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Obesity Solved With Head Whack


Now here's a spot junk food poster child McDonald's hopes doesn't get too many GRPs. Advertising for Peanuts has a commercial for the American Obesity Task Force which is witty, hilarious, stupid, weird and informative all at the same time. If the spot works, we might have to stop using that McDonald's fat kid because there won't be anymore obesity to write about.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 4-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Yippee Kayay Mother F'er Says 'Guyz Nite' For 'Die Hard 4'


One tipster wonders if the timing is a might bit too coincidental between the announcement of Bruce Willis' return in Die Hard IV with the release of Die Hard by the band Guyz Nite. We do too. The song and the accompanying video take us though the trilogy with energetic choruses like "We're gonna die, die, die, die hard" and the classic "yippee kayay motherfucker." It's hilarious. And we wouldn't be the least bit surprised if, in the process of making this video, a few dollar fell out of 20th Century Fox's pocket and into the pockets of Guyz Nite band members. Great marketing, 20th Century.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 4-06    
Topic: Celebrity, Good, Video

ICRC Says Abuse Grows Hatred


This commercial from the International Committee of the Red Cross (not the American Red Cross) highlights issue of wartime prisoners and how the treatment of those prisoners at places like Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay fuel hatred

by Steve Hall    Aug- 4-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Agency Creates World's Largest Balloon Fight For Xbox Ad


Attempting to capture the "real life gaming experience of the new Xbox 360, Sydney agency Lava Communications created a commercial centered around the world's largest water balloon fight on Cooge beach in Sydney for a commercial. It looks like the shoot was a lot of fun and, yes, it does end with the proverbial "people forming letters" skycam shot. Still, we like it.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 4-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Online, Television

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Chipotle Honest About Serving Dead Animals


It isn't usually expected that a restaurant be so honest in its ad campaign as to admit the product it serves kills animals but that's exactly what part of this Chipotle campaign does in a humorous manner. The campaign tag, "Honest Ingredients," ha s double meaning. It refers to Chipotle's goal of serving only meat that is "naturally and humanely raised and free of added growth hormones and antibiotics." It also refers to the company's progress towards these goals as reported in the print advertising, which states that given current availability and market pricing, "all Chipotle pork, about one-half of Chipotle chicken, and about one-third of Chipotle beef meet these standards." Check out all the creative here.

You can even create your own billboard copy at this site which has nothing to do with the company other than to have some fun with the ads.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 4-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Consumer Created, Good, Magazine, Newspaper

Avis Sponsors New York Yankees, Try Really Hard


We all know Yankee fans are a rabid bunch but Avis, who is 'The Official Car of the New York Yankees" is even more rabid. They're not just corporate sponsors. They're fans. Two spots created by McCann New York and produced by Reginaldo make that points in a quirky but clear manner.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 4-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good

The Glue Network Build Worldwide Fundraising Bridge


Conjuring up that proverbial image of the 60's and all that hippy-dippy flower power stuff, The Glue Network has launched The Bridge, a fundraising project which builds a virtual bridge across the globe to help those in need. For each virtual mile a person adds, the sites sponsors (Adobe and Quicksilver among other) will donate money to a cause of your choice. The work was created by JUXT Interactive.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 4-06    
Topic: Good, Online

Basketball is For Dicks


We'd venture to say the University of Nevada, Las Vegas might want to consider some sort of re-branding as this image of USA Basketball versus Puerto Rico Indicates.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 4-06    
Topic: Strange

Chrysler Bites Back At Ad Age Over Ask Dr. Z Campaign


Chrysler is mad as hell at Advertising Age and isn't going to take it any longer. Reacting to a story by Jean Halliday on Chrysler's Ask Dr. Z campaign in which she pretty much trashes the campaign saying it didn't do much for the automaker, Jason Vines wrote an article on the company's The Firehouse press blog entitled "Truth Takes A Halliday." In the article, Jason lays out data which contradicts Halliday's article and claims the campaign is doing just fine. Since, in the inimitable wisdom of Vines who publicly promoted the blog when it launched but limited it only to "known and established media organizations," we can't link to the story so we'll just reprint it in its entirety here until Jason asks us to remove it. You'd think he'd want more than just press to see this good stuff. And Jason, we're not anonymous. Just click the About link above.

more »

by Steve Hall    Aug- 4-06    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Research

Wool Keeps Your Ass Warm


Likely a spoof or a sick twisted joke by a local farmer, this billboard reverses the whole men and sheep thing, adds a pig and calls it good by all the tagline, "Keeping You Ass Warm Since 1856." Hilarious. And really dumb.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 3-06    
Topic: Outdoor, Strange

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