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Seemingly, Crispin Porter + Bogusky Can Do No Wrong


Crispin Porter + Bogusky, which hasn't done anything truly groundbreaking since Subservient Chicken (actually created by Barbarian Group), continues to be the poster child for awesomeness in the eyes of brands looking for some sort of extra kick. Microsoft has handed its $41 million Zune account, previously handled by 72andSunny (among others), to the shop without review.

We've made it well known we aren't lovin' Crispin's current work for Vista. Please, Crispin, help us change our opinion with what we hope will be kick ass work for Zune. OK? Please? Can you do that for us?

[Ed. Seriously. Is it even worth any company to attempt to out do the iPod? Why even bother?]

by Steve Hall    Nov-14-08    
Topic: Agencies, Brands

38DDs Pushed Up, YouTube Ups Ads, Asses Baldwin'd


- Wipe your ass with. Oh wait, we wrote that story already. Anyway, here's a new one. Now you can wipe your ass with Alec Baldwin.

- There aren't a lot of women who are 38DD and want a push up bra. But for those woman who are, Victoria's Secret has them covered (barely).

- YouTube is out with two new ad units; overlay ads in YouTube partner videos and Adsense-style sponsored videos which appear on the right hand side of search results pages.

- Um. Bearded Ladyboarding. Whatev.

- Åsk Wäppling has found an ad that does a perfect job illustrating how painful the first week of breastfeeding can be.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-14-08    
Topic: Online, Video

Pole Dancer Makes Burger King Chicken Sandwich Longer


OK so here's one of the most unlikely scenarios ever to unfold in real life. Thankfully, this is advertising which has nothing to do with real life and, because of that, we get stuff like this (faux?) Burger King commercial which involves poles, cleavage, flirtatious (goofy sounding) giggling, pole dancing, seductive looks and...erect chicken sandwiches? Clearly, we've been riding in the wrong subway car!

by Steve Hall    Nov-14-08    
Topic: Brands, Racy, Strange, Video

One of These Blatant Instances of Eyeball-Rape Just Doesn't Belong


For Park Shore BMW, agency concerto conjured up a sneaky way to get people staring at rows and rows of BMW logos for a long, long ... long ... time. See variants 2 and 3.

"One of these is not like the others," the copy reads. "Find it and we'll not only offer you an incredibly low interest rate, we'll pay your 10% down payment on any 2008 model you want. You have until October 31st. So Go!"

The campaign ran briefly in Vancouver last month, after which Park Shore BMW was asked to pull the ads because they "contravene branding standards."

Wait. There are standards? Guess that sets Vancouver ahead of the pack. $10 and a warm cookie to whoever can score us Van City's Hallowed Book on Logo Etiquette.

by Angela Natividad    Nov-14-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Magazine, Poster, Strange

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For Dog Food So Tasty You Might Be, Uh, Compensated.


Adrants reader Martha pointed us to this Nutrecan senior dog food ad by Gomez Chica/EURO RSCG out of Medellin, Colombia. Playing on the "senior" bit, caption reads "Adults only."

Gawker put it best:

Sex sells fruit. Sex sells condoms. Sex sells magazines. Sex sells charity. Sex sells cheap clothes and pseudocool clothes. Even child sex sells cosmetics. So people are pretty cool with sex, and its selling implications. But does dog sex sell? We can only hope.

Uncute. Come on, Gomez/EURO. Sex may sell coffins and cheese, but you gotta draw the line somewhere. Last I read, the job description for "man's best friend" didn't include a deep-throat clause.

by Angela Natividad    Nov-14-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Magazine, Poster, Racy, Worst

Coke and Santa Get Ready For Christmas


Mexico is gearing up for Christmas. A teaser from Coke featuring Santa is out and beautifully captures all the glory of the holiday season. Not much else to say.

by Steve Hall    Nov-14-08    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Carb-Loving Americans Get Relief From Tooheys Beer


Hmm. In what appears to be both a relief effort and a back handed slap at American's love for carbohydrates, Tooheys has launched (yes, a few weeks ago. we're late to this) Carb Relief, part of its For the Love of Beer campaign.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-14-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Online, Video

Digital Designers Face Off in Intel's Digital Drag Race


Ingredient brand Intel has decided to dip its toes in the lemming-filled waters of marketing nirvana, otherwise known as social media, with Digital Drag Race, a competition which pits professional digital designers against one another mixed with a consumer-generated aspect for non-professionals.

Launching November 17, a collection of professional designers will spend 70 minutes on a computer powered by the brand new Intel Core i7 Extreme Edition Processor using Abobe Creative Suite 4 to create a 17 second motion graphic using supplied assets; video, music, vector images. The content of the videos are to center on the themes of power, speed and innovation.

After each race, judges will select competitors with the best final product. The first two digital drag races will be unveiled on the Digital Drag Race site on November 17th, after which site visitors will be able to view and vote for their favorite designs.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-14-08    
Topic: Brands, Consumer Created, Promotions, Social

This Gossip Rag Skews Younger.


It's never too early to get hooked on human drama. With that in mind, Buzznet launched JustJaredJr.com, a tween-tailored spin-off of celeb site JustJared.com.

In a clime where far less mediocre content sites are tanking, consolidating and garnishing bonuses right and left, you gotta admire the cojones.

by Angela Natividad    Nov-14-08    

Should Flinging Owls into a Hot Tub Really Be This Hard?


Because standards for in-office entertainment dramatically decrease as December draws near, Equifax -- yeah, the credit report people -- gets into the advergaming spirit with Tundra Tubbing.

Instructions for Level 1: Orbit Owl:

Orbit is ready for a warmer kind of perch. Help him and his buddies into the hot tub as fast as you can. Simply click, drag, and release them from the throw zone without crossing the line.

This is actually a lot harder than it sounds. Out of the five stacked-up, trembling owls I received, only three evaded hypothermia for that hot bath in the sky.

There are no apparent hazards to losing*; you just keep trying to improve your score. Which I guess isn't a bad metaphor for the iron-clad FICO cycle that seizes us in its steel talons the moment our parents realize our social security numbers can be used as additional lines of credit.

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by Angela Natividad    Nov-14-08    

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