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42Below Held Its Cocktail World Cup


This past weekend, New Zealand vodka maker 42Below held its its 42Below Cocktail World Cup.which took place in the mountains of Queenstown New Zealand and involved bungee jumping, rafting at 80 MPH and sliding down snow covered mountains all while mixing drinks. It's yet another way the cheeky vodka maker has a bit of fun while, at the same time, gaining some publicity. For the event, 42 bartenders from around the world battled it out. Winners will be named September 16 at the Cocktail World Cup Finals.

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by Steve Hall    Sep- 9-06    
Topic: Good, Guerilla, Promotions

Koch Media's Crusty Demons Culture Jammed


Heeding the culture jam call, Dr. Strangelove took it upon himself to have a little bit of fun with the recently launched Koch Media Crusty Demon online promotion by editing together the various tattoo strip videos the site enables people to make. If you want to get the full force of the Crusty Demon promotion all in one sitting, check out Dr. Strangelove's creation. It's good. The music bed is also the creation of Dr. Strangelove.

by Steve Hall    Sep- 9-06    
Topic: Good, Online, Promotions, Spoofs

Wearing a Condom Makes A Big Difference


With the tagline "you have no idea what a difference that makes" applied to both sex without a condom and the choice between living healthy or living with AIDS, this video showing two men in the throes of getting it on sends a powerful message and hopes to raise awareness in the country of the increasing spread of HIV in the gay community.Created and released virally on the web by AddictAD, the video has been viewed 200,000 times since launching less than a month ago. A heterosexual version is planned as well.

by Steve Hall    Sep- 9-06    
Topic: Good, Video, Viral

Trash Trucks Are The New Green


While we're quite sure, if given the choice, most waste management companies would be happy as a dog tearing apart a trash bag full of food to simply dump their waste in a good 'ol dump of yesteryear. But with the rise in environmental awareness and creation of lengthy rules defining exactly what trash is and what isn't, waste management companies like the appropriately named Waste Management must now adhere to these strict guidelines and appear to be as green as Greenpeace when it comes to the environment. So it is without surprise, in this commercial, we see a great green Waste Management truck doing the winding mountain road thing alongside a flying bird and "lush expanse of green" as if the truck were right at home with nature. The spot was created by Fogarty Klein Monroe and directed by Plum Productions' Eric Saarinen.

by Steve Hall    Sep- 9-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good

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Abuse Is A One Man Fight


Just when you begin to wonder WTF is going on in this commercial, One Man Fight, which shows one boxer getting the crap beating out of him by another, you realize there's an important message here from Amnesty which reports one in two women murdered are killed by their male partners, often during an ongoing abusive relationship.

by Steve Hall    Sep- 8-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Axe Says Two Average Women Make One Hot One


In typical Axe fashion, here's another commercial that, again, illustrates wearing Axe deodorant makes a guy a babe magnet. Though instead of Axe attracting existing hotties as in prior ads, this ad shows how the deodorant transforms seemingly average women into super babes by combining the best features of the two into one. Of course, the whole ad just reinforces the impossible-to-live-up-to stereotype of the perfect woman by demeaning women at the same time. Oh it's just an ad. Let's not get all over analytical here and just enjoy the transformation into hotness.

by Steve Hall    Sep- 8-06    
Topic: Commercials

Bloomberg Wants to Ban, Restrict Outdoor Advertising


While it won't effect Times Square, New York's Bloomberg administration is moving forward with efforts to enforce Local Law 31, a 2005 law that restricts certain types of outdoor advertising structures which were built after 1979. The City wants to dismantle 50 to 60 percent of the boards, reduce the size of others and place restrictions on those that remain. Reacting to the move, OTR Media Group President and CEO Ari Noe said, "Banning billboards and scaffolding signage will cause a significant financial loss for many different sectors of the economy - property owners, local businesses, union labor, advertising agencies and advertisers," Particularly hurt by this move would be stores who are undergoing renovation and who advertise on the scaffolding to make sure people know they are still open for business. While it might be everywhere, outdoor advertising to us is the least invasive and annoying ad medium of them all. They just sit there, You don't have to look at them and they don't interrupt programming as literally every other form of advertising does. isn't there still crime here in the city that needs to be dealt with instead of this minutia?

by Steve Hall    Sep- 8-06    
Topic: Bad, Opinion, Outdoor, Policy

Svedka Vodka Taunts Politicos With Fembot Future


Svedva, that vodka company with the fembots, has placed a billboard at Houston and Lafayette in New York which is across from the Puck building where political events are held. The billboard reads, "Madame President and her first lady serve Svedka at all official state functions." Witty.

by Steve Hall    Sep- 8-06    
Topic: Good, Outdoor

Vonage Has Answer For Bowel Phone Placement


Adrants reader Lisa adds to our growing list of contextual advertising oddities with this odd Vonage ad placement in a story in, oddly enough, Reuters' Oddly Enough, about the odd placement of cell phones inside the human body. If you were wondering, a cell phone, apparently, does fit up your ass as proved by four prisoners in an El Salvador jail. It's too bad the four prisoners weren't able to see this news story about how their anal activities were discovered which had an ad for Vonage's much slimmer, more bowel friendly keychain phone next to it. Of course, the keychain phone requires the use of a PC which we are certain is not bowel friendly.

by Steve Hall    Sep- 8-06    
Topic: Online, Strange

Travel Site Wants Your Ads


To call attention to its all-in-one travel site, Kayak is running a contest in which people can submit ads for the service and if the company likes it, it will fly the creator to New York to have it professionally produced. There's already 400 ads people have submitted hosted over at YouTube.

by Steve Hall    Sep- 8-06    
Topic: Consumer Created, Good

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