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MySpace Profile Redirects to Porn Site


Take a trip over to Lindsey's MySpace page and you'll be surprised at what you find. An Adrants readers woke up Saturday morning with 27 new friend requests, on of which was Lindsey so he decided to check her out. When he did, as soon as her page loaded, he was redirected to newxvidz.com, a porn video site. It seems some enterprising porn vendor has found a way to redirect MySpace pages tto sites selling porn videos. Yup, just one more thing for marketers eager to tap the MySpace audience to worry about.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 8-06    
Topic: Bad, Online

People Don't Care if Your Marketing is 'Green'


If your planning on playing the green card (not the immigration one) in our marketing, you might not want to bother. A recent study from Landor Associates finds 58 percent of people don't give a crap about environmentally friendly practices such as recycling, social responsibility or the use of natural and organic ingredients. The study only surveyed 510 people over 18, hardly a representative sample of the country, but indicative of America's environmentally lazy attitude. The only ting that will force people to give a crap about this is to force every town in America to deal with their own wast rather than ship it off to some far away "transfer station." Oh wait. We tried that.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 7-06    
Topic: Research

Ad Execs Try to Get Their Cool Back in Fox Movie


Apparently, Hollywood has an advertising movie trend in the making. In April, we reported Desperate Housewives's Eva Longoria would star in Deep in the Heart of Texas, a movie about a snotty Beverly Hills diva who gets uprooted and moved to San Antonio to head her ad agency's new Hispanic division. Now, FOX just purchased a script written by Derek Guiley and David Schneiderman (Chasing Liberty) which, as the logline explains, will focus on "Four out-of-touch advertising executives (who) decide to take a seminar class in order to get back in touch with what is "cool," and they end up in a high school and find themselves falling into the roles they were in as teenagers." It sounds stupid but if done well, it could be funny. Of course, the realities of our business will, as always, be butchered and misrepresented.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 7-06    
Topic: Agencies

Absolut Launches Musical to Promote Ruby Red Vodka


To promote its new Ruby Red, Absolut has launched Ruby Red the Musical, an animated online "musical" that lets the viewer choose how they'd like the musical to proceed in the next scene. At the end of the show, the musical can be downloaded to PSP or iPod and there are wallpapers to slap on the desktop. There;s also a send to a friend feature and the option to view the musical a different way.

With an endless list of flavored vodkas already crowding the liquor store shelves, I guess something odd like this is needed to call attention to yet another flavor. Arounf here, we just like our martinis with unflavored gin.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 7-06    
Topic: Good, Online

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LittleMissMatch Contest Achieves Free Publicity And Sock Revenue


LittleMissMatched, the company that knows socks always get lost in the dryer and sells socks in sets of three rather than two is hosting a short film contest in which anyone can submit a one minute film that highlights a person's creativity and individuality. The only requirement is that entrants must use two LittleMissMatched socks in the film although they don't have to be the feature of the film.

The contest will be judged by Ad Age's Jonah Bloom, music video director Shane Drake, commercial director Rafael Fernandez, producer and director Liz Garbus, ATTIK Creative Director Wayne Hanson, Teen People's Hayley Hill, writer and director Rob Pearlstein and Kirshenbaum Bond + Partners President Aaron Reitkopf.

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by Steve Hall    Jul- 7-06    
Topic: Consumer Created, Good, Online, Promotions

Fitness Company Leaves Boring Health Club Imagery Behind


Draft New Zealand has created a campaign for fitness company Les Mills International that steers clear of typical health club imagery in favor of striking images that promote individual aspects of the health chain's offering. From weight lifting to martial arts to balance (whatever that is) to cycling, the chosen images catch attention far better than your average health club image. You can see all the ads here.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 7-06    
Topic: Good, Poster

Outdoor Posters Encourage Artistic Expressions


Instead of encouraging people, as they previously did, to steal things from a billboard, Vancouver's ReThink has created an outdoor poster installation that encourages people to place things on the posters which have been outfitted with pedestals to hold things. The work, which carries the tagline "art that you can feel," is to promote Sculpture Biennale, an art show, made it possible for passersby to become artists as well.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 7-06    
Topic: Guerilla, Outdoor

Volkswagen to Host ZSG Block Party in Miami


Organized by as*itive, Volkswagen is sponsoring a block party in Miami to benefit Alonzo Mourning Charities. The event, called the ZSG Block Party, is being held in conjunction with the 10th Annual Tyson Foods Zo's Summer Groove at the American Airlines Arena from 1PM to 6PM July 16. VW is the Official Vehicle of the event and will provide cars and drivers to transport invited guests, celebrities and athletes, along with the event host Alonzo Mourning.

Volkswagen's theme will be carnival meets Mardi Gras featuring stilt walkers, steel drummers, jugglers, a magician, tattoo and caricature artists, cotton candy, snow cones and a dunk tank. Miami DJ¹s and radio personalities from WEDR-FM will also be onsite throughout the day. In addition to trivia contests and raffles for seat upgrades at the game, there will be an autograph session with Alonzo in the VW tent.

Radio advertising, prize giveaways,promotional street teams and Rabbit, GTI, Jetta, Passat and Toureg test drives will lead up to the event.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 7-06    
Topic: Events

Paramount Buffoons Kill Movie's Free Publicity


Movie Marketing Madness tells the story of John Campea who runs The Movie Blog and his recent run in with Paramount. John had been hyping the Paramount movie [name withheld so as not to provide any undeserved publicity] by talking about the production of the film and posting images from the production. Like a bunch of clueless idiots, Paramount execs did some very silly things. First, they asked John to remove a couple pictures from his site. John complied after making sure Paramount wanted to remove this publicity from the million people who read his blog. Yes, they did and so he removed them. Then the next morning, he found his site down which he later realized was due to a cease and desist letter sent from Paramount to his hosting company complaining about a third picture which Paramount never notified him about.

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by Steve Hall    Jul- 6-06    
Topic: Bad, Consumer Created, Weblogs

Journalist Still Loves Desktop Billboard Company


Tessa Wegert is at it again trying to convince us that people want to see ads on their desktops and that AdDiem's Digital Billboard, a company she wrote about last week that serves content and ads to a person's desktop, is something people would actually seek out and download. We didn't like it last week and we don't this week as she positions AdDiem's Digital Billboard as a custom publishing solution and gushes about that particular medium's benefits. OK. Last week, as the name indicates, it was a digital billboard. This week, that same company has somehow morphed into a custom publishing solution. Which is it Tessa and why would anyone want it?

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by Steve Hall    Jul- 6-06    
Topic: Bad, Desktop, Opinion

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