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Naked Chuck Liddell Video A Viral Campaign From Reebok?


TMZ reports this video featuring a naked Chuck Liddell and his girlfriend Heidi Northcutt working out is a viral effort for Reebok. It seems plausible given the only thing they're wearing are sneakers. The video should probably be categorized NSFW even though all the naughty bits have been digitally covered. View video after the jump.

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by Steve Hall    Feb-26-10    
Topic: Celebrity, Racy, Viral

Suzuki Kizashi. A Rich Guy Car For Guys Who Aren't Rich


Suzuki is out with a new campiagn to introduce its new Kizashi sedan, a performance car everyone can afford, not just rich guys. It's a nice looking car. It's a nice looking campaign. Nothing special. But nothing terrible either. How's that for a lame ad review? hay, it's a sno day around here. We're busy making snowmen and drinking hot chocolate.

See all the campaign elements here.

by Steve Hall    Feb-26-10    
Topic: Campaigns

Tropicana Turns Inuvik Sunlight Stunt Into Ad Campaign


So...this is a month and a half late...sort of. On January 8, Tropicana brought sunlight to Inuvik in Canada's Northwest Territories which doesn't see any sun for months at a time. A helium balloon emitting 100,000 lumens was lit and floated above the town.

The event has been turned into a campaign, entitled Brighter Mornings or Brighter Days, which will launch after the Olympic closing ceremonies Sunday. The campaign will touts the brand's new Tropicana Essentials Orange Juice.

BBDO Toronto cretad the campaign and the spot, "Artic Sun", was directed by Samir Mallal via Film Group, Vancouver and Radke Film Group, Toronto.

Very nice work.

by Steve Hall    Feb-26-10    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Guerilla

Big Horn Sheep Tells San Francisco to Check Out Reno


Not sure Reno wants to be Vegas but they're making an effort to get those who live in San Francisco to check the place out with a new campaign. On Monday, March 1st, the city and its surrounding areas will meet the new Reno Tahoe USA when three billboards go up f

Reno's new mascot, the Mortar-inspired Big Horn Sheep, will be introduced.Supposedly, he will deliver deliver "whimsical sarcasm, random commentary, and delightful deals" from the North via Facebook and Twitter.

Ooo...we just can't wait. Check out all the creative here.

by Steve Hall    Feb-26-10    
Topic: Outdoor

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Yet Another Super Bowl Ad Study Touts Meaningless Results


What most Super Bowl ad results studies fail to address is the true effectiveness of the ad. In other words, did it sell stuff for the brand? Only the brand can truthfully tell us that. But that hasn't stopped anyone placing various levels of credence on any study that happens to find its way to a press release.

Not that anyone cares three weeks after the game but a recent study conducted by Sands research using lectroencephalography (EEG) recordings and eye-tracking found VW's Punch Dub commercial to be the top ad. By quite a margin. That ad was followed by Vizio's Frge, Budweiser's Bridge, Google's Parisian Love and Brigstone's Whale of a Tail.

Sand Research Chairman and Chief Science Officer Stephen Sands explained the study's methodology, saying, "By conducting neuromedia analysis based on EEG readings rather than recall or more unreliable instant analysis peripheral measures such as heart rate, we are able to effectively determine the dimensions on which commercials are engaging viewers, and also an ad's chance for success."

Um...whatever. These studies are like advertising awards. They are pointless and mean nothing. The only thing that matters is sales. OK, maybe some squishy brand identity bullshit is fine once in a while when the stock price needs to be tweaked but an ad's "creativity," it's "recall" or its "likability" has little do do with the all important bottom line.

Click the image in this article to see the full results of the study.

by Steve Hall    Feb-26-10    
Topic: Research, Super Bowl 2010

Paris Hilton and Her Black Mini-Dress Too Hot For Brazil


Remember back in 2005 when Paris Hilton donned a black bikini and slid her hotness over a Bentley for Carl's Jr.? It was pretty hot. There was a lot of skin and a lot of suggestiveness. It got talked about. It got Carl's Jr. some notoriety. But there wasn't much backlash.

Shift five years to a Brazilian Devassa Bem Loura beer campaign . In the campaign's commercial, Hilton does her sexy, sultry thing for the benefit of a voyeuristic photographer...and everyone else outside her window. She knows she's being photographed. She knows everyone is looking at her. No harm done, right?

Wrong. No less than three investigations into the campaign have been launched. It's too "sensual." It encourages excessive consumption. It's sexist and disrespectful to women.

All of this from Brazil. Where booty is supposed to reign supreme. What gives?

by Steve Hall    Feb-25-10    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity, Policy

Too Much Sex Bad, Wonderbra Magnifies, Interns Twisted


- PETA has latched on the to the Tier Woods saga with a billboard telling us too much sex can be a bad thing.

- Why do we still care about anything Donny Deutsch has to say?

- Want to hire some interns? Olson has an interesting way of doing it.

- If you're crossing the Canadian border, make sure you wear the right clothes.

- Like staring at women in lingerie? Then you'll love the latest from Wonderbra.

- ISO 9000 accreditation increased a Rochester New York's creative output. Who knew a decidely manufacturing-centric accreditation could do such a thing?

- DIxie Bones is going social. It's new "social" site launches March 1. Before March 1, that URL displays an old website and the new may be viewed, temporarily, here. The Republik created.

by Steve Hall    Feb-25-10    
Topic: Agencies, Cause, Celebrity, Online, Outdoor

Need A Job? We Might Have One For You

Are you looking for work? Do you hate your current job? Check out our job listings and you might just find something new and different and wonderful and better.

Go ahead. Take a a look.

by Steve Hall    Feb-25-10    
Topic: Announcements

Friskies Makes Cats Hallucinate


Damn. If only our dinner could take us on a trip like the cat in this Avrett Free Ginsberg-created Friskies commercial embarks upon. Alice in Wonderland for felines? It sure seems so. Who knew cat food could be so amazingly enchanted. We just might have to open a can and have some for lunch.

by Steve Hall    Feb-25-10    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

Mullen Creative Director Tricked by Doorway


At one time or another, we've all been in a hurry to make a flight to an important new business presentation. We've fought traffic. We've nerve-rackingly stood over the printer waiting for the last copy of the proposal to print out. We've berated colleagues for not grabbing the right equipment. We've grabbed the wrong brief case. We've insulted the interns.

But not many of us have done what Mullen Creative Director Tim Vaccarino did this morning on his way into the office before heading to Logan to catch his flight.

by Steve Hall    Feb-25-10    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Video

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