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adidas Meets Star Wars on Street Corner


Where in the world would you expect to see Darth Vadar and the Stormtroopers hanging out with Snoop Dogg, David Beckham Calle 13 and Neil Armstrong? In a new Sid Lee-created commercial for adidas, of course. The new spot celebrates the launch of the brand's Star Wars sneakers and apparel. It's culture clash-licious.

by Steve Hall    Jan-15-10    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Good

Minnesota Lottery Turns Rat Race Into Hamster Race


Aiming to identify with a certain rodent humans use to describe a world of repetitive monotony, Colle+McVoy has tapped another rodent to show us just how fun playing the lottery can be. And how much of a relief it can be to the rat race of life.

In seven new commercials the agency employed hamsters to live out human-like scenarios we're all familiar with. The office grind. Office drudgery. Overly talkative tea guest. See them here.

by Steve Hall    Jan-15-10    

Grasshopper Commercial Aims to Combat Ad Skipping


It's no secret people use and love their DVRs. And, according to virtual phone company Grasshopper, 70 percent of TV watchers fast forward through commercials. They also claim those who do fast forward through commercial pay more attention to the center of the screen when they do so.

To combat ad skippage, leverage the center screen focus and yet another claimed fact human brains are able to process images and advertisements moving 20 times faster than normal without sound, Grasshopper created a commercial which places its mascot, Gary, in the center of the screen. He doesn't move during the entire commercial so if the ad is being fast forwarded, the viewers will see a constant image.

See the spot, which debuts Monday, here.

by Steve Hall    Jan-15-10    
Topic: Commercials

Dear E*Trade, Your Babies Are Getting Tired


Yes, the E*Trade babies are back. Well, it's a different baby this year because, you know, babies grow and last year's baby isn't a baby anymore. Two new ads will debut during two NFL playoff games on Saturday, January 16 -- the first during the NFC divisional playoffs on FOX at 4:30pm ET, and the second during the AFC divisional playoff game on CBS at 8:00pm ET. A third "Talking Baby" advertisement will debut on CBS during Super Bowl at approximately 6:28pm ET.

You can check out the two commercials here. Sadly, there's nothing special about these commercials. The shtick is getting old. Even the babies "shocked face" is lame. The creators could of as leave had a little more fun morphing the little guys face into something that actually resembled shock. Hopefully, the Super Bowl version of this campaign is an improvement.

by Steve Hall    Jan-15-10    
Topic: Bad, Commercials, Super Bowl 2010

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First Lady Michelle Obama Asks Americans to Support Haiti


Furthering the efforts to raise money for Haiti following the recent earthquake the country experienced, First Lady Michelle Obama appears in an America Red Cross PSA asking American to donate.

"I was eager to join the Ad Council and the Red Cross to launch this call to action in the wake of this week's devastating earthquake," said First Lady Michelle Obama. "The people of Haiti are struggling just to survive. And every one of us has the power to help."

The PSAs encourage audiences to go to www.redcross.org or call 1-800-RED-CROSS. On cell phones, viewers can text "HAITI" to 9-0-9-9-9 and $10 will be given automatically to the American Red Cross.

We've done it. Have you?

ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC Television Networks, Clear Channel Communications, Comcast, CNN, Headline News, TBS, TNT, TruTV, Cartoon Network, Sundance Channel, IFC, Tribune Television Stations, Discovery Networks, Hallmark Channel, Lifetime Networks, Fox Networks Group and Sinclair Broadcast Group will all donate airtime for the PSAs.

by Steve Hall    Jan-15-10    
Topic: Cause

FBI Debits Billboard in Times Square


Today the FBI has launched an electronic billboard in Times Square which will share with the world the FBI's Most Wanted. The effort was originally launched with 100 billboards in 23 cities across the country. Working with Clear Channel Outdoor, the agency now has access to 1,500 billboards in 40 states. The FBI has used billboards to catch criminals since 2007 and reports 30 cases have been solved as a result of publicizing fugitives.

by Steve Hall    Jan-15-10    
Topic: Outdoor

Die Hard Powers Reggie Watts


Back in the day, DieHard commercials used to go to great lengths to illustrate how long their batteries lasted. In one such illustration, they left a car frozen on a lake to see if it would start. In a more recent commercial from Y&R Chicago intended to reach a younger audience, we see beat boxer Reggie Watts powered by the Die Hard Platinum battery perform for a bit. The battery powering Watts and all his equipment then starts a car.

Given that the only real power Watts is using here is for a few lights and a small, tabletop amplifier, the spot feels weak and doesn't really illustrate the staying power of the battery very well.

more »

by Steve Hall    Jan-14-10    
Topic: Bad, Celebrity, Commercials

Seriously? Boston Still Thinks the Yankees Suck?


If you're a Red Sox fan, you might like this three-spot spec campaign. Or, after viewing, you might not want to admit you're a Red Sox fan since all this campaign does is paint you a sore loser. You did beat the curse a few years ago, after all. Lighten up.

by Steve Hall    Jan-14-10    
Topic: Bad, Spoofs, Strange

CareerBuilder Hopes to Light Farts on Fire During Super Bowl


Two guys. In cubicles. Giggling. One lights his farts on fire. The two giggle like seven year olds while a woman between them is annoyed. When the boss walks up, she's momentarily gleeful the two will be chastised for their childish behavior. Instead, the boss hands his lighter to fart boy so he can continue shooting flames out of his ass. The woman? Well, she is not pleased.

This has to be harassment of some sort, right? I mean it's two guys, no, three, against a woman. And the guys are being very disrespectful of the woman's olfactory space. This is just wrong. Where's the cause group uprising over this one? Where's the Association of Humorless Hoes? Feminists For A Fart-Free Workplace? Gays Against Gag-Worthy Gaseousness? Bitches Against Boisterous Boys?

Oh the horror of it all!

This travesty is one of a few potential CareerBuilder commercials the company has released for people to vote on for airing during the Super Bowl.

by Steve Hall    Jan-14-10    
Topic: Commercials, Strange, Super Bowl 2010

Montana Meth Wants You to Say Something


With four new commercial which, as past campaigns have, illustrate the not so pleasant effects of methamphetamine, the Montana Meth Projects asks kids to say something when their friends say they are going to try meth.

Directed by three-time Academy Award-nominated cinematographer Wally Pfister, the ads can be seen here.

by Steve Hall    Jan-14-10    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Commercials

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