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Code Word Gets Ten Percent Off Weed


In the LA Weekly, an ad for The Farmacy promises to give ten percent off the purchase of "medical marujuana" to anyone who uses the code word "Got Medicine." Don't everyone storm the place at once.

by Steve Hall    Aug-11-06    

Purell Eases The Dreaded Public Restroom Ick Factor


It happens on those long road trips with six of your best friends on the way to a river rafting trip in the middle of nowhere. It happens on those long car rides with the family heading to grandma's house. It happens when you're in the middle of a six hour drive to visit your girlfriend whom you haven't seen in a week and can't wait to jump on top of her the second you see her. It happens when you find yourself on the seedier side of the city. Yes. The dreaded public restroom. Covered in filth. Infested with flies. Dimly lit like a scene out of a horror movie. We've all been though the experience of tiptoeing around the restroom taking extra care not to touch anything. For women, there's the aerial pee position. This commercial for Purell puts you smack in the middle of this nightmare.

by Steve Hall    Aug-11-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Ad Women of Excellence Honored, Stupid But Fun Awards Needed


Well, it seems everyone's got some kind of award for something in this industry. It must be all that childhood self esteem training run amok and rearing its ugly head in adulthood. Anyway, Boards magazine is honoring woman "who have made significant creative and business contributions to the international advertising and commercial production communities." They will be highlighted in the magazine's September issue as well as at a celebration in New York.

Hmm. With all this intelligence on display, maybe Adrants should launch something a bit less intense such as, oh, the Hottest Men of Advertising or Advertising Agencies' Most Beautiful Women or a Cannes Six Pack And Racks Contest. Oh but wait, that would make the outside world think we're even bigger buffoons than those hipsterific folks over at Agency.com. It sure would be fun though. Anyone interested?

by Steve Hall    Aug-11-06    
Topic: Industry Events, Opinion

YoungGuns Cures Tired Creatives In Preparation For Award Show


The YoungGuns International Advertising Awards group is up to their insightful foolery again to promote the organization's upcoming award show. The site offers creatives who worked themselves to the bone with a multitude of tests and therapies such as a downloadable phlegm test, a Haemorrhoids chart and information on ulcers. There's a nurse to help creatives thourgh the process and there even...who knew...a call for entries form in their too. Witty.

by Steve Hall    Aug-11-06    
Topic: Good, Industry Events, Online

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George Parker Sticks It to Madison Avenue with New Book


Advertising's most lovable curmudgeon, George Parker of AdHurl and AdScam fame has finished his book, MadScam: Kick-Ass Advertising Without the Madison Avenue Price Tag which is sure to ruffle a few feathers as it Parker reveals the inner working of the ad agency business, it's over reliance on the cool and its seeming inability to focus on what's important: The Idea. If you've read either of Parker's sites, you know this book will be like a bad burrito that's decided to set up house in your intestines while it turns the innards of the agency business inside out. if you dare, you can pre-order it on Amazon here. It's not out until December. You can read the book's preface, written by Ogilvy & Mather VP and Global Creative Director Steve Hayden here.

by Steve Hall    Aug-10-06    
Topic: Agencies, Publishing

We Apologize In Advance For This Story


A promise was made never again to write about a million dollar homepage but when Jim Kukral sent us his version, it had just the right amount of whack job appeal, we felt we couldn't pass. You, of course, can call us names and send us spam for wasting your time with this if you want. Anyway, here's the deal. Pay Jim and his partner one dollar and you get a domain name "(fill this in).isreally awesome.com. Yea, yea, it's dumb but hundreds of people are parting with one dollar bills to buy URLs like MyThong.isreallyawesome.com, MyDog.isreallyawesome.com and MySpace.isreallyawesome.com.

OK, feel free to lob all manner of "meh," "yawn" and "you just wasted three minutes of my life" in Comments.

by Steve Hall    Aug-10-06    
Topic: Online

Czech Apple Store Hotter Than American


One Adrants reader - and Apple employee - sent us this link to the Czech Apple Store and wonders why the American Apple store can't be as racy and alluring. Well, we have the answer. It's this thing called political correctness. Heaven forbid the American Association of Woman Against Bikinis Blatantly Plastered on Websites As Eye Candy group sees this and gives Apple a call.

by Steve Hall    Aug-10-06    
Topic: Trends and Culture

Human Rights Campaign Says Be Nice


Here's a collection of human rights ads from Youth For Human Rights International which teamed with the Church of Scientology to create 30 PSAs, each of which focuses on a specific "human rights rule." Human rights aside, these ads just remind us how it's just much better to be nice to other people than to be mean.

by Steve Hall    Aug-10-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good

Gwyneth Goes to Africa


Copyranter thinks Gwyneth Paltrow is far too white for this Keep A Child Alive ad in which she dons African apparel above the headline "I Am African." And just so we're sure we understand his opinion, he writes, "Cheers to you that you support a very worthy cause. BUT, allow someone else to do the ads. You'd survive about 10 minutes in African bush. And, you just look completely and utterly ridiculous."

by Steve Hall    Aug-10-06    
Topic: Celebrity, Magazine

Boy Baby Borrows Car, Meets Girl baby, Goes Surfing


Hmm. In New Zealand, they call a Hyundai a hyoonday. Interesting. Anyway. Brent found this ha-yoon-day commercial in which two babies hook up and drive to beach and surf. It's just weird enough to be good. Well, at least we think so. You watch it and let us know.

by Steve Hall    Aug-10-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

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