the water gets turned green each year for St. Patrick's day. This year, Leo Burnett added a twist by placing a giant plastic McDonald's Shamrock Shake cup alongside the river. The installation made it appear as if the contents of the cup had spilled into the river.

by Steve Hall    Mar-19-10    
Topic: Guerilla, Outdoor

YouTube Overlays, Foursquare Plays, American Apparel Displays


- Foursquare was all the rage at SXSW this year. And they had a killer party with Ashton Kutcher in attendance. Now a new, location-based app, CauseWorld, allows you to check in to a box of Tampax. And other products. For charity. So it's all OK.

- YouTube now offers something else to distract us from the video we are viewing: ad overlays.

- In partnership with LookBook, American Apparel has figured out how to pimp itself without resorting to near naked teens in underwear.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-18-10    
Topic: Industry Events, Publishing, Social, Specialty, Video

Paddy Power Goes Hollywood


Believing the Cheltenham Race has more drama than the whole of Hollywood combined, online betting site Paddy Power erected a Hollywood-sized sign of their own for the event. See it all unfold here.

by Steve Hall    Mar-18-10    
Topic: Outdoor

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Did SXSW Really Suck This Year?


It seems there's a lot of negative reaction to this year's SXSW. Revision3's Jim Louderback complains he's been blackballed and wonders why the event still needs panels...even though he snuck in and participated on three. The Huffington Post's Mayhill Fowler says the event has grown too big and lost its edge. ReadWrite Web's Jolie O'Dell wrote a post entitled "Why SXSW Sucks" on her personal blog which now has 127 comments and counting.

In reaction to O'Dell's article, SiliconAngle defended the event in an article entitled Why SXSW Doesn't Suck (and used a picture I took last year thank you very much) citing the fact they got 15 to 20 hours of usable video content from the event.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-18-10    
Topic: Industry Events, Opinion

Nurses Are Not Sex Objects, Dammit!


Anyone who's ever been to the hospital, a doctor's office or any other location where nurses are present are fully aware of the fact most nurses do not fit the sexy stereotype often attributed to them. In fact, most nurses are just as pedestrian as the rest of us. Which is why a recent bus back campaign has English nurses in a snit.

A bus company is pimping its Royal Hospital route using the headline, "Ooooh matron!" accompanied by an image of a woman wearing a nurses outfit easily classified as less utilitarian. Nurses aren't taking kindly to the campaign but the Diamond Bus company is refusing to removed the posters from its vehicles calling the campaign "bright and positive."

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by Steve Hall    Mar-18-10    
Topic: Outdoor, Policy, Racy

Alex Bogusky Agrees to Facebook Fan Page 'Ransom' Demand


Six months ago, two dudes from Twenty Three Engagement Marketing created a Facebook fan page using Alex Bogusky's name. They then created a ransom video offering to hand over the fan page if Bogusky would buy one share of the company for $1. yesterday, Bogusky bit and tweeted he'd agree to the offer.

The agency, which bills itself as being "six months old and ready to conquer the world," is drawing up an agreement which will inure Bogusky has no "creative superiority" over the shop. Hmm. As if he'd actually care but, hey, the dudes might as well cover their asses while they can.

File under stupidity.

by Steve Hall    Mar-18-10    
Topic: Agencies, Social, Strange, Video

One Billion Bikini-Clad Babes Frightened by Bad Eyewear


As we recover from our post-SXSW stupor, we're playing catch up on the idiocy we've missed since partying ourselves into oblivion on sixth street. Here's a Lynx parody entitled The Specs Effect. It's from Specsavers and, yea, it's got a lot of bikinied girls running towards a doofus spraying himself with body spray and donning a pair of glasses so scary, he scares off the sea of bottyliciousness.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-18-10    
Topic: Spoofs, Strange, Video

Your Mom is on Facebook


Several years ago when Facebook opened itself to the masses after having been exclusive to those with a .edu email address, I asked a college-aged student what she thought of the move. Her answer? "Creepy."

That icky feeling is now represented in a Back of the Class video in which the hair band laments the fact "My Mom's on Facebook."

Almost 200,000 people have viewed the hilarity.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-18-10    
Topic: Social, Video

SXSW Buries Adrants. But We're Slowly Crawling Out From Under


While I dig myself out from under the onslaught of digiliciousness otherwise known as SXSW, the least I can do is share with you the images from the conferences I've taken to date. There's a lot. There's the pre-show gathering at the Driskell. There's the lingerie-fueled TechSet party. There's the Capybara. There's the Digg party. There's the Tumbler party. There's the Powered Party. There's the Barbarian Group party. There's the Mashable party.

And that's not all. It takes forever to crop/edit/fix a couple thousand images. So when the rest are ready, I'll be sure to share. Oh, and I've got shots of Bob Garfield. And since we're name dropping, there's Mashable's Pete Cashmore, Justine Ezarik from iJustine, Twitter's Evan Williams, Ashton Kutcher (yea, that one), Foursquare founder Naveen Selvadurai, Lewis Howes and more.

everything I've got so far.

by Steve Hall    Mar-16-10    
Topic: Industry Events