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Annoyance And Humor Tackle Debt, Home Foreclosures


To counteract American's love for credit and denial of debt, the Homeownership Preservation Foundation had to demonstrate just how annoying debt can be in the only terms Americans can understand - annoyingly humorous television commercials. Addressing the 2.9 million home foreclosures that have occurred in the last five years, Minneapolis agency Colle+McVoy created two public service announcements that use annoyance to demonstrate just how annoying debt and it's result can be. The two spots, Loud Mouth and Annoying were directed by Brendan Gibbons of Los Angeles' Hungry Man Productions.

by Steve Hall    Feb-25-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

Golden Palace Makes Olympic Appearance


While we knew it was inevitable we just don't know why it took almost until the end of the Olympics for Golden Palace to unleash one of its streakers upon unsuspecting athletes and attendees. During a break in a curling match between the U.S and Great Britain, a chunky male with a Golden Palace tattoo and a rubber chicken covering his groin ran across the playing area. While the players thought it was funny and laughed, the referee thought differently and tackled the guy.

by Steve Hall    Feb-24-06    
Topic: Guerilla

The Hills Have More Than Just Eyes


Whatevs.org gets pitched by Fox Searchlight for its upcoming horror flick, The Hills Have Eyes, with a styrofoam-encased delicacy most, other than horror movie fans, would rather not see. See what's inside here.

by Steve Hall    Feb-24-06    
Topic: Direct, Good, Guerilla, Promotions, Specialty

Ad Babes (Oops, Women) Call Ad Pigs (Oops Men) Pigs


OK, we finally get it. This Pigs Anonymous thing. To promote the Advertising Women of New York's Good, Bad & Ugly Awards, Lowe created a site that calls men pigs. Oh but wait. We don't think anything's wrong with it. After all, men have been calling women bitches hoes and sluts for years. Payback's a bitch. Certainly, you've all noticed how men have to be the stupid one in all commercials now, right? That's payback for all they years men made women stand in front their refrigerator glorifying it as if it were some sort of Godlike orgasmatron needed because no man gave a crap about a woman having an orgasm in the fifties. So as an extension of Dad appearing to be a doofus in cell phone commercials, men can now appear to be sexist pigs on a site created by women who have years of pent up hate having been glorified as nothing but D-cups in a bikini catfighting in beer commercials. Oops, sorry. It's all a joke. We get it. Ha ha. Funny.

by Steve Hall    Feb-24-06    
Topic: Industry Events, Strange

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VW Un-Pimps Your Ride


As a follow up to its GTI Fast commercials, VW has unleashed another set called Un-Pimp Your Auto which, as the title eludes does just that with three spots bringing three pimped pimped out cars and their owners back to reality all while highlighting the new VW GTI Mk5. As a bonus, the ads feature that long haired dude from FOX's Prison Break who got offed last year. He needed a new gig anyway and he got one.

by Steve Hall    Feb-24-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Television

Pherotones Extends Campaign to Viral Video


Those crazy kids over at McKinney Silver have extended their Pherotones campaign, a guised promotion for Oasys Mobile to viral video with this clip seeded through Emily's Eatmail. While ringing cell phones in the middle of a wedding ceremony certainly cause reaction, the reaction to this ring tone...excuse us...pherotone causes a different sort of reaction with the groom.

by Steve Hall    Feb-24-06    
Topic: Viral

Someone Thinks Google Knows More Than They Should


While we've all heard Google promise to "do no evil," someone thinks otherwise and has created a version of Google's logo that speaks to the giant's mission of organizing the world's information and its new "remember what you've searched for" personalized search feature. Somehow, we don't think this logo's going to appear at the top of Google's site alongside all those other cute, holiday logos. Perhaps Booble might, with a few changes, like a logo like this. Hmm. Actually a bit of quick research reveals they already do and have one of their own.

by Steve Hall    Feb-24-06    
Topic: Spoofs

Fashion Label French Connection Rips Off Record Label Video


We're not sure how recent this is but In the vein of the Apple/Postal Service and Apple/Lugz rip offs, we've been made aware of yet another ad-related rip off. This time it's fashion label French Connection seemingly ripping off a video created by record label Groovecutters for a recent television ad. The rip off even uses the same actresses and the same setting which leads one to believe it's more of a wink/nod than a blatant rip off. No matter, Groovecutters has unleashed their legal department on French Connection so, no doubt, there will be some enjoyable bitching to come out of all of this.

The original Groovecutters video is here. The French Connection ad is here. A comparison is here.

by Steve Hall    Feb-24-06    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

Adrants Isn't The Only Place to Find Typos


Not that we have any right here at Adrants to comment on others' typos but, with help from It's All Advertising, we're going to do just that by pointing out a California Highway Construction billboard, the creators of which, found it a bit difficult to spell "dollars." Does there seem to be more typos these days or is is just due to the phone cam-Flicker-blog-YouTubeification of the world? Do tell.

by Steve Hall    Feb-24-06    
Topic: Bad, Outdoor

Diet Mountain Dew Says Don't Be Fooled By Name


Mountain Dew has launched a new campaign created by BBDO New York for its Diet Mountain Dew. The campaign, which breaks this weekend during NASCAR and in March issues of Sports Illustrated and FHM, consists of a television spot and four prints ads shot by Sasha Waldman which carry the headline, "Don't Be Fooled By A Name" and the tagline, "How Dew Does Diet." The television spot explores whether Diet Mountain Dew is as much of a thrill as regular Mountain Dew and the print ads, as the headline indicates, encourage people not to get hung up on the term "diet."

The print ads bring the message home clearly. The TV spot not so much. We had to watch it a few times before we realized the guy in the water with the shark was actually the guy drinking the Diet Dew. But that's just us. You can see all the print work here and the TV spot here.

by Steve Hall    Feb-24-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Magazine, Television

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