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BBQ Sauce Gets Cowgirl Hot, PSFK Videos, Cue Cat Returns


- Um...ad for barbecue sauce?

- At PSFK Conference NYC, Danielle Sacks from Fast Company led a discussion about the rise of the "New Idea Agencies" - companies that are thinking outside of the traditional client-agency model and creating their own products, brands, and intellectual property to launch direct to market.

- 38% of all US mobile subscribers recall seeing ads on their phones in Q1 2009.

- Oh look! It's the Cue Cat all over again. Will we ever learn?

by Steve Hall    May-15-09    
Topic: Industry Events

There's a Reason Why Black and White are Classics.


To promote the launch of Woodland Park Zoo's penguin exhibit, WONGDOODY came up with "More Colorful than Ever."

The print/outdoor effort replaces the penguins' humdrum "tuxedo" appearance with patterns that look suspiciously like the seat cover designs of misguided 16-year-old girls. And that's all we have to say about that.

See a variant labeled (*wince*) "Floral."

by Angela Natividad    May-15-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Outdoor, Poster, Promotions

Lady Liberty Gives Birth to...Really Bad Healthcare?


Perhaps we're misinterpreting this ad but it sure looks like Lady Liberty is giving birth to or, worse, defecating a...what..."tired, poor" immigrant? What, exactly, is this ad trying to say? That America keeps pumping out the same shit over and over again? That America isn't into birth control? That it's healthcare system is so bad even Lady Liberty can't afford to have a baby in a hospital?

Please. Do tell. We're going to have nightmares about this for a long time unless someone supplies a more cherry interpretation for us to focus on.

by Steve Hall    May-15-09    
Topic: Cause, Strange, Worst

Talking VWs Spice Up Suburbia. Or Not.


In case you're not yet sick of Volkswagens with German accents and too many opinions, here's fresh fodder for the pile: "Carefree Maintenance," by Crispin Porter + Bogusky.

In addition to plugging a current VW model (fortified with free scheduled maintenance!), it features cameos from the classic Bug and the '63 VW bus, which sounds sort of stoned.

Whatever's clever, dude. Oh, yeah, one more thing: Heidi Klum couldn't make the shoot this time, but there's a Zoloft-enhanced man covered in motor oil, and I guess that's almost the same thing.

more »

by Angela Natividad    May-15-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Television

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These Brides Ain't Doin' Much for the Institution of Marriage.


If the Religious Right thinks gay marriage is destroying the culture of wedlock, they're clearly not regular Bridezilla watchers, which does to marriage what My Super Sweet Sixteen did for debutante parties: make sane people extremely reluctant to have them.

The ad for Bridezilla's latest season was put together by Filter Advertising. To the soothing tune of Unforgettable, brides of all shapes and sizes throw tantrums and contort their faces into cruel shapes you couldn't even imagine exist in nature.

All for the perfect realization of that most sacred of vows.

See? This is why we should just stop taking the ceremony so seriously and all do themed weddings. That way, if everything goes horribly wrong, you'll at least have a light saber handy.

more »

by Angela Natividad    May-15-09    
Topic: Commercials, Promotions, Television

This 'Mexican Beauty' Will Make You Puke


OK, this is just wrong. It's one thing to watch Mena Suvari frolic in a bed of roses, a much punned scene from the movie American Beauty. It's quite another to watch a fat guy make eyes at you from a bed of Doritos. One is quite enjoyable. The other? Puke inducing.

Oddly, it's an Australian commercial created by Make in Brisbane.

by Steve Hall    May-15-09    
Topic: Commercials, Worst

Jarvis Conveys Nike Onwards


James Jarvis put together a little film called "Onwards" on behalf of client Nike. It's a bit of a departure from the usual tension-ridden, sweaty-athlete, victory-over-all motif, and we're even tempted to say it's about 2 minutes too long.

But if you stick with it, you mind find it an almost-satisfying watch. The animation on its own was interesting. Still not buying $165 trainers though.

by Angela Natividad    May-15-09    
Topic: Online, Video

Oh My God! You Are Huge!


Yea, You wish. We're talking about hands here, people. Helping hands. Volunteering hands. Enter the Charity Parody. Enter the V Inspired Awards, an organization which creates and celebrates "new and innovative volunteering opportunities for 16-25 year olds in England.

To promote the organization its awards program, The 7th Chamber is seeding a video that spoofs all those "We Are the World" - style music videos that are, at the same time, nauseating as well as emotionally uplifting.

And the Oh My God, You Are Huge thing? Check out the helping hands in the video.

by Steve Hall    May-15-09    
Topic: Cause, Good, Video

Beer Site Creates Customized Contemporary Mash Ups


Before we've even looked at this work, we hate it. Why? Cuz we hate all websites that pop open full screen windows full of slow loading Flashturbation. Aside from that, this Zoogami Beer site from Saatchi & Saatchi isn't all that bad.

Zoogami's Contemporary Beer aims to position the brand as "a modern product that follows the evolutions of the world in which we live." Apart from the gag-inducing buzzwords, the site is pretty cool. if you have time to wait for it to load.

After it loads, you are asked to enter what you think is contemporary. The site then goes out and searches for images, audio and video matching the term and brings it all back to you in a mashed up format. It's workable enough.

OK, so I guess we don't totally hate it after all.

by Steve Hall    May-15-09    
Topic: Good, Online

FWA Honors Those That Made it 50 Million Visits Strong


The Favorite Website Awards (FWA) celebrates 50 million visitors (and counting!) by creating a subsite dedicated to you, the good user.

The "Favorite Visitor Awards" invites users to upload their images where "favorite websites" would normally be featured. Up top, a ticker continues counting the number of visitors the site has served.

Fun stuff; the mood's infectious, even. Work by Domani Studios.

by Angela Natividad    May-14-09    
Topic: Events, Online, Specialty

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