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Hoard the Hangovers, SXSW Interactive Kicks Off


First in a series of articles by Ariel Waldmen covering the famed SXSW Interactive Show in Austin.

South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive kicked off on Friday with a panel dedicated to "pop the cherries of the SXSW virgins". The How to Rawk SXSW panel was headed up by a variety of familiar names and faces, including Min Jung Kim (Photobucket), Glenda Bautista (Agendacide), Tantek Celik (Technorati), Nick Douglas (Look Shiny, formerly Valleywag), Andrew Huff (Gapers Block), Lynne d Johnson (fastcompany), and our friend Tony Pierce (LAist). Sharing swigs out of a bottle of Jack Daniel's the panelists calmed the crowd's expectations.

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by Ariel Waldman    Mar-10-07    
Topic: Industry Events

Southwest Tubes, Dial Takes on Axe, Rachael Does Dunkin'


- Look! Look! Another YouTube video contest turns into an ad campaign! This time it's Southwest Airlines who's awarding the winner of its December contest with placement during NBA playofs in April. Are you just oozing with anticipation?

- Dial thinks it can get a piece of Axe's body spray action with the introduction of its RX Bodyspray. While Brandweek's Constantine von Hoffman thinks Axe's advertising has been "highly sophomoric," we'd choose to categorize it as highly successful. Dial has an uphill battle on this front.

- Eesh. Now we have to endure Rachael Ray in Dunkin' Donuts ads...through 2010!

- Massachusetts retailer Jordan's Furniture is offering a full refund to anyone who buys furniture before April 16 if the Red Sox win the World Series.

by Steve Hall    Mar-10-07    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity, Video

Laxative Company Makes a Big Demonstration Out of Paris


Microlax gets intimate with its surroundings with this clever laxative campaign by JWT Paris. Very cute.

Makes our stomachs feel a little funny, though. The thought of a resistance-free tube leading the way from throat to derriere does not the most comfortable feeling make.

by Angela Natividad    Mar- 9-07    
Topic: Good, Guerilla, Outdoor

Adrants Hits San Francisco for Diversity Conference


Continuing what we started in New York last November, the Advertising Industry Diversity Job Fair and Leadership Conference (take a breath) will take place, again, in San Francisco Tuesday the 13th. The show is free for students and job seekers. You can read all about it here.

After a morning keynote with Larry Harris of Draft FCB, Adrants, in the form of me, Angela Natividad, will be moderating a panel on what it's like to work in advertising and marketing. Panelists will include Larissa Acosta, General Manager at Dieste Harmel and Partners; Gay Gaddis, President and CEO of T3; and Rodney Withers, VP/Director, Interaction Design, Creative, Modem Media.

Come by and say hello. The event promises to be educational and we're occasionally less snarky in person. Only occasionally, though.

by Angela Natividad    Mar- 9-07    
Topic: Industry Events

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Calvin Klein Wants In 2 U


Aside from the obvious mis-steps such as the use of IM vernacular and Flash which makes impossible the ability to link to specific content within the new site for Calvin Klein's CKin2U perfume as pointed out by Adland, does anyone else look at this visual of a guy pressing up against a girl and read CocK in 2 U? We thought not. Which is why we have the dirty mind and you don't.

UPDATE: There's an online social networking site that accompanies the campaign.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 9-07    
Topic: Brands, Strange

Norwegian Model Assures All Her Boobs Are OK


The music industry is insanely competitive and those hoping to get by need to have an effective shtick. Some work and others do not.

One gimmick that never seems to exhaust itself is the liberal showcasing of jugs. That's the prop Norwegian model Lene Alexandra Oien is leaning on to set off her blossoming music career. Check out her single, My Boobs are OK, and you'll get the gist. She even has an animated version of herself, a handy optical illusion Mariah Carey invented in Heartbreaker.

Word on the street is Lene had some kind of car accident, after which she stepped out of her vehicle and announced to surprised onlookers that her boobs were OK. Well, you can't really attack a chick who knows exactly what assets she brings to the table.

by Angela Natividad    Mar- 9-07    
Topic: Celebrity, Video

Project Agency Says Cheating is Good For the Relationship


Likening an agency/client relationship to a marriage contract but acknowledging things or permanence can sometimes be droll, boring and, well, just not that much fun, project agency Tattoo Projects in encouraging brands to stray. Just a little. To have a fling, some fun, some action to spice up your life. In fact, Tattoo Projects' approach - providing that pent up and much needed occasional release - might actually curtail the wildly increasing divorce rate between clients and agencies.

So don't make a big move that will ruin your life and cause you to say fuck off to your client or agency. No. Just have an affair. Stray a little bit. Cheat, if you will. According to Tattoo Projects, it's a very healthy thing.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 9-07    
Topic: Agencies, Good

Peter Potty Teaches Pre-Pubescents How a Papa Peter Pisses


Because all great men should start as "little stand up guys," Peter Potty pushes its stand-and-flush toddler urinal for people who want to train their tiny soldiers how a real man takes the piss.

If you think the product's total genius, an on-site Oprah banner allows proud mums to nominate it as a gift. Chances are a slew of nominations will put the man-making Peter Potty into a pipeline for products Oprah can claim to love insatiably on her next special. We're really looking forward to seeing her gush about this one so do cast a vote.

by Angela Natividad    Mar- 9-07    
Topic: Strange

Adrants to Rant About Social Media on ad:tech Panel


On April 24 at 4PM during the ad:tech conference in San Francisco, the topic of personal and social media as it relates to brand personality will be discussed on a panel led by Ogilvy PR Interactive Marketing VP Rohit Bhargava. The panel will consist of PodTech Director of Corporate Media Strategy Jeremiah Owyang, AskNinja Co-Creator Kent Nichols, N-Gage Web/Social Integration Manager for Nokia Karl Long and yours truly, Adrants Publisher Steve Hall.

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by Steve Hall    Mar- 9-07    
Topic: Announcements, Industry Events

Newcastle Makes Billboard Debut with Smoothness Authority Campaign


Newcastle dips its toe into national print media with a gargantuan effort orchestrated by VitroRobertson. To add personality to the popular brown ale they're focusing on out-of-box interactive efforts, like these smoothie and tango ads promoting the beer's smoothness.

Billboard-to-print versions like Snake Farm and Golf Academy present the interactivity opportunity with phone numbers that, when called, allow consumers to audibly experience a smoothness authority lauding the beer.

Our local library had a similar call-in service for children who wanted stories read to them but whose parents were too busy. We hope there isn't any confusion. Imagine the potential havoc of all those latchkey kids calling beer people for a soothing morality tale.

by Angela Natividad    Mar- 9-07    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Magazine, Outdoor

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