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Paris Hilton Makes Pointless E3 Appearance


Sarah Gim who writes for Joystiq attended the gaming conference E3 this week and caught Paris Hilton's appearance to promote her new Gameloft Paris Hilton Jewel Jam mobile game. Gim gives us the story on clueless PR reps, uninformed press, Hilton's need for 100 feet of clear space around her, the LAPD and Hilton's bubble-headed intelligence expressed by simple "Hello's" and Thank you's." Not to mention her screwing up the name of her own product during her intro. Anyway...

by Steve Hall    May-12-06    
Topic: Celebrity, Events, Games

WE Blogs, Virgin Mimes, BoldMouth Buzzes, Bluelithium Rocks


- WE is promoting the upcoming season of Bridezillas with a character blog featuring various polls, wedding tips, quizzes, wallpapers and all that crap.

- Virgin Mobile wants you to adopt a mime.

- A new study from word of mouth agency BoldMouth and research firm Osterman Research surveyed marketers on their word of mouth and buzz marketing practices. It's new, it's hard to measure but it seems to work.

- CoBRANDiT has a new video culled from those who attended the recent Portfolio Night IV.

- Bluelithium's release of its new AdPath 2.0 behavioral targeting product has provided advertisers with 200 - 300 percent increases in click-through rates.

by Steve Hall    May-12-06    
Topic: Cable, Events, Mobile/Wireless, Online, Word of Mouth

Alex Bogusky Discusses recent Work, Gets New Hair Style


Alex Bogusky talks to Business Week's David Kiley about his agency's work on Volkswagen, Miller Light and Burger King. Kiley's asked Bogusky about the recent VW crash ads and the controversy it created. Bogusky says he just ignoires the critics, doen't think about them during the creative process and thinks only about what will help the client move product. Oh, an he seems to have a new haircut. Check it all out here. We're not sure about "having a relationship with" a rabbit though.

by Steve Hall    May-12-06    
Topic: Agencies, Online

PETA Celebrates National Orgasm Day


PETA is calling attention to National Orgasm Day. The holiday has been celebrated in Brazil for a long time but is now, apparently, coming to America. Of course, PETA is saying red meat clogs the arteries therefore lessening the pleasure of one's orgasm. Leave it to PETA to latch onto anything that causes a bit of sensationalism.

by Steve Hall    May-12-06    
Topic: Good, Online, Promotions

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Virgin Mobile Dances With Devil For Calling Plan


Vancouver, Canada resident has collected a bunch of images on Flickr for a recent Virgin Mobile campaign promoting an after 6PM calling plan. The campaign consists of red 666 street postings which you can see here.

by Steve Hall    May-12-06    
Topic: Good, Guerilla, Outdoor, Poster

Kooky Dancing Suit Promotes New Nokia Music Phone


OK, I guess this is cool. Here's a site that promotes the Nokia N91 phone that can hold 3,000 songs. Of course, that probably mean 3,000 two minute songs versus 3,000 songs of actual normal length but that's not the point. The site features a guy in a suit that makes music when he moves. You can program the guy to do things, create a song and save your performance. Oh yea. There's screensavers (who the hell needs those anymore?), wall papers and mobile goodies.

by Steve Hall    May-12-06    
Topic: Online, Promotions

Video Collects Mindless Agency Blather


Here's a semi-funny video Buder Engel and Friends Partner/ Creative Director Vince Engel put together for his speech at the American Marketing Association's Vision Marketing Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia. It combines every piece of meaningless blather you've ever read on an agency website or heard an agency person speak. One day, we'll learn to leave all that meaningless blather behind and justsay what we do: "We help you sell shit."

by Steve Hall    May-12-06    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Spoofs

Creative Department Douchebag Raps


Here's something we all want to see. It captures every stereotype that defines that pompous, hipster dickhead next to you that calls himself a creative. Wallow in the hilarity of the Creative Department Douchebag by Pete Johnson.

by Steve Hall    May-12-06    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Strange

Agency Slams Own Ad to Gain More Publicity For It


Perhaps you've seen the Tango Clear spoof of the Sony Bravia ad which had colored balls roll down the hills of San Francisco. The Tango Clear ad does it with fruit and lots of it. Apparently, the ad, shot in Wales, has some residents in Swansea so upset, they've launched a cheesy looking website to protest against the damage all that fruit did in Wales and to state it will never happen in Swansea. Actually, a little Whois research points out the creators of the Tango Clear ad, Clemmow Hornby Inge, created the protest site apparently hoping to keep the fruit rolling a bit longer.

by Steve Hall    May-11-06    
Topic: Agencies, Commercials, Spoofs

Juan Show Pokes Fun At One Show


On the same day of the One Show Festival, this weird site called The Juan Show was launched that asks people to send in their ads for consideration by June 1st. Winners will be announced June 15. The URL is registered to Austin agency GSD&M and a call to the agency confirms the site is, in fact, a parody of the One Show. Just something to poke fun at the whole award show thing. On the site, there's a number you can call to leave a message for Juan. There's video reviews of ads by Juan. There's even a Cafe Press store full of hats, t-shirts and other stuff. Winners get a Gold Toothpick Award. We love it.

by Steve Hall    May-11-06    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Industry Events

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