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MySpace Gets Cleaned Up For Advertisers, May Wish It Hadn't


Because News Corp. is salivating over the potential millions in ad revenue advertisers eager to reach 60 odd million MySpace members may dump in its lap, the company is cleaning up MySpace, removing racy profiles and "offensive" images. It may all be for not as teens and twenty something will likely say "screw it" to News Corp's attempts at cleanliness and move to other social media spaces or create ones none of us has heard of yet. MySpace became a guerrilla overnight. It could fail overnight too. These days, it's too easy for people to gravitate to a place where they feel comfortable rather than put up with corporate censorship simply to please advertisers. It's the advertisers who will have to adjust rather than the corporations.

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 1-06    
Topic: Online, Opinion

Shoes On Dead People Promote Footwear Retailer


Euro RSCG Chicago has created a print campaign for its footwear retailer client O&I Shoes. The ads, which break Monday and focus on the retailer's fashionable but practical to wear line of footwear, carry the headline, "Comfortable Shoes You'd Actually Be Caught Dead In." With images of fashionable footwear-clad women on a morgue slab and in a coffin, we're betting this campaign just might give cause for the reader to pause a bit before turning the page. See both versions of the ad .

by Steve Hall    Mar-31-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Creative Commentary, Good, Magazine

Dworin Files Suit Against 'Ego-Maniacal' Deutsch


Back in February, we conveyed former Deutsch President Steve Dworin was suing Donnie Deutsch because he felt Deutsch had broken a "non-disparagement" agreement the two signed when Dwarin left Deutsch on 1994 becasue of things Deutsch wrote in he recent book, Often Wrong, Never in Doubt. Now AdWeek reports a formal document was filed yesterday in Superior Court in Union County, New Jersey suing Donnie Deutsch, Deutsch CEO Linda Sawyer and the agency for $56 million.

The suit proves to be juicy with Dworin calling Deutsch "emotionally unstable" and ego-manial," claiming Deutsch used drugs, claiming Deutsch was given the agency by his father "on a silver platter with a silver spoon," implying Deutsch was jealous of Dworin for making the agency successful, angry that Deutsch said hiring Dworin was "his biggest professional mistake" and claiming Deutsch overslept, missed meetings and shirked his responsibilities.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-31-06    
Topic: Agencies, Policy

Jenna Jameson's Boobs Promote Adidas Adicolor


This is whacked - as in whack-a-mole. Calling attention to its Adicolor customizable sneakers, Adidas, working with ad agency Idealogue and seven directors has released seven colorific videos, the first featuring none other than Jenna Jameson and her saline balloons.

by Steve Hall    Mar-31-06    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online

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ad:tech Joins ad:tech Party Scene


Adding to the already busy ad:tech Conference social schedule, ad: tech itself will host a Live Connect party at the upcoming San Francisco show. Dubbed the Grand Opening Extravaganza, the event will feature The Cheesballs, a performance troop, food and drinks. In conjunction with the party, ad:tech is also promoting its online community, ad:tech connect.

by Steve Hall    Mar-31-06    
Topic: Industry Events

Bush Wiretapping Billboard Under Fire


A billboard in Boston featuring an image of President Bush's eyes and the URL littlebrotheriswatching.com, which points to a site about the Bush administration's domestic wiretapping program, has come under fire from Massachusetts state Outdoor Advertising Board officials who sent the board owner, John Rosenthal, a letter stating, "You are directed to remove this billboard forthwith." Rosenthal, who also owns the 252 foot long antigun billboard along the Massachusetts Turnpike in Boston, feels he's "being scrutinized for encouraging free speech and democracy" because several state officials are now asking the OAB about the legality this waivered billboard - a board that's had grandfathered approval for the past 11 years. While all parties are denying it, Rosenthal and Boston Globe columnist Brian McGory wonder if there's political motivations behind these recent activities.

by Steve Hall    Mar-31-06    
Topic: Outdoor, Policy

Lynx Gets Guys to Click For Chicks


Objectifying women as only Lynx can and reducing them to a click on drooling guy's clickers, the company has teamed up with Har Mar Superstar to somehow tie all this clicking into a Click Chick contest to win a night in a five star London hotel along with stretch limo and a trip to a top London club. Hey, we supposes that's prize enough for navigating through the Flashturbation site and suffering Har mar's attempts at humor.

by Steve Hall    Mar-31-06    
Topic: Online, Promotions

Strange Clip Promotes BBC Programming Block


The Ebling Group's Convert has created a :30 promo and show open for The Underground, a new programming block on BBC America. The open tells the story of a rabbit and a mushroom which compete to see who can burrow underground the fastest. Both The Underground programming block features classic British soaps and popular new series like Footballers¹ Wives. It's weird. Very weird. See it here.

by Steve Hall    Mar-31-06    
Topic: Cable, Promotions, Strange

Boomers Boom, Gen X/Y Flat, Over 50 the New Black


It looks like all those twenty-something hipster agency creatives might have a tough time identifying with their client's target audiences over the next ten years. Remember those people we called Yuppies? Or baby Boomers? Well, that audience, which owned the 80's with their yellow ties and Wall Street aspirations is about to boot advertising's fave demographic, 18-49, to also-ran status.

Results released yesterday from Survey Sampling International review of Census data notes 78 million baby boomers will turn 50 over the next ten years increasing the size of the 50+ demo from 89.3 million in 2006 to 111.3 million in 2016, a 25 percent increase. In contrast, the 18-49 demo, while still larger overall, will see a measly one percent increase in size from 135.1 million in 2006 to 135.9 million in 2016.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-31-06    
Topic: Research, Trends and Culture

Data Addicts Anonymous Brings Levity to Boring Retail Data


Acknowledging that data can be pretty boring and suck the life out of anyone who has to live with it for their job, retail data company Trade Dimensions has launched Data Addicts Anonymous, a site the offers help for data dweebs who can't get their heads out of a spreadsheet. With a video that has a Dad locking himself away from his family to poor over data, a six step program for "data healing," motivational posters and treatment options, the site brings some levity to an extremely boring topic. We especially like the pixelated image on the site that speaks directly to a data hound's inability to "see the forest through the trees."

The site will be promoted within the retail industry with a print campaign and direct mail postcards. The work was created by Via Worldwide.

by Steve Hall    Mar-31-06    
Topic: Good, Online

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