Can We Put A Moratorium on the Upload Your Photo Idiocy?


Aside from the fact writing and uttering the convenience store brand name Kum & Go is kind of fun, do we really need another stupid upload-your-photo-to-our-website promotion? No. We don't think so. But that's not going to stop brand from doing it to us over and over and over again.

by Steve Hall    Nov-24-09    
Topic: Online

Jeans For Women With Curves...Will Give You An Orgasm?


So yea. Curves are sexy. And real women with real curves will have spontaneous orgasms if they buy Yoga Jeans according to this new commercial for the brand. No, really. It's true. Just watch the commercial. But watch it with the sound down if people near you are offended by the sounds of women experience orgasmic pleasure.

by Steve Hall    Nov-24-09    
Topic: Racy, Video

It Doesn't Happen by Accident, Understand!


is one of those sports team promotions that's all manly and shit. It's in slow motion. It's got image after image of boxheaded football player going through their moves. It's got sweat. It's got a sportism-filled voiceover. And it's got a tagline that's delivered over and over and over and over as if...hmm...sports fan's minds are too simplistic to get the message the first few times.

But whatever. We have to like it because it was made by a friend of a friend (and part-time Adrants writer).

by Steve Hall    Nov-24-09    
Topic: Video

PETA Ruins Thanksgiving


Oh come on, PETA! Can't we enjoy Thanksgiving without your preachy bitchiness? Apparently not thanks to the know-it-all little girl who gives thanks prior to eating Thanksgiving dinner with her family.

by Steve Hall    Nov-24-09    
Topic: Cause, Video

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Restaurant Helps You Inhale and Exhale


Ever been out to dinner and marvel with a gasp at the succulent beauty of your meal as the waiter places it in front of you? Ever gasped the same way but with a decidedly different feeling when the waiter rests the bill on the table at the end of the meal? Wouldn't it be nice if you could breath a sigh of relief instead?

That's the brilliantly simplistic message of this ad for the Salem, MA-based Sixty2 on Wharf Restaurant and Lounge created by Keith Lane Creative. It's part of a campaign to promote the restaurant's mid-week Really Happy Hours from 5PM to 7PM.

by Steve Hall    Nov-24-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Magazine, Social

Sony Ericsson Phones Get Spectacular 3D Introduction


Maybe the guy who went to all that trouble (worth watching every year) to decorate his house with Christmas trees and then computer-programmed them to synchronize with Trans-Siberian Orchestra's "Wizards in Winter" might just be interested in the new 3D laser projection technology currently in use by Publicum Media for Sony Ericsson. It'd sure be easier than stringing 25,000 lights all over the exterior of his house.

Publicum created a seven minute 3D projection called When Fairy Tales Come True which was shown to an audience of 10,000 at the Vilnius City Town Hall in Lithuania. It's purpose, other than to entertain, was to promote the Sony Ericsson smartphone Satio and Aino.

by Steve Hall    Nov-24-09    
Topic: Outdoor

Microsoft Store Dance Video Not A Viral Effort


So by now you've seen the video of Microsoft Store employees breaking into "spontaneous" dance in their new Mission Viejo store, right? If not, watch it here and then come back.

OK? Was that the most horrifically forced thing you've ever witnessed? Not that this is news or anything. After all, everything Microsoft does is forced, unnatural and desperate. What's news is the fact the video has been labeled a viral stunt.

more »

by Steve Hall    Nov-23-09    
Topic: Opinion, Social, Viral

Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa 'Funk Off'


This comment may best sum up this recent work from LAVA Communications in Sydney promoting the December appearance of The Dalai Lama in Australia for a series of talks and teachings: "A band dressed up as old famous people. It's been done. Fail."

A video, called The Nobel Funk Off, is being sold as having been created by "An anonymous private supporter of His Holiness the Dalai Lama." In other words, it was created by the agency which also says it will "shift focus" in a couple of weeks to reveal more about the event.

Hey, it's all in good fun. right?

by Steve Hall    Nov-23-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Celebrity, Events

AIDS Gets the Finger


Two makes a trend, right? If so, kicking the shit out of diseases is no officially a trend. Not that the shit hasn't been kicked out of diseases before but last week's prostate cancer blob ass whipping from TBWA\Chiat\Day and this week's fingering of AIDS by acHe, Barcelona, Spain, I think we can safely say there's a trend a foot.

Nonsense or can we expect to see an army of high-heeled hookers stomping holes in a colon cancer character or needle-wielding clowns poking holes in women's boobs all in the name of eradicating breast cancer?

by Steve Hall    Nov-23-09    
Topic: Cause, Poster