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Dandruff is a Good Thing For Gymnasts


Is there anything that can be said in a commercial about dandruff that doesn't come off sounding like the cheesy Alberto VO5 commercials of yesteryear? Before you say yes, watch this Italian Clear Shampoo commercial first.

by Steve Hall    Jun-15-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

South Africa Becomes Moon For Hummer, Gravity Still Earth-Like


Hmm. If this Hummer were really driving on the moon as Modernista and effects house Brickyard VFX would like us to believe, that Hummer wouldn't be jumping a few inches off the ground after going over the edge of a crater. It'd be flying through they air like Ben Affleck did in his meteor-mobile in Armageddon. OK, so they did a nice job making the South African shoot location look like the moon but they still forgot to lose the gravity.

by Steve Hall    Jun-15-07    
Topic: Agencies, Commercials

Texas Car Dealer Gets So Horny With Jingle


You can count on car dealers for two things. Smarmy sales tactics and advertising that's really, really good or really, really bad. AdFreak points us to Mesquite Texas Hyundai dealer Absolute who adapted 2 Live Crew's Me So Horny for their own purposes in the form of Me So Horny, a car dealer jingle that lives quite comfortably on the really, really good end of the quality spectrum.

by Steve Hall    Jun-15-07    
Topic: Brands, Good, Radio, Strange

Sunglassed Models Whacked With Cake, Water, Jelly


Hmm. This is new. Hot chicks getting pummeled with birthday cake in slow motion to promote the launch of Polaroid sunglasses in the United Kingdom. Created by Rubber Republic, the whack-a-hottie site strives to illustrate the importance of Polaroid's anti-glare technology.

by Steve Hall    Jun-15-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Strange, Video

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YouTubers Sam and Ralph Rap For MTV Switch Campaign


As part of of MTV's global warming awareness Switch campaign, YouTube celeblets, Sam and Ralph of "Mutherfuckin' Tea" fame were tapped by Cake to create a video about climate change. The result is quite funny.

MTV Switch has been put together in a collaboration by six ad agencies - Cake, 180 Los Angeles, Lowe Worldwide, Ogilvy, Wieden & Kennedy, 12 and Y&R - and will run across MTV's 55 TV channels in 162 countries. The agencies did not charge for their work on the campaign.

by Steve Hall    Jun-15-07    
Topic: Good, Video

More Book Publishers Take to Social Media


It seems book publisher are getting in social media more and more every day. Simon & Shuster has hooked up with online video producer TurnHere to create a collection of videos that showcase the authors behind the publisher's books. The videos will live on a dedicated YouTube page and on a newly-created Book Videos site.

The branded channels feature authors from each of the company's divisions, including Adult, Children's and Audio. Viewers will see two minute feature pieces focusing on the behind-the-scenes stories of authors' lives, the content of their books, and the inspirations for their latest works.

by Steve Hall    Jun-15-07    
Topic: Good, Social, Video

Playboy Says 'Fur Out, Love In'


The heart-shaped placards in this Brazilian Playboy ad created by Neogama BBH should really read, "Flesh Out, Saline In." It would do a far better job explaining what's going on in this leftist campaign for the magazine which takes on everything from fur to pollution to bullfighting. See the whole campaign here.

by Steve Hall    Jun-15-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Magazine, Racy

Hey, Sometimes Smokers are Smokers Too. The Question is, Do They Care?


Adpunch blew this print campaign by Extreme Group, Halifax, in our direction. The ads put "social smoking" on blast for the cheap sham that it is.

But excepting the Only When I'm Drinking Cigarettes (which lazy creative came up with that one?), we can't help but think that toting a pack of Sometimes Smokes and Midterm Menthols would draw jaded giggles during just such situations.

It would be just as funny as Shut the Hell Up Gum, which everyone always wants to try despite the implied pwnage.

The print ads invite users to hit uratarget.com, where other tongue-in-cheek fare will again generate wry smiles from the same sometimes-smoking 20-somethings who learned in 5th-grade that smoking can lead to unsightly throat holes and emphysema. But hey, we'll quit when we're 25, so it's all good.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-14-07    
Topic: Cause, Good, Magazine

Haribo Heralds Hunting Season with Soft Squishy Sacrifices


This set of Haribo prints, created by Bedandbreakfast, appeared in all major men's magazines in Turkey when hunting season opened. We weren't sure at first what the red things were, but once we saw the images in the right size we experienced two overwhelming emotions:

1. Understanding
2. Alarm

Those groping hands just reek of malice. The worst part is, we can't decide whether to swear off gummy bears in defense, or buy a pack right now. Because come on, the red ones are best.

And then it hit us: Men's magazines? Really? We would never have guessed.

Check out the third print variant.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-14-07    
Topic: Magazine, Strange

Patron Can Be Epic in as Few as Two Blinks

Patron 1.jpg

Sometimes a return to basics can be as glamorous as when they first appeared. Consider what an event it was to see Gone with the Wind in the theatres, way back when. Consider what an event it could still be.

To be fair, Patron isn't an epic love story. But rightfully, it leaves epic tales to Smirnoff and dazzles us old-school, in Hollywood of all places, with this star-lit changing billboard.

First part at left, second part here.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-14-07    
Topic: Brands, Good, Outdoor

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