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FiestaMovement Babe Pimps Plastic Surgery Channel


Not even close to needing a boob job herself, as clearly indicated in this video, FiestaMovement YouTube babe Jill Hanner is pimping the Plastic Surgery channel and her new gig as their new celebrity news babe.

Hooking up with a YouTube "celebrity" isn't really a new thing. This one just seems, well, appropriate in a twisted, opposites attract sort of way.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 3-09    
Topic: Social, Video

Advertising Has Removed Music's Soul


There was once a day - or at least it feels like there was - when music had deep meaning. It was very personal and, depending upon the artist or the song, could immediately transform your emotional state, cause you to ponder your worth in the world or simply celebrate the beauty of life and the moments you cherish with the one you love.

There once was a day artists - musical or otherwise - wouldn't dream of allowing their work to be used in any form of commerce other than that of selling their own work. But over the past ten years or so, music and all things pop culture seem to have become one with commerce. Almost by definition, performers (not necessarily musicians in every case) like Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus, The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Beyonce, M83, Dr. Dre, Kid Rock, Ozzy Osbourne, Iggy Pop, Christina Aguilera, 50 Cent, Kylie Minogue, Madonna and, yes, the Beatles must have an element of commerce in their portfolio.

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by Steve Hall    Jul- 3-09    
Topic: Bad, Opinion

Choreographed Printers Hype HP Workstations


OK so somebody did the synchronized thing with computer monitors. Who would have thought anyone would have done the same with the lowly printer. Well, Matt Robinson and Tom Wigglesworth did and they won a D&AD Student Award for it.

We're thinking without the musical background added, the sound of all those printers making all those weird noises they always do when printing would be deafening.

We like the work. It's worth a look.

The only thing that's a bit unclear? The work is actually for HP Workstations and not the printers.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 2-09    
Topic: Good, Industry Events, Video

Tight Blue Jump Suits Sell Beer


So Bavaria is a beer. They have a racing team. They have the Zo factor. And they have hot women in tight blue jumpsuits who prance around a website and in YouTube videos.

As always, somehow this sells beer.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 2-09    
Topic: Online, Racy

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Evian's Breakdancing Babies Put eTrade's Wise Ass Babies to Shame


Step aside wise-crackin' eTrade babies. There's a new posse in town and they don't live their life behind a keyboard. Nope. They drink Evian and they rock out some serious rollerblade-style breakdancing.

This BETC Euro RSCG-created commercial is most certainly Super Bowl quality. It's got all the right ingredients. Babies, retro music and physical stunts. Not to mention a message that makes sense.

While it's formulaic (babies getting digitally manipulated), it's a musing. And it's fun. And, besides, it's way better than the original dancing baby.

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by Steve Hall    Jul- 2-09    
Topic: Best, Commercials

1-800 Flowers Intern Wins Killed Ideas Book


Remember that contest we held last week? Of course you don't so we'll tell you about it again. Those who correctly guessed the color of the bikini the girl sleeping on the couch at Cannes had on (green), would be entered into a drawing to win a copy of Killed Ideas, a blurb-produced book highlighting fifty ideas that were never produced.

Now that you're all up to speed, we're pleased to announce Ryan Kiernan, a brand communications intern at 1-800 Flowers won the drawing. We;ll be sending him a copy of Killed Ideas soon

by Steve Hall    Jul- 2-09    
Topic: Announcements, Publishing

'Drinkspiration' iPhone App Gets Absolut's Fetch Back


Oh we really, really like this. Absolut has launched Drinkspiration, an iPhone app which makes drink suggestions based on mood, location, time of day, weather, liquor type (yes, they don't just limit it to vodka), drink color, shape of glass, type of venue and a whole lot more. You'll never order the same boring drink again.

Every drink the app suggests comes with a recipe so if you want something a bit too exotic for your neighborhood bartender, you can tell her how to make it.

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by Steve Hall    Jul- 2-09    
Topic: Brands, Good, Mobile/Wireless, Opinion, Tools

Tanqueray Causes Verbal Diarrhea


So Tanqueray is out with a new W + K Amsterdam-created campaign that includes TV and outdoor and in the TV spots we see just how much goes into Tanqueray and and how all that muchness translates into the making of really good cocktails that cause tickle fights in the mouth of a man meeting an ex-girlfriend in Paris along with other friends who are too cool to visit the Eiffel Tower, the Mona Lisa or the Art du Triumph (or however you spell that) and how that's all about resisting the simple because, well, they drank Tangueray which, for some reason, caused them to appear in a commercial that's actually quite beautiful but just can't stop talking about how the ingredients in Tanqueray change people's behaviors like the guy who sneaks his way backstage and causes reviewers of advertising to write the world's longest run on sentence just to further define the essence of the campiagn so everyone can fully understand it so that when they go to the liquor store for gin their only choice will be Tanqueray and the only thing they'll do after drinking Tanqueray is fly to Paris and not visit the Eiffel Tower, the Mona Lisa or the Art du Triumph and, oops, we already said that but we're running out of things to say about this commercial except to note that if they did a :60 of this commercial, we'd need to continue this article over at AdFreak, AgencySpy or Adland because we'd run out of space but oh wait that's stupid because you can't run out of space online because, well, it's not like offline media which has finite printed space but that no one reads anyway because old media is dying and new new media is where it's at which makes this entire statement moot so here we are back talking about that Tanqueray commercial that has such amazing ingredients that it makes people do strange things like visit Paris and not visit the Eiffel Tower, the Mona Lisa or the Art du Triumph and, oops, we already said that but we're running out of things to say about this commercial except to note that...it's time to shut the fuck up about this fucking commercial.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 2-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Creative Commentary, Outdoor

Newsflash! Bob Garfield Asks Adrants to Cover His New Book


Bob Garfield has never had kind words for what we do here at Adrants. And we've rarely had kind words for what the man does over at Advertising Age. But, he's been around forever and he deserves our respect. And he's going to get.

We're going to kindly mention he's out with his long-awaited new book, The Chaos Scenario. It's an expanded version of several essays he wrote a few decades ago (OK, years) about how the drastic changes in the media landscape are killing advertising as we know it. Or at least that's what everyone says it's about. We haven't read the thing yet.

The book will be out on Kindle in July and will release August 3 as a paperback. What, Bob, no hard cover?

Like Howard Stern used to intone "permanent record" as part of a shtick, Garfield, on the promotional site, intones, "The Powers That Be" as he refers to the shifting changes occurring with mass media.

So, like a dutiful advertising media outlet, we urge you to check out Bob's book and his website. We're sure you'll hurry back and let us know what you think.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 1-09    
Topic: Publishing

Are We There Yet?


So why is that non-U.S. based commercials are so much better/stranger/odder/funnier/quirkier? Hmm...oh yea. It's because they're "foreign." And there's that whole different culture thing. The altered sense of humor. Reference points are different. The environment is different. The language is different.

Or. Maybe they just make better commercials than we do. Or weirder ones.

This one's from DDB Stockholm and it's for McDonald's.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 1-09    
Topic: Commercials, Good

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